No wonder CMs are not happy


Well-Known Member
Assume the park is at capacity, park reservations not available. Every CM is one less regular guest
Unless it's at actual, real, it's a safety issue, we cannot have any more people capacity, then it's not a real thing. It's just some artificial capacity they're running at instead.

Unless we're saying the are so many cast members trying to get into the park on any given day they make up a meaningful percentage of the overall people in the park? Is there even enough to make up 1% of people in the park on any given day? Is 1 our of every 100 guests you see walking around really likely to be a cast member on their time off?

If that's the case, that 1% or more of park goers are actually cast members, then Disney has other problems. But, I'm sure it's an insignificant amount less than that.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member

Disney sells you park admission as part of your benefit package. My DD also has 3 silver passes as part of her package which she has been able to use ONCE in the past 2 years. On the twitter thread they reference, a Mom of a CP says her DD has been on the CP for 5 months and has yet been able to get into MK. No wonder why you hear the Cast attitude has changed. Who is going to want to do CP if you can't even get into the parks?

I mean, free park admission is a nice benefit - but wages that actually allow you to pay for the ever increasing cost of living in Central Florida might do more to improve cast moral than park admission.


Well-Known Member
Easy. Disney monitors these boards, and has terminated the employment of CM's who participate in them before.
Curious how they match a real name to a handle? is it that they somehow post revealing details about themselves? Can't be as nefarious as planting rumors and see if they pop up here...


Well-Known Member
It's been more like folks who leak photos in areas they are not supposed to.
Perhaps they send a subpoena over to WDWmagic for the IP.


New Member
If that's the goal, they're doing it wrong.

Providing cast members access to the parks costs practically nothing. I would even argue that it's actually nothing and completely free to Disney to do. None of them are "lost sales", since they're not buying tickets instead. The marginal cost to have one more guest is practically nothing. There's just not that many cast members who are not working and will be in the parks compared to the overall number of guests in the parks for it to make any significant impact. And, they'll spend some additional money while they're there.

At the same time, the benefit to the cast member has substantial value. Probably with an feeling approximating the value of a one day park ticket.

Meaning, Disney is spending almost nothing to give the cast member the feeling of a much larger reward. That's a good value transaction. Cutting it would save almost nothing while at the same time creating huge negative feelings and worker dissatisfaction. It's a poor cost savings tactic that will create greater staffing costs in the long run instead, negating any small savings.

There's a gazillions ways to abuse your workforce and save actual money. This isn't one.
Disney is all about maximizing profits any way it can. Allowing CM's into the park are "lost sales." If there is a capacity for the park, then every CM who is allowed in is (or potentially) taking a paying customer's spot. Is it insignificant compared to the overall picture? Sure. But it's a lost sale. I would say it's the same with AP holders and why there are blackout dates for them... It's nickel and dimes... but if there's a way to squeeze a few more... Disney will find a way to do it.

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