October - Rain or Shine??


New Member
Original Poster
We are considering changing our WDW trip from November to mid-October (Oct 15-22, 2006) and were wondering if anyone has been to Orlando in October and what the weather was like?

We have checked the weather on this site and it looks like the # of rain days decreases from September, but we were wondering if anyone has experienced the weather and possible rain first hand??



We always take our trips in October. The weather is usually perfect. The last 2 times we went, there was no rain the whole week there (except for Hurrican Wilma last year, but the parks were closed that day anyway, so we don't count that :animwink: ). We usually go the last full week and the temperature is usually in the low 80s during the day and around 60 at night. We've had trips in the past where there has been a few hours to a full day of rain, but usually not more often then that. It is a perfect time to go, because, although we've never gone, Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party is supposed to be really fun and the parks are not very full. I don't think we've waited much longer than 15 min for any ride. We'll be there October 22-27 this year and hope the weather is as good as usual (despite the hurricane last year!!!)

Hope this helps! :wave:


Active Member
The weather is usaully nice but it really depends on were a hurricane may or maybe heading...Last year yeah it was closed for Wilma but the 4 days before wilma were really bad. Barely no sunshine and a whole lotta rain. But like I said if there is no hurricanes within the area you should be good. Have fun!:wave:

I think we might go again this year for october if there is a hurricane I'll stay at resort because no electricity for 10 days in Miami really sucks!:hammer:


Active Member
I have been in October before-- it wasn't the weather that was the problem!!! It was really busy in 2003. I was thinking it would be slow--NO WAY!!! I asked a castmemeber they said that it was the busiest October in 10 years!!!! I guess it was because a lot of the southern schools were on fall break and Disney had a great deal going on-something like buy 4days get 3 free--I can't remember. You might want to check to see when the south kids are out of school-- to miss the crowds..I'm going in end of October 2007--hopefully won't be as busy.


New Member
Im planning to go also on october with my bf, and ive never been there on october, but ive read is one of the best months to go because its really quiet, and not too crowded...

Ive been on disney on january and its really cold, its good because its not too crowded, but the bad part is that some attractions are closed for maintenance...also in june and july...NEVER AGAIN!!...its sooo hot!!and sooo crowded!!!:hammer:


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
We've been there twice in late October. The first time the weather was great - upper 70's-low 80's and only one day of rain. The second time was last October, a few days after Wilma, and it sucked - 60's mostly, one or two days in the low 70's, and windy!


New Member
We're going from Oct 16 - 27 and are hoping for the best as well! I noticed a lot of people experienced GREAT weather in October. I am crossing my fingers for NO rain and LOTS of sunshine and HIGH temperatures! :king:


Well-Known Member
The weather in october is usually nice.. unless something is in the atlantic or gulf... then it can change at an instant...


New Member
Hey Chanty, my family and I will there the same time. I hope the weather is nice and sunny. We'll keep our fingers crossed too....maybe it will help! :wave:


New Member
What a coincedence! :wave: Well then, if we are all hoping for the best weather it should be GREAT! :sohappy:
We are keeping our fingers crossed all summer to get a HOT fall vacation :cool:

Greetz! Chantal

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