The depth front to back of your picture that is in focus. Depth of field. Check the site below. Basically on a d3200 at 35mm 1.8 5 ft from your subject your focal plane is about 6 inches deep starting a little less than 5 feet away from you. 10 feet it would be about 18 inches deep. It's fine for most things, just realize if you're really in tight and trying to fill the frame pay attention to your aperture. Like a group shot. Might not want it at 1.8 because somebody's probably going to end up out of focus. Increasing your aperture number (making the aperture smaller) increases your depth of field. Shallow DoF is how you get the soft out of focus backgrounds. Deep DoF is how you get those great landscape shots with foreground and background all in focus.
Read up on Depth of Field as above is a pretty simplistic explanation. I really liked a book called
Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson Great book for a beginner. I've read it through twice. Once when I was first learning, and again recently as I have a little more experience. He has several books and they're all great.