Next Phase of Nemo Overlay at TLS?


Disneyland/DCA said:
How does nemo fit the future theme?
Well to answer that, I have a question. What does the Living Seas have to do with future. Nothing really. The whole seabase alpha theme (which I think is also very good) isn't exactly futuristic anymore (although I hope they don't get rid of the film). Nemo is keeping the same theme while bringing in more people.



Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
TLS has always been the weak link in Future World. I find it sad that one can take a short drive to Tampa and see an aquarium attraction that puts TLS to shame.

But once you get on Disney property, why in the world would you want to drive down to Tampa? It would take alot more than some fish to get me to go down there :lol:

Remember not everyone lives in an area with great Aquariums and The Living Seas is pretty good for a Epcot pavilion. I like to watch aquatic life, but for less than an hour. So the Living Seas is perfect for me. I'm all for the Nemo changes, but I still think the pavilion is worthwhile.


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
But once you get on Disney property, why in the world would you want to drive down to Tampa? It would take alot more than some fish to get me to go down there :lol:

Remember not everyone lives in an area with great Aquariums and The Living Seas is pretty good for a Epcot pavilion. I like to watch aquatic life, but for less than an hour. So the Living Seas is perfect for me. I'm all for the Nemo changes, but I still think the pavilion is worthwhile.

Most areas in the Country now have a decent aquarium......Tampa, Chatanooga, Monterey, Baltimore, Chicago.....

I guess my point was, if people get so upset when WDW adds a carnival ride that is no different or better than similar rides around the country, why should TLS be any different.....Why should is be acceptable for TLS to be "no better" than similar attractions around the country?


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
Most areas in the Country now have a decent aquarium......Tampa, Chatanooga, Monterey, Baltimore, Chicago.....

I guess my point was, if people get so upset when WDW adds a carnival ride that is no different or better than similar rides around the country, why should TLS be any different.....Why should is be acceptable for TLS to be "no better" than similar attractions around the country?

Ok I see your point there. I think the difference though would be that the carnival rides usually don't equal great quality or themeing. The Living Seas is much nicer than some off the shelf pavilion. I can see where you are coming from, but I think they are totally different in my opinion. :wave:


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
Ok I see your point there. I think the difference though would be that the carnival rides usually don't equal great quality or themeing. The Living Seas is much nicer than some off the shelf pavilion. I can see where you are coming from, but I think they are totally different in my opinion. :wave:

They are different.....but in my opinion, they are not that different. The Florida Aquarium of course does not have the Sea Base Alpha theming, but as and aquarium, the displays are nicer, the selection of attractions is goes on and on.

How great was the Sea Base Alpha theming anyway......15 years ago, it was cool, a lot was going on inside the pavilion, but today, that is not the case.


New Member
speck76 said:
TLS has always been the weak link in Future World. I find it sad that one can take a short drive to Tampa and see an aquarium attraction that puts TLS to shame.

It is about time they started the next phase of renovation, the only rooms that have seen any amount of visitor traffic are the rooms that already have the Nemo overlay.
I agree with speck76 that TLS is a weaklink in EPCOT, but not that it is a bad idea but that it is just becoming out of place in what Future World is becoming. I would have no problem with them moving The Living Seas to the AK with the rest of the animals and use the space to compilment the changes in Future World.

I would have to say wait and see how Soarin affects the traffic flow over on the West Side of Future World. If TLS attendence doesn't increase with the extra traffic that Soarin is suppose to bring to that side, then maybe something should be done. However, with the updates that are going on I don't think that will happen anytime soon.


Just a little random fact about the female narrator in the film at the beginning of the pavilion (which has one of my favorite Disney park quotes "And they rain ... and rain ... and rain. The deluge.") The voice is Lynn Anderson's. She is the country singer who's big hit was "I Never Promised You a Rose Garden."

Thought some people might find that interesting and add it to their Disney knowledge.


I like the idea of an interactive Crush AA...I also like someone's idea of having the seacabs themed to Mr. Ray. I might be a little late w/ my opinion, but my comp has been on the blink and I'm just getting back online.

The Crush AA would be great, it would also be my girlfriend's favourite. Here's hoping...she's a Disney virgin and a huge Nemo fan. I can't wait to take her to TLS.

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