
New Member
Original Poster
Can anyone tell me what the new space mountain is like? I will be going on it in the next two months but still, I really would like to know. If you could give a good overall description, and if you'd like in a whole lot of detail. Just what kind of changes did they make to the entrance and the inside of the ride? And by the way, when is rockit mountain going to be up. Thanks alot for your responce!:lol:

I've been on the new SM several times and all I can say is WOW!! The difference between DL SM and WDW SM is just amazing. The new SM is darker-absolutely no light anywhere, the stars inside are much brighter, they added speakers to the cars and a soundtrack--not sure if I remember hearing that they made any changes to the tracks (not layout, just repairs/improvements) but the ride just FEELS so much faster and smoother. It was closed for about 2 years so it's hard for me to remember the loading area before but now you load under a space ship, there is lots of blue lights and the floors are metal grate. You come in upstairs and walk down steps to the load platform. It is very loud in here--I can't imagine working in that noise for very long. Once you exit you stop to see your picture and there is a big seating/waiting area with bathrooms that is all new. Overall, I think the changes are amazing and I think they did an excellent job. As far as rockit mountain, the website states open to the public after grad nites are done in June. I'm looking forward to checking that out, too.

I know it isn't much (sorry, my memory isn't great) but if liked SM before you will love the new SM at DL.


New Member
There is a full forum about this if you search. But the speakers aren't new, the old system had them on it, they rarely worked but they were their. New paint job. The track is the same layout but new track, along with new cars. The overall expereince is great. Much different from WDW but then they are both different, from cars, effects and track.

Well worth what ever wait is there.


Well-Known Member
Try to sit in the front when you go. My first time, I got to sit in the front, and the experience was phenomenal. The effects are amazing, and the sound track just makes such a great experience.

I sure wish WDW would get this coaster. One of the best I've ridden. :)


Mr Bill said:
Rock-It Mountain will debut for Grad Nite
Al Lutz at is reporting that grad nights may/will be the only times Rockit Mtn will be available this year due to:

1)No need to activate it to boost attendence at this time (which he also says will delay the reprogramming of ToT).


2)Everything wasn't installed for all the RM effects when they rushed to re-open in July, 2005 instead of November, and they will only do it during grad nights because it's already been promoted.


3)They haven't worked out how to make the switch between day and night, which he reports will take 30 minutes.

Number 2 certainly sounds logical. When I first heard of it opening in July after they'd consistantly said Nov., I figured the person that brought it up was delusional. I've wondered about number 3 before, especially whether there will be 2 FP systems and such. Al's generally reliable, but, of course, a lot of information he gets can be when plans are still in a fairly fluid state.



Active Member
The new Space Mountain is INCREDIBLE. I liked it more than Expedition Everest. Anyway, you queue around outside for awhile before you meet up with the fastpass lines and head inside. The queue tunnels downward with TV spiels and red-futuristic looking walls (it looks a lot like Mission: Space). Eventually, you get to the loading area, and the queue circles around the top of it before going down to the main level. There is a giant satellite like thing at the top, and a window on the far side that makes it look as if the station is rotating. So, on to the ride. You hop aboard the rockets (kinda cramped, but comfy) and pull up to the weighing/check zone. Once your car is ready, a red light flashes and you begin your adventure. This is where the soundtrack starts. It has an AWESOME futuristic/mysterious tone to it as you turn to your right and go up a small lift hill, surrounded by tall walls with a mixture of mirros and red lights. Once you reach the top, these circles on the wall begin to flash and it sounds like you're being zapped. You then turn 2 rights in a tunnel that is very much like the WDW's tunnel (the one with blue lights). Then you reach the second lift hill. It looks very dark, and then "boom, boom, boom!" The lights turn on and the lift hill appears to rotate and flip. At the top of the lift hill, you can see a small universe/nebula start to disappear the close you get to it. When you reach the top, the music reaches a huge climax and is very dramatic... combined with this, and your "first" look at the very realistic space setting, I got huge chills my first time. You then turn 180 degrees to the left around an asteroid that isn't lit up (lol) and approach your third and final lift. There is a countdown at this point, and just as you reach 1 your rockets begin to pump in the ride soundtrack that is available on the HCOE CDs and you begin a fast and thrilling ride back down. It's incredible! The music is synched so well and it feels incredibly fast and smooth. Eventually, you reach the end of the ride (the re-entry tunnel) which is a dark tunnel filled with multi-colored lights surrounding you that zoom backwards and give you the feeling of slowing down. There's also this high pitched noise as the move faster, which leads to a loud explosion noise which is when you're picture is taken. Due to the flash, you can't really see anything for awhile until you make a turn to the right and end up in the station again. It's such an experience :king:


Well-Known Member
I didn't realize the music was available on the HCOE cd... I should have bought it when it was out here. I wonder if its on WDWs cd? They do play the music in the unload area at our SM afterall...


Park History nut
Premium Member
The HCOE CD I believe has the short version. The full version (and that unload loop) is now floating around the net in various places. Plus the full DLP SM:M2 ride track too.


Active Member
Invero said:
I didn't realize the music was available on the HCOE cd... I should have bought it when it was out here. I wonder if its on WDWs cd? They do play the music in the unload area at our SM afterall...

Actually, it kinda does. If you press play on your iPod/whatever at the very top of the lift it works out quite nicely :king:


Active Member
marni1971 said:
The HCOE CD I believe has the short version. The full version (and that unload loop) is now floating around the net in various places. Plus the full DLP SM:M2 ride track too.

woah where? I'd really like to get my hands on that...

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