Next Gen tech Plus Que Alterations for DHS!


Well-Known Member
I struggle taking rumors seriously from authors who can't spell "receive."

Wasn't it already confirmed that the work in the Tower of Terror queue is not going to be any enhancement guests will notice?

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I struggle taking rumors seriously from authors who can't spell "receive."

Wasn't it already confirmed that the work in the Tower of Terror queue is not going to be any enhancement guests will notice?

Yeah, and that is what I am thinking is going on here. I think that NextGen, does not mean interactive like we have seen at Haunted Mansion or Pooh. It means infrastructure that will lead to something NextGen eventually.


Well-Known Member
I struggle taking rumors seriously from authors who can't spell "receive."

Wasn't it already confirmed that the work in the Tower of Terror queue is not going to be any enhancement guests will notice?

So we should only trust news sources that are always typo-free?

Well, I guess that a source of news.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
RnR has possibly the worst queue on property with the exception of finally getting into the parking garage. Any enhancement is fine.

Tower's queue on the other hand, is a work of art. Do not mess with!!

Captain Neo

Well-Known Member
Keep guests from getting "Bored" while waiting in line? :shrug:
Maybe more "immersive" experiences? They certainly botched things up with that awful Haunted Mansion graveyard!

Richly themed lines with lots to see (Star Tours, Indiana Jones Adventure, the original tower of terror queue, alot of the queues in Tokyo) should suffice. Most people (including kids) have ipod touchs or iphones or a digital device of some kind to prevent them from getting distratced. No need to waste money on garbaging up the queues and turn richly themed environments into Burger King esque play areas.


Well-Known Member
So we should only trust news sources that are always typo-free?

Well, I guess that a source of news.
I tend to not trust news sources that routinely have typos. BBC is pretty good...of course, it's their language.

It is safe to assume (I think) that a journalist who cannot take the time to spell check is also not taking the time to fully research their stories.


Well-Known Member
I tend to not trust news sources that routinely have typos. BBC is pretty good...of course, it's their language.

It is safe to assume (I think) that a journalist who cannot take the time to spell check is also not taking the time to fully research their stories.

Isn't, run by Matt Hochberg? The same Matt Hochberg who runs the WDWToday podcast along with Len Testa, co-author of the "Unofficial Guide"?

I'd look at him as a fairly credible news source if he is reporting it.


Well-Known Member
Richly themed lines with lots to see (Star Tours, Indiana Jones Adventure, the original tower of terror queue, alot of the queues in Tokyo) should suffice. Most people (including kids) have ipod touchs or iphones or a digital device of some kind to prevent them from getting distratced. No need to waste money on garbaging up the queues and turn richly themed environments into Burger King esque play areas.

Where is this "richly themed" Rock N Rollercoaster you speak of?

The vast majority of people enjoy being entertained and absolutely hate waiting in line - anything that distracts them from that fact is a huge bonus in their eyes. People will look up from their phones again - just give it time. It is novel still.

I swear, Next gen queues are just another thing for fanboys to complain about.


Well-Known Member
RnR has possibly the worst queue on property with the exception of finally getting into the parking garage. Any enhancement is fine.

Tower's queue on the other hand, is a work of art. Do not mess with!!

This!!! Rockin can change to whatever for all I care, but just thinking about ToT morphing into a HM style que makes me :hurl:

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
This!!! Rockin can change to whatever for all I care, but just thinking about ToT morphing into a HM style que makes me :hurl:

Gotta agree. While I find the new queue at HM to be kinda fun (if excessively cramped), I don't think it really adds to the ride very much. It could disappear tomorrow and I'd be happy.

But TOT? DO NOT MESS! That beautiful landscaping that wonderfully sells the idea of an abandoned haunted's perfect the way it is. I'd hate to see it messed up with junk to amuse bored spoiled texting kiddies. :p


New Member
If they are just installing WiFi, there should be no cause for alarm, especially with ToT. I wonder if they are going to be running extra wiring or anything to later install audio-animatronics?
I don't see anything in that report that would indicate that the queues in either attraction will be significantly changed. They are likely just adding RFID responders or something along those lines to prep for the NextGen. Both ToT and RnRC have on ride photos, we know that Photopass+ will capture all ride photos and it is really likely that photopass will eventually be added to your RFID wristband. They are going to need the infrastructure in place to be able to do all this, and I'm betting that is what they are adding to the queue.

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