New Passholder Best Rate Program

Jekyll Baker

New Member
Just saw this topic on another site/forum and didn't know if anyone here knew about it yet.

This is from the Passholder page:

Planning a vacation in a few months? Then it's time to try our Passholder Best Rate Program! Now Passholders booking a Disney Resort room online under the Passholder Best Rate Program at can rest easy knowing they have received our best room rate offered to the general public* at that time for the room and nights booked. And, if we subsequently reduce our room rate to the general public for the same room and nights you booked online under this Program, we will automatically reduce your room rate to match that lower rate.

Rooms must be booked at least 120 days in advance and, unlike our normal cancellation policy, a non-refundable deposit of 1-night's room charge and tax must be paid at the time of booking. Currently this program is only available for arrivals through 12/19/05. The number of rooms and nights available for this Program is limited and rooms are not available every night. This Program is subject to change or discontinuance at any time and without notice.

* Does not include group rates, auction rates or rates conditioned on group/club memberships or other specified eligibility requirements.

It's access through the passholder section of, and let's you book through what looks like the regular booking engine. I looked at it briefly, but since AP rates for 120 days away haven't really been announced, it gives rack rates. So you'd be leaving it up to Disney what price you end up paying.

I dunno 'bout 'dis. What ya'll think?


Well-Known Member
wannabeBelle said:
OK Now I think I gotcha, If the passholder rate ISNT available for the dates selected it would become just the same as if you booked the trip online. The booking then is subject to the same limitations ( 46 day cancellation etc) that a regular Non discounted package is correct??
Also the best Rate Passholder rooms are still totally nonrefundable correct?? Belle

Correct. Correct.

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fjm777 said:

I have tried to get a rate for weeks in Nov and Dec and am not having any luck it keeps saying...

"A Passholder rate is not available for the date and resort you selected and we have returned a standard rate below. To search for the Passholder rate, please modify your date or resort. "

Do I keep hitting blackout dates or what? Where can I see they dates I <b>CAN</b> select? This is very frustrating.


There has been ongoing challenges with the online search engine. My best advice is to try again later.

There is no place to "see" what is blocked out, (even for me) but my best guess is that a weekend only booking (Fri - Sun) would be blocked. As would Labor Day, Thanksgiving or any other holiday period.

Hope this helps! :sohappy:
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New Member
JP, if you're still waiting for that sigh of relief, I just breathed mine! Thanks so much for your post. He told us, everyone. Never doubt JP! :sohappy:

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Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the new info, JPVD! My guess is a lot of other Disney sites will be eating a nice crow burger later this week. Some very alarmist articles appeared on many major sites that seemed premature. That said, I hope Disney does it's best to get the facts out there, as there is so terribly much confusion out there right now.

The "waive" of the modification fee is better - the "waive" sets off a tiny little alarm with me (that it won't last), but nontheless the purpose is served and unless you are shaving days off you'll be okay. This was a good decision on their part for the reasons I posted earlier in this thread - to charge me $50 to add a person to my ressie that is going to more than double the amount of money I'm going to spend on-property (since they will also have to buy a MYW ticket where I do not) was crazy.

The 120-days thing is still going to be the toughest for me, and if it does work out in practice how you stated above it seems I'll have just as much chance to get a passholder rate as I did before the traditional way. I usually book 30-60 days in advance, and have never, ever had a problem with no AP rooms available because I travel during off-times. If I did...I'd simply change the dates.

I have to admit I'm a bit perplexed about the fact that they aren't promising even the AP rate in the "best rate" umbrella - I really have to ask then, who IS going to use this? I guess those with AP's who DO want to plan far ahead and not have to wait for the actual AP discount to come out to plan the trip? Could this actually just be an additional offer directed at those "I buy an AP and use it on week 1 and week 52 to get two trips" AP holders?

I'm very interested to see when the "regular" AP rates come out for after 10/04. Traditionally we shouldn't expect them any time soon, so it may be awhile before we know how the future really looks.

At least they can't take my DDE card away, LOL - not this year. ;)

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Well-Known Member
PLEASE, someone answer my questions

1 - Is there any "upside" to the new program?

2 - From everything I've read I don't see any "positves" for the guest.

3 - Will they still offer the regular AP discounts from the past few years?

Thanks :D
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New Member
Let me see if I can add to the confusion. I rebooked my entire trip using the Best Rate program. Why?
1) I am leaving in 120 days and have had this trip planned since December.
2) I can accept non refundable deposits. I'm staying at 3 different resorts so I have 3 nights tied up. But I'm really not worried.
3) I found the rates to be considerably better than what I had already booked. That reason alone made it worth it for me even if no other discounts come out.

Some tips:
I found that I didn't always get the Best Rate rates. I simply retried a few more times right away and found I would eventually get the Best Rates. I also shut down my browser and reopened. This seemed to work as well. Maybe just a coincidence. I also noticed that the rates seem to come and go minute by minute. What I found at midnight, I didn't get at 7:30 the next morning. But 10 minutes later, I got the Best Rates again. Be persistant. :)

My opinion:
This Best Rate program works for me <as of right now>. It may not be for everyone but as stated, it is not replacing the existing AP process. If you think it may work for you, try it out. If the non refundable deposit or the 120 days doesn't work for you, then don't use it. Give it a chance before bashing it though. :D

And one last important note:
If you currently have our hero Pam at Kingdom Konsultants handling your ressies and she's waiting on AP rates to come out for you, she can redo your ressies through this new Best Rates program. Drop her a line. :sohappy:
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New Member
KevinPage said:
PLEASE, someone answer my questions

1 - Is there any "upside" to the new program?

2 - From everything I've read I don't see any "positves" for the guest.

3 - Will they still offer the regular AP discounts from the past few years?

Thanks :D

These are my opinions...
1 - Right now there are no AP rates out for Oct 20 - 30. I don't know if there will be. BUT I did get a good rate booking through Best Rates for these dates. I saved considerably already from what the published rack rates are.

2- See answer to line 1

3 - If they do, I am sure to get these deals by having booked through Best Rates.

Again, there are restrictions to this program that may not be for everyone. 120 days and non refundable deposit. If these negatives out weigh the above positives, then I guess this isn;t for you... :D

*My opinion.....
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Well-Known Member
KevinPage said:
PLEASE, someone answer my questions

1 - Is there any "upside" to the new program?

2 - From everything I've read I don't see any "positves" for the guest.

3 - Will they still offer the regular AP discounts from the past few years?

Thanks :D

1. It depends on your style. To me, this seems to benefit those who strategically use an AP to, for instance, make two trips 51-weeks apart. They can secure the room ahead of time, without waiting for discount codes, etc. that may never come. To those that want the last minute discounts, no, not so much.

2. Same answer as #1, it depends on what type of guest you are.

3. Go above and read JPVD's postings. He seems to have answered that pretty clearly - especially with his "letterman" list LOL. Other websites are disagreeing, but in talking to a few people at some of them they just assumed this was replacing old AP discounts, though Disney hasn't said either way. JPVD has always been accurate, and what he says makes sense - so I'm assuming, No, "regular" AP discounts don't seem to be going away.

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Well-Known Member
Hey LeBeau I just scanned the article and Mr Scoopa obviously doesnt have the connections we do. Any person I have spoken to in regards to this program agree that it is in ADDITION to the already existing program, not instead of it. That seems to be the biggest misconception but not the only one I spotted. I am sure as more information is released regarding these programs through official channels there willbe less of an uproar. So far especially with the new information that we now have I dont see much wrong with the program and actually see those who can book very far in advance actually getting a bit of a "bonus" in getting the best possible rates. Hope this clears up any confusion!! Belle
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wannabeBelle said:
Hey LeBeau I just scanned the article and Mr Scoopa obviously doesnt have the connections we do. Any person I have spoken to in regards to this program agree that it is in ADDITION to the already existing program, not instead of it. That seems to be the biggest misconception but not the only one I spotted. I am sure as more information is released regarding these programs through official channels there willbe less of an uproar. So far especially with the new information that we now have I dont see much wrong with the program and actually see those who can book very far in advance actually getting a bit of a "bonus" in getting the best possible rates. Hope this clears up any confusion!! Belle

I agree.

I just finished reading the article as well and noticed the same things you did.

The thing I find striking is that Disney has done such a poor job of communicating it's new policy to the public. Even die-hard Disney fans (the most loyal customers) have been in the dark for days now. The casual Disney-goer must be completely in the dark.

I've always kind of suspected that Disney does its best to keep the details of its discount programs shrouded in mystery. The first time I tried to plan a Disney trip I was very frustrated by the difficulty in obtaining hard information. (That was before I discovered great sites like this one.) I guess all the secrecy helps keep the discounts from being abused by the general public, but I wish Disney would be more forthcoming with information. Speaking from experience, a non-experienced Disney-goer can get very out-of-sorts trying to plan a trip to WDW.
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Well-Known Member
I couldnt agree more. Most of the discount information I know I found out through friends who were AP holders or great sites like WDWMagic!!! Then I met Pam of Kingdom Konsultants!!! She is AMAZING!!!!!! She keeps all of us pretty up to date on the latest and greatest discounts as soon as they become available and does a great job for her clients. On the information side of things, thank God for JPVonDrake!!! It is nice to have a source to give us the most accurate information and not be at the mercy of the many people who write articles about a system they apparently dont know well!!! Belle
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New Member
Be ready to book AP discout or it might disappear!

Be aware that something is indeed going on. After visiting a number of times with my pass and getting offers comparable to what is being reported, I am currently being told that no passholder rates are available no matter what dates or resorts I choose, or how many times I sign off/on. So I got curious and deleted my cookies, then signed in with my wife's AP, and I get AP discounts FOR THE EXACT SAME DATES AND RESORTS that under my AP I was told that there was nothing available two minutes prior (and yesterday as well). Unfortunately, I am not sure if it was deleting the cookies or the change in annual pass numbers, but I suspect the annual pass number. EDIT: because of the variability people are reporting, I would postualte that it is info from a cookie, rather than info stored on their server.

