New Spiels On Walt Disney World Railroad


New Member
wdwtube has provided a great video with good audio quality of the new narration.


The big changes as expected were mentioning of the new fantasyland area in the works as well as managing to fit in jack sparrow.

The timing seems to need work yet.

here is a link to the video.

Overall nothing offensivly different. I have a feeling much of this one is temporary besides just the obvious fantasyland bit.

Personally, I am gonna miss the jungle music and noises when going into Adventureland.


Active Member
It's a totally new voice. New talk about strollers, blah. Pocahontas is gone, that is better, since she was never there. The old Tomorrowland area music is gone :( and it seems like there is no music at all :(

It's standard, and it's alright, kinda feels like it has less character than the last narrator.


New Member
It's a totally new voice. New talk about strollers, blah. Pocahontas is gone, that is better, since she was never there. The old Tomorrowland area music is gone :( and it seems like there is no music at all :(

It's standard, and it's alright, kinda feels like it has less character than the last narrator.

I will agree there. I was just expecting worse with what we get a lot of times anymore. I especially agree on the music. I miss the jungle sounds and music. to me, seeing the shakey lanterns on the train and hearing that chime in with the narration...was me knowing I really was there at MK when growing up and going over the years.

We know it will at least have to change or be altered come Febuary.


Well-Known Member
I listened and I think its okay. Not great, but not bad either. The only thing I didn't like was the mention of Jack Sparrow. I like how the narrator is still a "character" and not just a generic voiceover like on TTA, and the spiel still gives you some insight into the lands and a little bit of history. I also wish it didn't mention the attractions, but the previous spiel did this too.

Call my crazy, but I think it is better without the music.
All they did by changing the Peoplemover spiels was turn it back into the old attraction that it was prior to the Tomorrowland refurb in the mid 90's. This style of narration was exactly what WDW and DL had on their attractions, where it served as just a narrated tour through tomorrowland. So while some might not like it, you can't say they didn't go back to their roots on that one.
Yeah, but something isn't always better just because it came first.


Well-Known Member
wdwtube has provided a great video with good audio quality of the new narration.


The big changes as expected were mentioning of the new fantasyland area in the works as well as managing to fit in jack sparrow.

The timing seems to need work yet.

here is a link to the video.

Overall nothing offensivly different. I have a feeling much of this one is temporary besides just the obvious fantasyland bit.

Personally, I am gonna miss the jungle music and noises when going into Adventureland.

Is this not working for anyone else? The vid wont play.


Well-Known Member
For the record, I think narration of an attraction plays a HUGE role. If they changed the WDWRR narration, I'd be very upset. I feel as though they did "kill" the spirit of the TTA with the new narration.
While it may play a huge role, all it does is bring back memories for the person, or it could affect the seriousness of the long as they maintain the theme the ride was going for, why does it matter? I feel that with TTA they still kept the gist of what it was meant to do. :shrug:


Active Member
All they did by changing the Peoplemover spiels was turn it back into the old attraction that it was prior to the Tomorrowland refurb in the mid 90's. This style of narration was exactly what WDW and DL had on their attractions, where it served as just a narrated tour through tomorrowland. So while some might not like it, you can't say they didn't go back to their roots on that one.

Was the original horribly written and did it have irritating character interruptions? Didn't think so. I'm so sick of people like you trying to remind those of us that hate it that we're obviously uninformed about how it used to be. It's not the style that's offensive, it's the quality. :brick:


Well-Known Member
^ Exactly, like how the spiel refers to two seperate things as "out of this world!", tells you that Carousel of Progress is "four families", has generic filler like "share the fun!", etc.

Its a horrible, HORRIBLE narration and script no matter how you look at it.


Well-Known Member
I too am disappointed, or excited, about something that has happened, or may happen in the future, regarding a ride, show or mode of transportation at the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida.

And I have a strong opinion about this ambiguous and undefined detraction or improvement.


Could you be more specific? :ROFLOL:

To be honest, I believe the Walt quote saying "Disneyland will never be completed" is one of the most overrated quotes attributed to Walt. It's simply bad business if you don't add anything to a theme park, nevermind the stuff about dreams and imagination. If a theme park is ever "complete", it will go out of business.

On topic, I prefer the new narration. There was nothing to suggest the Indian village was from just seemed like someone stipulated there had to be some sort of tie-in. The narration seems cleaner, and embodies the fact you're on a train seeing the Magic Kingdom, nothing more.


Well-Known Member
Horribly disappointed. Guess I'll be listening to the old narration on my ipod.

To me, this is WDW's biggest problem - Fixing things that aren't broken. Change is great if necessary. Change like this adds absolutely nothing to the attraction. It only takes away what many loved. Same with the TTA narration.


Well-Known Member
Im shocking myself by saying this, but I dont mind the new narration, I like the new voice and even the script I was very suprised. They infused quite a bit of American western history.. I am miffed they took away Pocahontas, that was something that was unique to our train route and for some reason I always enjoyed it, and they took away the other little tidbits of music and such that made it a little extra ambient.
I think they are still tweaking and playing with it, all it needs is some pockets of background music.


Well-Known Member
Horribly disappointed. Guess I'll be listening to the old narration on my ipod.

To me, this is WDW's biggest problem - Fixing things that aren't broken. Change is great if necessary. Change like this adds absolutely nothing to the attraction. It only takes away what many loved. Same with the TTA narration.
Speaking as someone who loathes, LOATHES the new TTA narration, I can honestly say I have a hard time finding anything to hate about this new narration.

Even the music being gone - I never really liked how the first thing you would hear when leaving main street wasblaring music, when the ride should be relaxing and peaceful.
Yeah, I never understood why he says that. The family is only one, it's the house that changes through the years!!! It's completely wrong.
Yeah, its shocking that things like this made it passed the editing stage. Or how the narrator adds in "share the fun!" after the description of MILF.

I can just picture it... "we have a little bit of a gap here, we need to add in something, like, I dunno, share the uh... fun. There, done."


Well-Known Member
Speaking as someone who loathes, LOATHES the new TTA narration, I can honestly say I have a hard time finding anything to hate about this new narration.

I just don't see the point in it. As I said, it adds nothing, only takes something away. The old narration with the music had a certain vibe to it. This just feels empty.

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