Next Phase of Nemo Overlay at TLS?


New Member
General Grizz said:
Crush Interactive Center will be a place where guests can ACTUALLY COMMUNICATE with the Crush Character, via computers (so I've heard), but I've also heard of an Animatronics figure. A Stitch version has been tried out in Disneyland, and from what I hear, it's amazing.

Any date on this?

General Grizz

New Member
Within the next months (at most, I'd assume). The area has already been closed off. Photos of closure are on the link I posted in page 1 of this thread. :)

R.I.P. Jason and Atlas and two fishes (whose names I never caught) :cry:


I think the sea cabs (how they were) were fairly useless, but I do think they should put something there. I thought they were useless because it cost a lot of money to run and all it did was transport you a couple of yards. Could have made it a lot cheaper if it were part of the walkthrough part.

Now the film on the other hand... that has to be the best film WDW has ever made. "And it rained, and rained, and rained." Whenever I am in the Living Seas (or it is raining in WDW) I think of that line from the film.


Dr Albert Falls

New Member
I'm torn on what they should do with the SeaCabs.

I agree it was a pointless ride.

Knowing that Disney probably won't spend the money to create the full-blown dark ride that The Living Seas was originally going to be... my preference would be to rip out the ride track and create a walk-thru in the tunnels (right now, the attraction has terrible "pacing". After getting off the Hydrolators, there is nothing to WOW visitors. You must wander past make-shift construction walls, through a gift shop, and then be told by cast members "Be sure to go upstairs!". )

The dramatic beauty of the aquarium-- the reason the pavillion even exists at all--- is completely lost because of the bizzare way visitors must now navigate around it.

However--- does anyone else agree that a walk-through tunnel might be just as problematic? Any frequent Sea World visitor knows that guests stop to look through the very first window they come to. That means a HUGE logjam will be created at the exit of the hydrolators, as kids press their faces up against the glass of that first window and people stop to take photos.

At Sea World, that problem is usually solved by moving sidewalks. Unfortunately, the Living Seas tunnels make a 90-degree bend.

So, I guess Disney should probably put in some sort of ride vehicle that would travel the tunnels, and make that turn : )

Hank Scorpio

New Member
I was never fortuante enough to ride the sea cabs but it's one of the attractions at the top of my list of wish i had been on it.

Now that its closed, I feel there is so much they could do with this space. Just think of the posibilities!


Well-Known Member
Hank Scorpio said:
I was never fortuante enough to ride the sea cabs but it's one of the attractions at the top of my list of wish i had been on it.

Now that its closed, I feel there is so much they could do with this space. Just think of the posibilities!

there is a chance that they will come back still so you may get your chance to ride them.


Dr Albert Falls said:
However--- does anyone else agree that a walk-through tunnel might be just as problematic? Any frequent Sea World visitor knows that guests stop to look through the very first window they come to. That means a HUGE logjam will be created at the exit of the hydrolators, as kids press their faces up against the glass of that first window and people stop to take photos.
When you think about it, the sea cabs did the same thing. Everyone got caught up in the line. What they have to do is make something really bright and fun to the side of the first glass pane.



New Member
askmike1 said:
When you think about it, the sea cabs did the same thing. Everyone got caught up in the line. What they have to do is make something really bright and fun to the side of the first glass pane.


They need another line!!!!!

I would like the Seacabs back but it might be better with a walkthrough exhibit, but then again it was really awsome going through those tunnels in the vehicles, but then again I was dissapointed.

If only the ride could be expanded some.


New Member
I just got back from WDW, while there I did the DiveQuest program twice and got some info from some CM's.

The two rooms that are closed now should be re-opening by Thanksgiving. One will be themed around Bruce (sharks) and the other Crush (turtles).

For the Crush room, there is to be an AA for Crush that will answer questions people have (a CM will be in the back room interepting the questions and then using a computer to generate crushes voice for the answers).

They have a plan for the Seacab area, but it won't get funded for a few years (to much else going on right now).

Also, they are going to introducing a few 8 foot sand tiger sharks into the main tank this week or next. They have been in a side tank for the last 7 months being trained (not to eat the divers I guess :)).

Overall from what I heard Disney is quite happy with how the Nemo theming has increased interest at the Living Seas.


Snapper Bean

Active Member
I will admit that I am not a big fan of the Living Seas. Perhaps this is shallow but I am much more a fan of rides than exhibits. The SeaCabs weren't much of a ride but that was still the most entertaining portion of the exhibit. What I can never figure out is why once you decide to do an omnimover ride you would choose to do an inordinately short one. It seems to me that once the decision is made to a ride, the marginal cost of making it appropriate length rather than ultra-short is not that significant. The decision to significantly shorten Imagination's ride, where the track was already built is even more bizarre.

Snapper Bean


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
Come on, Speck, at least be respectful for those who may love something you don't. . .

TLS has always been the weak link in Future World. I find it sad that one can take a short drive to Tampa and see an aquarium attraction that puts TLS to shame.

It is about time they started the next phase of renovation, the only rooms that have seen any amount of visitor traffic are the rooms that already have the Nemo overlay.


New Member
Honestly, the Nemo overlay is perfect. It seems to fit into the Future teme very well. Plus, Atlas wasn't very interesting.

Once the Seacabs reopen, the attraction will be just awsome. (although it was awsome before).

My only problem of the Seas is waiting to get in. Maybe the second theatre should be reopened.


Well-Known Member
Disneyland/DCA said:
How does nemo fit the future theme?

In case you have not noticed.....the future theme is not overly present at Epcot anymore.

Also, it is not really a Nemo theme, Nemo and Friends are being used to help present the attractions found in TLS.


New Member
Its not that Nemo has a Future Theme, it is just that he fits so well in with the Future Theme. It would most likely be due to the aquarium setting actually.

And Futureworld still does have a Future Theme.

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