Your just listing things approved by different people for different reasons
Let's try to take this one by one:
DCA is getting refurbished because they can't get people into the gates
John carter of Mars is being made by Pixar they would have made this film anyway with or without Disney. Same for Toy Story 3 and 1906.
You mention King of the elves and I bet you don't know anything about it. (I have actually read the book)
PaTF didn't look good \ from the 15 minutes I saw but I am curious to see the financial results especially with Avatar opening a few weeks after it and appealing to the full spectrum of cinema goers.
Prince of Persia was greenlit by ________ Cook and his team that were fired. So if your praising Prince of Persia wouldn't you be praising the team you just badmouthed by saying it is good that they got fired? Same for Wonderland and POTC 4. Also firing ________ Cook cost Iger alot of good will in the entertainment industry.
What is going on with DTD? Did I miss an announcement?
Hawaii DVC is a bad thing. Disney's core competencies are animation, film, theme parks,and entertainment. Not real estate.
Acquiring Marvel was probably the biggest mistake of Bob Iger's career. Quite frankly he overpaid and will not be able to leverage the charecters like he wants to. They have zero control of the charecters and won't be able to make films or theme park rides. They would have to give huge payoffs to Fox, NBC Universal and Sony in order to even get some control.
I am in agreement with the other folks here. You just take half truths and mix them together with your own theories and present it as fact and that is why people here say you have no credibility. Keep in mind I haven't even described the state of the parks nor did I mention the poor business philosophy for Disney Channel, the studio, etc.
1. True.
2. Not really true. In terms of John Carter, Pixar is serving as nothing more then a visual effects company. Plus Disney could and was going to make Toy Story 3 without Pixar.
3. Not much is known about King of the Elves. It's still so far away. Rapunzel and Pooh are both in front of it.
4. I think PatF is going to be good. It for sure isn't the usual fairytale. It's very different. But I think it looks good as "modern" fairy tale Plus here is an early review. And for the record, PatF will be blown out of the water by Avatar IMO.
5. Credit is given when credit is due. Cook deserves credit for the good choices he made. Pirates and National Treasure being two of them. But he also takes the blame for bad films. GForce, Beverly Hills Chi., and the Hanna Montana movie. I think he made good choices with Persia, Wonderland and Tron Legacy. But he has had more misses then hit. And when that happens, no matter what friends or connections you have, it's time to make a change.
6. No clue. I dont pretend to be a WDW insider. I just read what others have to say.
7. I think DVC Hawaii is a cool idea. I think with Joe Rohde behind it, its going to be good. DVC is just Disney trying to expand its markets. Just a business descion.
8. Iger had to have known that he would not have complete use of the Marvel characters when he made the purchase. So my guess is that Iger bought Marvel with the major intent of profiting off of the sales of Marvel comics and merchandise. And in fact, have the power to license merchandise. Again, a business decsion.
9. I'll agree the parks are not in the best of shape. I'll say the Walt Disney Studios have had back to back bad film years. While Bolt was good in my mind and Wall-E was amazing, there really was nothing else there that did that good. But there is hope for 2010. PatF(even though its Dec 09), Alice, Persia, Toy Story 3, Rapunzel, and Tron Legacy all have the chance to be good and profitable. I don't like what they did with Disney Channel and I don't watch it. But it got people watching the channel again. Again, I don't agree with the path the went down, but it worked. If I watched it more, I'd probably dislike it more then I do.
As long as the Studio, er, I mean the synergized team of TWDC Executive mandroids, doesn't cancel any more fabulous future film franchises.
If Captain Nemo is what you are refering to, I doubt it would have been fabulous. After seeing Terminator Salvation and seeing the writers that McG was bringing in, and seeing how slow the process was going, my faith in the movie faded quickly.
Btw. If we are going to go on about the studio, Cook and Rich Ross, then we should really discuss it in the film section. I am guilty of hijacking this thread and going off into company and studio matters. If we continue we shoud do it in the film section and allow this thread to get back to discussion about 20K the ride; if thats ok with all.:shrug: