Nibblesandbits Amazing, Wonderful Trip Report! (You're gonna wanna read this!)

First of all, I just wanted to tell all of you that I had an absolutely AMAZING time down at WDW during the week of May 16-20. The lines were virtually non-existant and the weather was almost totally perfect. (A tad on the hot side and only one Florida downpour...not to shabby) It was a trip that I am proud to say I planned all by myself (first real trip as a "grown up") and I can honestly tell you, I will NEVER forget for the rest of my life! (More on why later.)

First of all, the cast: I will be playing myself and my boyfriend will be playing the role of (who can guess???) my boyfriend! :lol:

Day One:
Ok, enough of that nonsense. So, the first night of our trip, we stayed at the Renaissance Hotel by the airport because we knew we'd have to get up early the next morning (5:00 a.m.! and I SO don't do mornings!) to be on a plane by 7:20 a.m. So, we got to that hotel at around 9:00 p.m. Sunday evening. Our hotel was absolutely gorgeous and extremely luxurious. A perfect way to start off our vacation. Basically, that night we just crashed because I knew we had to go to bed early, because the next day we were going straight from getting off the plane to the parks. Next up, day two!


Well-Known Member
SIR90210 said:
I'm on almost the exact same page, just about 3 years younger. My goal is to have a gf for Senior Prom, but I'm hopelessly unromantic, so I'll start now...

Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS Nibblesandbits! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

I had a date for Senior Prom. A major accomplishment for me! Unfortunately, she didn't want to get serious because she is a Sophomore and I'm going to college. I didn't want to get serious either, but that is why she ended the relationship. Now I'm single again :mad: Hopefully I'll have better luck at LSU.


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STR8FAN2005 said:
I had a date for Senior Prom. A major accomplishment for me! Unfortunately, she didn't want to get serious because she is a Sophomore and I'm going to college. I didn't want to get serious either, but that is why she ended the relationship. Now I'm single again :mad: Hopefully I'll have better luck at LSU.
You usually do have better luck in college. That has been my understanding of it. I mean considering I had 1 b/f the entire time I was in high school and ended up dating 3 different guys during my freshman year of college...(one of whom is my fiance) I'd say you have a really good chance!


nibblesandbits said:
We first went to check on the wait times for TOT which was really short (13 ironic?) ...

No irony - themeing. They think of everything.

nibblesandbits said:
I do have one complaint about Pop Century though...and that was that you really can hear through the walls. (Especially in the early morning when rude children are running past your door, screaming at the top of their lungs!)

One day, those will be your children annoying the heck out of everyone....

Thanks for a great report.


Well-Known Member
nibblesandbits said:
You usually do have better luck in college. That has been my understanding of it. I mean considering I had 1 b/f the entire time I was in high school and ended up dating 3 different guys during my freshman year of college...(one of whom is my fiance) I'd say you have a really good chance!

Sounds encouraging. I've always heard that about college. I'm looking forward to going.


Oh yeah - college is great. Especially a party school like LSU. Lots of high school kids who have been sufficated at home finally away from the parents and ready to party and experiment. Plus - where else do you find a gathering of so many people roughly the same age?

I especially liked the college program at Disney. Lots of college kids who share the same love of the big mouse.

Course, we've gotten a bit off topic.


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lborne said:
One day, those will be your children annoying the heck out of everyone....
:lol: Eek! I know, don't remind me! I shudder at the thought of that! (Hopefully, I can teach them some manners...but I think every parent thinks that before they have their kids)


Well-Known Member
Congrats!!! Our computer crashed so we just got our new one today, so I didn't get to read your good news until just now. Hey maybe when you were over looking the computer pool you saw me and my daughter. :lol: I also enjoyed reading your trip report. I will have to get mine together and post it.

Again, congrats. That is so exciting. :)


Account Suspended
sorry but i just cant support u, i fet my dog kibbles and bitsone time and they gave him some kind of heart attack he died so i wont do anything a part of that company :hurl: :cry: :cry: :mad:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
GIR said:
sorry but i just cant support u, i fet my dog kibbles and bitsone time and they gave him some kind of heart attack he died so i wont do anything a part of that company :hurl: :cry: :cry: :mad:
Wow...wonder why this person got banned? Hope it wasn't b/c of that!

Oh, wait, I figured out why! :lol: Gotta read!

By the way thank you Raven! I'm sorry your computer crashed, but I can't wait to read your trip report! :sohappy:


New Member

:wave: How magical! When we go to Disney next month and we have our annual Chef Mickey's dinner I will think of you and smile. What a wonderful way to start the dream of your lifetime with the one you love most in this world. SOOOO happy for you. A DREAM IS A WISH YOUR HEART MAKES AHHHHHHH.
Heres a big hip hip hooray :sohappy: for a great trip report.

We have to go to sleep :snore: and wake up 39 more times before we leave.
SOOOOOOOOOO excited.....
I didn't notice your trip report until now and my jaw dropped reading it...

