No Wishes CD


New Member
Original Poster
I wrote to WDW Merchandise Guest Services and asked about plans to release any kind of CD with the Wishes music on it. Here was the response I got.

"At this time we do not have any CD with the "Wishes" music on it. We do not have any information on plans for it in the future. I am sorry for any inconvenience."

So, nothing yet unfortunately.

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
I think I read somewhere on the boards that they haven't decided if they're going to put it on the WDW soundtrack or make a whole new soundtrack for the show!


Beta Return
Originally posted by ChefMickeyGrits
I wrote to WDW Merchandise Guest Services and asked about plans to release any kind of CD with the Wishes music on it. Here was the response I got.

"At this time we do not have any CD with the "Wishes" music on it. We do not have any information on plans for it in the future. I am sorry for any inconvenience."

So, nothing yet unfortunately.

Everyone keeps talking about "Wishes" and I feel like I've missed something. The last time I was at WDW was June of 03, and I don't recall any show being called "Wishes".

I apologize in advance for asking this, but what is "wishes"?


New Member
Wishes in the new (as of fall 2003) fireworks show at the Magic Kingdom, which is set to music. I had the pleasure of seeing it in November, and it is really spectacular. I video-taped it so I can hear the soundtrack on the tape, but an acutal CD of it would be great.

Jungle Skipper

New Member
That's really disappointing. Wishes was AMAZING..the soundtrack sent chills up my spine....:(

But never underestimate WDW merchandise...they've been known to come up with the unexpected. Here's hoping it will be out on cd in July!

Jungle Josh


Well-Known Member
Yeah I remember when the test shows back in late Aug and early Oct. CM's where crying it was so good

And seeing it with no one infront of you on main street was just unbelivable.

and still it has yet to get old.

I don't see what the big deal is really. They had they for the press event. Why can't they sell these until they figure out what they are going to do...


Park History nut
Premium Member

Im surprised Disney havn`t got the CD together yet - we all know how much they >lurve< merchendise opportunities! I would love to buy a mini album of it, and now its freely available in source quality on the net.... the same thing happened with the AWESOME soundtrack of DLPs Disney Cinema Parade.... they are just shooting themselves in the foot.


Well-Known Member
A whole CD of Wishes? Isn't it only about 10 minutes? Not saying that it would be a bad CD or anything, I bet it would be cool because they would add a whole bunch of extras :sohappy:


Active Member
I have been watching the free music download sites to see if it appears anywhere. I have just about everything else that appears on there.


Well-Known Member
OK attack me now but I didn't think Wishes was all that. I am a DL boy so nothing has even come close to Believe.... as far as the soundtrack goes. Some of the pyro was cool and better but the soundtrack was really a bit slow. Also there are times where the blasts and the music are almost the same as Believe.. But it was a good show, far and away better then what they had. Now if you want to talk about Illuminitions.....that is worth a trip right there!!!!



New Member
Originally posted by Jerm
OK attack me now but I didn't think Wishes was all that. I am a DL boy so nothing has even come close to Believe.... as far as the soundtrack goes. Some of the pyro was cool and better but the soundtrack was really a bit slow. Also there are times where the blasts and the music are almost the same as Believe.. But it was a good show, far and away better then what they had. Now if you want to talk about Illuminitions.....that is worth a trip right there!!!!


I agree with everything you've said, right there! Then again, I've only seen video of Wishes. But I'm a DL girl. And anxiously waiting for Believe to start up again this summer! "Remember... just believe!



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Jerm
Now if you want to talk about Illuminitions.....that is worth a trip right there!!!!
I totally agree with you, I absolutely LOVE everything about Illuminations. The music is great, the fireworks are great, everything is great! I love how they get the fireworks right in time with the music, its amazing.
I also agree with you about Wishes, it was very good, but it wasn't as good as I expected
:wave: Kevin


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Steamboat_Kevin
A whole CD of Wishes? Isn't it only about 10 minutes? Not saying that it would be a bad CD or anything, I bet it would be cool because they would add a whole bunch of extras :sohappy:

well, they have the 14 minute show to use, the pop version of the song that they play afterwards, and then they COULD use the Linda Rondstat song that they play after that... and it would be a great CD in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mkepcotmgmak
well, they have the 14 minute show to use, the pop version of the song that they play afterwards, and then they COULD use the Linda Rondstat song that they play after that... and it would be a great CD in my opinion.
Oh yeah, I forgot about all that. It WOULD be a great CD! :sohappy:


Ever hear of a single?

You don't need material for a full album to press a CD. I have a Picture/disk (vinyl) of MSEP that I bought years ago that was worth about $48 on ebay last time I checked. You just press the audio as a single. The full audio of Wishes runs about 18 minutes. That's how long my video shoot of it lasted from January.


Well-Known Member
Just happened to be listening to tonite and caught the full Wishes audio on Mouse World Radio, so it must be out there somewhere. Anybody seen a copy in the parks yet? Or the internet? I would love to have a copy.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by KevinPage
The Wishes soundtrack and ending song are available online. you just have to know LOW people in HIGH places :animwink:

:D :D :D :D

like Non-CM's with High post counts???




Well-Known Member
... Or people who know where to download it from. Im pretty sure its on the CD thats on the rug over there that i made for my friend. Well, it better be anyhow.

And Certainly disney would make a quick wishes CD. Thats 15 minutes of music sold for $20 bucks.

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