Well-Known Member
It is CMS like you that make me enjoy every minute of my vacation-THANK YOU.Just wanted to put in my two cents...
Either I'm a very perceptive 18yo or I just see what everyone else sees, but I thought I would try to provide some insight if anybody can gather any from my post. :wave:
I was a CP last year and I was cast at Pleasure Island in Admissions... If you don't really know what that is, it's basically consists of training the cast member on the island to check IDs, supply hand stamps and wristbands, and keeping an accurate count of how many people are in a club at a given time... When you think about it, PI is not the most glamorous place to work at the World and it is very hard to create magic with people who aren't really going to remember it the next day...
Anyways, I went into work everyday (running and) believing that my job was to become the highlight of each guests day... to make them go home and say "Gee, that CM at PI was really swell!" Of course, I know that that's not going to happen, but that's besides the point.
I've had my share of rude guests... Specifically, ones that were furious that they actually needed a ticket to get into the clubs during our "special event weekend" (GayDays). He was becoming threatening to three other cast members and myself... We were actually scared he was going to hit one of us... and I being the closest one to him physically, I was the first to get mentally worried... In the end, a manager just gave him comps... And I can understand why because we had such a line of guests out of Motion it was insane...
Being at PI you get a range of guests from the really sweet sober ones to the really drunk scary ones. I used to have at least 3 or 4 CMs a night asking me why I'm so happy and why I care about this job if I don't get paid much blah blah blah... I used to tell them that it's my job to care... The guests are just that... they're guests and I think they should be treated like that... and most of the time, the response from the CM was that they don't get paid enough to care.
I think it's sad that a lot of Disney CMs just see it as a job. I also think that when you work for Disney it should be magical... We create memories for our guests that they can't get anywhere else. We MAKE the magic! I mean, what's more magical than that?
As for the college program, I do agree with PieBald. I know that most of the friends and roommates I had during the program saw it as a chance to party all the time and complained EVERY day when they got home. Needless to say, those weren't really the people I hung out with.
I think it's awesome when you can find a friend on the CP program that loves Disney as much as you and loves to go to the parks to just watch all the magic take place...
Now that I've finished my ramblings... I'm going to go make a sandwich. :wave:
AS far as you manager comping the irate guy after you clearly went by the book-he was 100% wrong.Im in Mid level mgt with Target and have 17 years of management experience.He should have backed you and let the guest know not only did you do your job but he was thankful you did it so well.The angry guest wanted to getr into an event that was not free and all the others paid so he should tonce and a while WDW mgt does have to let people know its not a free for all at the kingdom.
And again Thank you:wave: