I understand your point, but having walked that area a lot and know people who got married there - the seclusion is a HUGE draw for some. Right now, it feels like the very far southern edge of the GF. Poly isn't in the picture at all. The VGF encroached on it, and attendees noticed that. But, it's in a similar style, so it didn't feel as intrusive. Plus, you had the long, open walkway on the other side. So, it still felt secluded. This will make it stranded in the middle. And, you will likely have more crossover from GF to Poly and vice versa. (That's likely not a ton of people, but right now it's a very small number.)
How big an issue this will be is in the eye of the beholder. But, it will definitely impact arrival, outdoor reception and send off in the main walkway, etc. as well as potential traffic by the Pavilion itself by guests.