Usually, whenever they release a movie from the vault, when you open the DVD and look at the literature, they tell the next to movies to be released, such as "Cinderella, Spring 2010" and "Snow White, Fall 2010" (dates totally made up and given solely for purposes of example). However, when Snow White came out last fall, it didn't say which one comes out in the spring and which one comes out in the fall. They just named Beauty and the Beast, Fantasia as being the next releases, both in 2010. Given that one of them should be coming out in about a month or so, I was wanting to know which one it will be.
I'm really hoping it's BatB, as I started watching Fantasia on video one night and turned it off within 5 minutes or so because it sucked so bad...and I think I dumped it off at a resale shop eventually as well. LOL
I'm really hoping it's BatB, as I started watching Fantasia on video one night and turned it off within 5 minutes or so because it sucked so bad...and I think I dumped it off at a resale shop eventually as well. LOL