It would be easy to build Indy in place of the stunt show. As you know, Indy is a 2 story building, and would be hard to hide. But the Stunt show's stadium creates a ledge that can be built up to, and the Indy Ride building could be built to look like it's only one story, and with a facade.
The stunt show takes up a lot of room, but I don't believe it's enough for the ride. The removal or re-location of the temporary costuming buildings that were built behind the stunt show area would have to take place I believe. And as Marni said, the hill you see when you're in the show isn't real. The real hill is where you're sitting.
The area wouldn't be very hard at all to insert the ride, and the plans to do so have been created. It's simply a matter of time and budget.
I'd imagine that Starting in October of this year, some big new attractions will get the green light. Bob's plan is to take away a lot of the power from the Strategic Planning Comission. (such as their right to veto an idea or attraction)
So that's good right there.
But something else... Bob's a new CEO. Every CEO we've ever had at Disney has wanted to build something unique and amazing. Bob will un-doubtly want to build a theme park, but he doesn't know how long he'll be here, so I bet we can expect some new stuff state side. Bob's all for team planning, but when you're in control of six stateside theme parks, you're gonna want to add to them. Yes, he could build his ride in Hong Kong... but he's not gonna wanna go all the way over there to show his kids his ride... he'll build something close and in the US.
By the time he is done, Eisner will have opened an amazing seven parks while he was CEO. That is amazing and completely un-heard of. What will Bob do? Time will tell. But you can bet some new BIG rides will get the green light.
Bob is more in touch than Eisner was with what works and what doesn't.
"It's the rides, stupid!" Not shows mind you, rides. Not 3-D movies. Rides. That's what keep people coming back. The rides. Sure, the shows add to it, but the rides are the heart of Disney.
Wow, I really went off topic here. Sorry about that.
Back on to Indy...
I personally don't have any doubt Indy will happen. And by that I mean something will replace the stunt show. But I think it's not gonna be for a while.