The upshot seems to be that you had better be ready to book if you try this, and grab it if you want it, cause they are watching and won't offer it to you too many times...

Note that this is speculation, but I think this combined with other reports provides strong evidence that some kind of tracking and adaptive offering is in place... and I have answered my own question from a previous post...
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AEfx said:
No, "regular" AP discounts don't seem to be going away.


Thanks. Okay, so if we ASSUME that they will have the Best Rate Program & the regular one we have been used to:

how is the Best Rate program have any advantages? Call me stupid, but it seems like you have to book further out & guarantee 1 night on the "chance" you can get the same rate as the "regular way"?

Unless of course they are saying you could possibly get an even BETTER rate through the Best Rate program ???
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KevinPage said:
Thanks. Okay, so if we ASSUME that they will have the Best Rate Program & the regular one we have been used to:

how is the Best Rate program have any advantages? Call me stupid, but it seems like you have to book further out & guarantee 1 night on the "chance" you can get the same rate as the "regular way"?

Unless of course they are saying you could possibly get an even BETTER rate through the Best Rate program ???
Correct Kevin, We have been told that the absolute best discount for any given period will be thru the Best Rate program. Other types of discounts such as regular AP, Fl resident etc may be offered at a later time but the Best Rate program will be matching them at least and possibly beating them in terms of discounts. Also the people who booked thru the Best Rate program will have their rooms reserved first, making it more difficult for the people who are calling in for the AP discount under 120 days. Belle
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wannabeBelle said:
Correct Kevin, Belle

Cool, I'm up to speed now. Hell has frozen over. :fork:

This seems to be like a game of Who Wants to Be a AP Discounter?

"You can wait and get an average discount, OR you can book right now with no guarantee but maybe acheive a bigger discount" :D

From a business sense this does make sense for Disney. This way people know IF there is going to be discounts they are guaranteed to get them and can book their room well in advance. Some of these people might have gone regardless of any discounts were available & might not mind paying a higher price (they would go anyway).

The only thing this negates is the sense of entitlement alot of us were used to & doing those spur of the moment trips. As a local it doesn't really affect me, but it does for the AP non local who NEEDS a discount to come.

From Disney's standpoint, they wouldn't come if no discounts, so they don't lose business, but gain some advance bookings.
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Actually those were some of my problems with the system , however Disney seems to have addressed some of them at least.
I have run a few rooms just to see what the rates on the Best Passholder system look like. Currently it seems as if it was about a 30% discount on Deluxes and a 27% discount on Moderates. According to someone on another site it looks like a flat rate discount and not the same percentage across the board. Either way the initial booking is DEFINITELY discounted so we wouldnt be booking at rack rate.
Also according to JPVonDrake the spur of the moment discounts are NOT going away. Au Contraire, they are here most likely to stay. I had thought this was going to be the case a while ago. I think that Disney would want to fill up any hotel rooms that it may have open on a given weekend and if AP or Florida resident rates will help to do that, I say more power to them. I pretty much can guess that anyone who is not within driving distance if they havent booked a trip by now, most likely will not be doing so!!! Price of airfare for this weekend being kinda prohibitive for most!! Belle
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if you only have a voucher when will it get activated?
say i book for october and i want to go again the next year right before it expires will i still be able to do that or is it going to be activated when i make my reservation?
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New Member
gullyf said:
Be aware that something is indeed going on. After visiting a number of times with my pass and getting offers comparable to what is being reported, I am currently being told that no passholder rates are available no matter what dates or resorts I choose, or how many times I sign off/on. So I got curious and deleted my cookies, then signed in with my wife's AP, and I get AP discounts FOR THE EXACT SAME DATES AND RESORTS that under my AP I was told that there was nothing available two minutes prior (and yesterday as well). Unfortunately, I am not sure if it was deleting the cookies or the change in annual pass numbers, but I suspect the annual pass number. EDIT: because of the variability people are reporting, I would postualte that it is info from a cookie, rather than info stored on their server.

The upshot seems to be that you had better be ready to book if you try this, and grab it if you want it, cause they are watching and won't offer it to you too many times...

Note that this is speculation, but I think this combined with other reports provides strong evidence that some kind of tracking and adaptive offering is in place... and I have answered my own question from a previous post...
This is somewhat what I suspected as well but I never cleared cookies and never got to using my wifes AP. It does seem like some tracking is going on but it may be limited to a browser session and not just the AP number. My experience was a here now, gone the next minute but it did return. Plus, I used 2 different computers at 2 different locations but the same AP and I had the same results. As of right now, I can still get the Best Rates so it may be related to an availability issue on Disney's side. As rooms get booked, the database may hiccup.... :veryconfu
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JPVonDrake said:
First and foremost the Official word from WDW Marketing…

“The Passholder Best Rate program is an enhancement to the current Passholder program. This is not a replacement.”

(waits for everyone to sigh in relief… :lol: )

SIGHS Thank-you JPVonDrake for keeping us all informed :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
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