Why? Because I got proposed to at Chef Mickeys too! Specifically at breakfast and I felt a huge amount of deja vu reading your report. How cool!
They really make it very special!


New Member
Congratulations on your engagement! How exciting! You need to edit the latter part of your report, though... you kept calling your FIANCE your b/f. :) LOL (You called him your fiance at first...then seemed to loose track of the fact that he's now your FIANCE. :) LOL LOL).

We honeymooned at Disney--which was DH's first trip there... he loved it...and we've been back nearly every year since... Now we go with our little ones...and they love it... someday soon you'll probably be the ones with the rude kids that other childless guests hear through the thin walls. LOL. (Last trip we had it was a rude assortment of adult neighbors that were swearing and cussing at the security guards).

I got engaged at a local amusement park, LOL... at sunset on a paddlewheel boat. :) My friend Jen got engaged at Disney...but it was very bungled... Her boyfriend just couldn't get up his nerve to ask her... and despite many suggestions from my DH and I... he just didn't do it in a timely fashion... My friend is very nice...and very tolerant of his mood swings...but he was just being annoying... they were on the monorail... and he said something about their future... and she said she'd like to know that someday they'd get married... and he still didn't do anything... just acted all obtuse and distant... and she got upset... they got to MK...and she raced ahead so he wouldn't see the tears in her eyes as they went through the security checkpoint and turnstyles... and then he thursts the box at her and says... "Well I guess you don't want THIS then..." Sigh... talk about your unromantic proposal. They'll be married three years this September... I was matron of honor, DH was best man, my son was ring bearer, and my daugher (15 months old at the time) was the flower girl... unbeknownst to me... I was pregnant with my third baby already!

I hope you have many years of Disney happiness together with your man and future familiy. It truly is a magical place! Will you get married there?


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DisneyBride94 said:
Congratulations on your engagement! How exciting! You need to edit the latter part of your report, though... you kept calling your FIANCE your b/f. :) LOL (You called him your fiance at first...then seemed to loose track of the fact that he's now your FIANCE. :) LOL LOL).

We honeymooned at Disney--which was DH's first trip there... he loved it...and we've been back nearly every year since... Now we go with our little ones...and they love it... someday soon you'll probably be the ones with the rude kids that other childless guests hear through the thin walls. LOL. (Last trip we had it was a rude assortment of adult neighbors that were swearing and cussing at the security guards).

I got engaged at a local amusement park, LOL... at sunset on a paddlewheel boat. :) My friend Jen got engaged at Disney...but it was very bungled... Her boyfriend just couldn't get up his nerve to ask her... and despite many suggestions from my DH and I... he just didn't do it in a timely fashion... My friend is very nice...and very tolerant of his mood swings...but he was just being annoying... they were on the monorail... and he said something about their future... and she said she'd like to know that someday they'd get married... and he still didn't do anything... just acted all obtuse and distant... and she got upset... they got to MK...and she raced ahead so he wouldn't see the tears in her eyes as they went through the security checkpoint and turnstyles... and then he thursts the box at her and says... "Well I guess you don't want THIS then..." Sigh... talk about your unromantic proposal. They'll be married three years this September... I was matron of honor, DH was best man, my son was ring bearer, and my daugher (15 months old at the time) was the flower girl... unbeknownst to me... I was pregnant with my third baby already!

I hope you have many years of Disney happiness together with your man and future familiy. It truly is a magical place! Will you get married there?

You know it's still weird to call him my sometimes when refering to him I mix it up and call him my b/f... :p
No...I'm not getting married at Disney. Instead I am getting married in Jamaica. (Weddings are free there as long as you stay at that particular resort.) And of course Jamaica will be our honeymoon as well. We will most likely take a small second honeymoon to Disney after our wedding. Probably in October-Novemeber or possibly wait until May 2007...still not exactly sure and depends on how much money we can save and how quickly we can save it. :D


New Member

Ahhh your report was sooo well written. ANDDDDDDDD filled with surprise. You suprised us just as you were. So happy for you and may your happiness continue to grow.
Hope your honey is ok.
:wave: 115 times to go to sleep and wake up before we go back for
HO HO HO's!! :xmas:


Naturally Grumpy
Thanks for sharing your report, and especially your wonderful news!

As with all of us, it is probably good that you "can't do everything you want". All the more reason to plan that next trip, repeating some favorite things and checking out some new ones....possibly during a honeymoon?

Very cute picture of your moment...even though you say you don't appear in many pictures, I'm sure that will be a favorite.
Definitely a bit of sun though...ouch!

Now you're really one of us here, and I look forward to future reports!


Well-Known Member
Great trip report!!

Does Mears still go onto Disney property? I'd rather stick to my tried and trued Mears that have a chance of things going sour with DME. But someone here told me their contract was up with Disney and that they don't even drive onto Disney property any more. :veryconfu

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