peter11435 said:
There is a big difference. Hill pretends to be "in the know" and writes like a jounalist reporting facts, not a disney fan on a message board.
And that is the key to what is wrong with Hilly.
One of the things, you know, besides the fact that he never finishes anything he starts (I feel bad for those poor people whom he fools into "preordering" any products/services which he never ends up producing), is that he writes with such authority on topics when 90% of the time he has no more "inside" information about than anyone else who reads Disney message board.
A non-Disney (but Disney-related, ABC) example from earlier this year. In a weak attempt to capitalize on the popularity of the season finale of Lost, Hilly wrote some bogus story out of his own head trying to connect the character of Hurley with Harry Knowles of AICN. Hilly claimed deep, inside sources told him this...and it was simply a very pathetic attempt to get the attention of a larger, infinitely more respected website. Both Knowles and Hurley are large men with facial hair...OMG! Alert the presses - if that's the case, then it also could have been inspired by Hilly himself. Weeks went by with nothing, then a small article appeared at AICN (that you had to actually look for) that said the whole thing ("by some guy named Jim...") was bogus. You see, AICN actually has the industry contacts that Hilly wishes he had.
The guy is a blogger, nothing to the current story, I can't remember who made the reference last time the topic of Hilly's predictions came up (actually it was probably several people...), but to paraphrase : throw enough "crap" on a wall and some of it is bound to stick.