Well-Known Member
back on topic, I think maybe a time has come to expand Animal Kingdom's picnic program to the MK. Set up a way to pre-order sandwiches or Boston Market-type meals to go, sandwiches preferably. Between park benches, the tables at the never-open-when-I'm-there Noodle station, and, for the diehard park commando, eating while in line, having a pick-up window would probably do wonders to alleviate restaurant congestion. And the price would seemingly be 1 or 2 cms at the restaurant where ordered meals are prepped & bagged, and 1 or 2 cms to keep replacing the trash cans throughout the park that will inevitably fill up faster because of the extra to-go trash.
Heck, I'll take it one step further - every picnic meal comes with (probably unnecessary) fastpasses for the riverboat ride (I'm drawing a blank - the Liberty Belle?). This gives people a chance to eat and experience an attraction at the same time. It's a 15-20 minute ride, which would probably be enough time to eat a sandwich and some chips. And hell, plenty of people eat snacks on the boat already, so they have the CMs around to keep the boat clean anyway (at least it usually seems clean when I ride it).
I like that idea.
You could even serve them from over by the Noodle Station. that would encourage people to use those tables.