Night of Joy

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Active Member
Finally, I'm back at the hotel and cleaned up.

fizzle, no I didn't catch Steven Curtis Chapman or The Newsboys since I attended Red and Kutless who were performing at the same time respectively. Besides, I've seen The Newsboys and SCC numerous times and even had SCC over to my house once (but that's a story for another thread).

Tirian, they were celebrating NoJ's 25th anniversary this year.

The Mom

Premium Member
Folks, there are ways to express your opinion of NOJ without being sarcastic and rude, leading up to arguments of a personal nature.

A simple " MY experience has been that it is very crowded, with lots of kids running around without enough supervision to keep them out of trouble, doing things that are decidedly un-Christian" would have gotten the point across just as well, without sparking this bickering.

So, consider yourselves warned.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Sorry mom, but seeing my posts deleted, I would like to politely counter that my first post was neither sarcastic nor rude, but rather to-the-point. My second one, I'll concede, and do apologize and offer my apologies to scott and others offended by it.

In regards to my first post, I respectfully disagree, and I'm disheartened to see that some other members can't take a message that goes to straight to the point, rather than full of fluff.

Would it have been better if I had added a smiley? :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry mom, but seeing my posts deleted, I would like to politely counter that my first post was neither sarcastic nor rude, but rather to-the-point. My second one, I'll concede, and do apologize and offer my apologies to scott and others offended by it.

In regards to my first post, I respectfully disagree, and I'm disheartened to see that some other members can't take a message that goes to straight to the point, rather than full of fluff.

Would it have been better if I had added a smiley? :)
Thanks Rob, but no apology was necessary. I've been called worse than that. :wave:


New Member
Folks, there are ways to express your opinion of NOJ without being sarcastic and rude, leading up to arguments of a personal nature.

A simple " MY experience has been that it is very crowded, with lots of kids running around without enough supervision to keep them out of trouble, doing things that are decidedly un-Christian" would have gotten the point across just as well, without sparking this bickering.

So, consider yourselves warned.

Thanks Mom!:wave:

As always, you are the voice of reason.;)

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
As someone who worked Tomorrowland attractions on both night, I will offer the opinion that I've never had to deal with such a badly behaved group of guests.

They were loud, they were rude, they were innappropriate, they refused to listen to anything you told them, and they at times acted downright stupidly.

I eventually had to make a judgement call to hit the handpack on TTA and shut it down on the first night because it became tiring to have to get on the PA every 2 minutes to tell guests to sit down. Plus those that were taking advantage of the darkened tunnels (you know what I mean). The final straw became when they started jumping from car to car and eventually a group of them got out of the car and started walking the track (Away from intrusion mats, so the ride didn't e-stop itself).

On Stitch, they would remove the restraints and get out of the seats, forcing an automatic show stop and evac. They would also take flash pictures, open their cell phones, and scream so loudly throughout the entire show that I got a migraine on the first night. And yes, they are told several times not to take pictures and to leave cell phones away, so it was just blatent disobedience. Especially the issue with the restraints, as I had just told them to leave them down and they looked at me and did it anyways.

Astro had kids jumping out of the rockets as they launched running around the launch pad or in one case just standing there and making out.

Buzz eventually had to shut off the onride photos because they were capturing many unDisney happenings.

Monsters almost didn't run the second night, and I'm sure you can figure out why.

I was kicked, shoved, spat on, and cursed out on several occasions. We also had intrusions on TTA the second night, even though we left it closed. How they got up there, I have no idea.

All in all, it was an awful experience and I and my fellow Tomorrowland Cast Members could not be happier that it's over. Our coordinators eventually started calling it "Night of Hell".

On one positive note, hanging out with Flyleaf backstage was VERY cool, though even they seemed a bit confused as to why they were playing a Christian event.


New Member
On one positive note, hanging out with Flyleaf backstage was VERY cool, though even they seemed a bit confused as to why they were playing a Christian event.

awh, you're so lucky!! As for them being at a Christian event, their all amazingly devout Christians. Lacey always thanks God and Jesus for saving her life (she used to be very suicidal at one point until she went to church, you can see the story at so I'll stop there lol)
But anyways, a lot of their songs, although they don't specifically state they're about it, are about the band's faith. I think they're a truly inspirational band, and I'm sad that I haven't been able to see them live yet :(
This is why I hate living in this country haha, Both Evanescence and Flyleaf are yet to return :(

oh well, anyways, If I get the chance next year, if I'm studying over that side of the pond, i might come. I'm not exactly religious, but I still think a lot of faith-inspired musicians are pretty cool :)


New Member
Maybe going to the Night of Joy is fun, but working the night of joy is not. This weekend was my 2nd time doing so. A majority of the youth are not as well behaved as on a regular day/night, they don't listen and are downright disrespectful. It's a shame because what is supposed to be a fun and Christian event now has such a negative connotation for me.


New Member
As someone who worked Tomorrowland attractions on both night, I will offer the opinion that I've never had to deal with such a badly behaved group of guests.

They were loud, they were rude, they were innappropriate, they refused to listen to anything you told them, and they at times acted downright stupidly.

I eventually had to make a judgement call to hit the handpack on TTA and shut it down on the first night because it became tiring to have to get on the PA every 2 minutes to tell guests to sit down. Plus those that were taking advantage of the darkened tunnels (you know what I mean). The final straw became when they started jumping from car to car and eventually a group of them got out of the car and started walking the track (Away from intrusion mats, so the ride didn't e-stop itself).

On Stitch, they would remove the restraints and get out of the seats, forcing an automatic show stop and evac. They would also take flash pictures, open their cell phones, and scream so loudly throughout the entire show that I got a migraine on the first night. And yes, they are told several times not to take pictures and to leave cell phones away, so it was just blatent disobedience. Especially the issue with the restraints, as I had just told them to leave them down and they looked at me and did it anyways.

Astro had kids jumping out of the rockets as they launched running around the launch pad or in one case just standing there and making out.

Buzz eventually had to shut off the onride photos because they were capturing many unDisney happenings.

Monsters almost didn't run the second night, and I'm sure you can figure out why.

I was kicked, shoved, spat on, and cursed out on several occasions. We also had intrusions on TTA the second night, even though we left it closed. How they got up there, I have no idea.

All in all, it was an awful experience and I and my fellow Tomorrowland Cast Members could not be happier that it's over. Our coordinators eventually started calling it "Night of Hell".

On one positive note, hanging out with Flyleaf backstage was VERY cool, though even they seemed a bit confused as to why they were playing a Christian event.

They shouldn't be, they are very open about thier faith.:veryconfu

I remember when Evanescence first came out Amy and Ben were both very open about their supposed faith and they were marketed very heavily as a Christian band. Now they seem to hate the term. I realize that thier label(Wind Up) was primarily responsible for them being marketed in such a manner but to talk very openly about one's faith and then get upset because you are tagged as a "Christian" artist still boggles my mind. :hammer: To an extent I guess I can understand because Christian music has such a negative connotation to many people. As a whole I strongly believe that Christian Music has grown and matured tremendously both artistically and spiritually over the years but most people still won't give it a chance because they percieve it as "cheesy". Yes, there's still some "cheese" in Christian music but there's also alot of sincere,devoted and very artistically gifted artists making amazing music with a Christian worldview. Please don't judge the whole by the actions of a few.

Edit- Disney Expert, I wasn't aiming this at you, I'm sorry if it came across that way. I was just using your post as a springboard.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
I'm an amazingly devout christian. I just don't publicize it. I don't feel the need to. Faith is an amazing thing though. I just don't make mine known to people that don't need to know it. Less arguments that way :)


Well-Known Member
I heard a few horror stories from an Adventureland CM yesterday. It didn't sound like it was a whole lot better than Grad Nite.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
unfortunately, I've experienced both, and it's not. Don't let yourself be fooled into thinking, "hey, this is a christian event. Good wholesome christian kids will be there!"

They will be there. Along with bratty nasty kids getting dumped off by parents who feel that this event will do them good. All it does is create a bad environment. Unfortunately, the bad ones overshadow the good ones in this event, and it creates a considerably not fun event.


Active Member
I wasn't there on Friday, but was there Saturday. Steven Curtis Chapman was great as usual, and his new song "Cinderella" is really good. We had a great view with our orange wristbands and suprisingly, the area right in front of the stage was not crowded at all. I'm going to add pictures and video clips once I get a new Memory Stick Duo Adapter in the mail. Broke my old one by siting on it :(. As far as behavior, to be 100% honest, Cast Members like to expand on negative behavior. It's not really that bad. CERTAINLY not any worse than Grad Nite or Pop Warner. Anytime you get a bunch of teenagers together you're going to have issues.

We all know we were angels when we were teens, right? WRONG.

As far as Flyleaf goes, I was not impressed. Got into the first showing at 7:30 and wow, Lacy's voice is not nearly as impressive as the Flyleaf CD. I understand screaming takes a toll on your voice, but wow... the band was good though.


Well-Known Member
With an avatar that says "Shut up and do me", I'm suprised you were upset by the evenings happenings...

Interesting point.

As for the topic as a whole, I completely understand both sides here. I am part-time youth minister in a suburban/rural church. We attend these kinds of events here in Virginia sometimes (like Kingsfest at Kings Dominion).

My thought is that it is a great lesson for we who are Christian to tell about our witness. I just had our Youth Sunday service this morning (where the kids led everything and told about their summer, especially the about the mission trips and big events). The main theme for our mission trip this summer was "Whatever..., " taken from Colossians 3:17 ("Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus.) And another event focused on Romans 12:1-2 (which highlights your "spiritual act of worship" as "being transformed by the renewing of the minds").

I think stories like those above in this thread give us Christians a chance to teach how our actions definitely hurt the witness to our faith.



New Member
Notice how the posts of the people who ATTENDED the event were different than those that worked it. The cast members (like myself) were a little turned off at the experience, whereas the guests liked it. Those adults who attended probably hung out together and had a great time, checking in with their kids at certain times, but the times that they DIDN'T see those kids were probably when they were acting up.


Active Member
I worked both Grad Nite and NOJ (Security) and have a few observations.

There were many teenagers who were extremely well behaved at NOJ, but the mix seemed to be either well behaved or extremely rude. At Grad Nite the mix seemed to run from well behaved to very rude and this might be one reason the rude teenagers at NOJ seem worst than at Grad Nite. I had many teenagers ask for hugs, High Fives, and actually thank me for being there "protecting them" as well as those that were climbing on building, trees, etc. and refusing to listen (many would do what I said until I turned and left the area) causing problems on the attractions, etc.

Another issue is that many schools withhold dipolmas and graduation certificates until after Grad Nite to insure compliance with good (?) behavior.

No matter what, if you go to NOJ in the future please take care of yourself. We had many injuries and people who did not drink enough liquids. At one point in the evening we had four EMT units in the park working on five different guests (two were in the same group). Most due to running and not watching where one was going.

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
With an avatar that says "Shut up and do me", I'm suprised you were upset by the evenings happenings...

I didn't know my avatar was a judge of my character.

I live my life a certain way, yes... but I also have respect for people and would have NEVER behaved the way that these people did.

In short, I was appalled.

I also don't claim to be a Christian and then go do everything that Christianity is not at a CHRISTIAN event.

Personal jests are way cool, by the way.
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