New Orleans Woman Arrested At Magic Kingdom For Child Abuse

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ORLANDO, Fla. -- A woman was arrested at Disney's Magic Kingdom park on Thursday after authorities say she punched and kicked her toddler in front of witnesses, jail records show.

Orange County sheriff's deputies were called to the park after witnesses said they saw 26-year-old Jessica M. Lewis repeatedly strike the 1-year-old.

Lewis, of New Orleans, La., struck the child "in the abdomen/stomach area with a closed fist, causing the child to bend over, clutch his stomach, and cry from the strike," an arresting deputy wrote.

"In addition," an arrest report states, "the child victim was also kicked by (Lewis) when the child did not walk properly to (Lewis') demands."

The report states that Lewis struck the child "in public and in the presence of several witnesses."

Lewis was arrested on a charge of child abuse.

Lewis was jailed in Orange County with bail set at $2,000, and has since been released.

She could not be reached for comment on Saturday.

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Well-Known Member
This makes me want to cry. It also makes me angry. I applaud those who saw it and reported it. I hope they are able to help this child escape a lifetime of abuse with this monster.

On the flip side.... I am sure she will try to sue Disney for something......


Well-Known Member
this makes me sick,yes ok I get it that being a parent is frustrating at times,but there is no excuse for this type of behaviour at all.i'm so glad she got busted there are far too many people in this world who don't deserve to have children.i have 2 of my own and it wasn't an easy road for me to even get pregnant so although I do get stressed out from time to time as do all parents,I appreciate my children for the precious gifts they are and would never react this way EVER!!!!!!!!!!:mad:


Well-Known Member
Thank you to those who stepped up to save this child. I so despise anyone who abuses a child. My children are grown and are parents now. Raising a child is a difficult job and at times it can be frustrating but that is no excuse for beating and kicking a child.


Well-Known Member
I wish bail were set a bit higher. $2,000.00 seems to be fairly low for punching and kicking a 1 yr old. :mad: I also wish the article noted who was caring for the child after the incident. Of course we didn't see where this took place in the park, but it says she kicked him b/c he didn't walk properly... if she was barbaric enough to kick and punch her child, one might infer from this that she was also too ignorant to know to bring a stroller. I know -I know, it says nothing about this...but it's one of the places my mind went after the anger over the big things.


I just want to give a big thank you to the witnesses who stepped up and alerted authorities. Punching a child is about as low as it gets, no matter how old they are. But to think that a mother could punch a little one year old is deplorable. Lets hope this mother learned her lesson and treats her child with more love and compassion.


I am glad to see that this poor excuse of a parent got arrested for such a demeaning display of abuse. As for the witnesses, i commend them for doing something about it, rather than going through "Genovese Syndrome" (commonly known as The Bystander Effect) and not doing anything about it. Unfortunately, i've seen cases like these happen in many of the parks, and to some, rather than getting in a scuffle with the abuser, they just try to ignore it


New Member
I love it when parents are complaining and yelling at their child for being a child. Or tell there kid "Do you know how much this trip coast" Well I know how much I paid buddy and it was not to see you beat your kid at the happiest place on earth. But its like that every where now people are not ready to be parents at all. If your unhappy with yourself don't have a child and ruin there life.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad that at least in Disney children are safe from abusers. I do have to say I hope they didn't just turn this poor baby over to a family member. I know it may seem like the best option but CPS needs to really look over the entire family before they let this baby get hurt more.

It does bother me how a lot of parents act at Disney. I hate to be stereotypical but there is always at least a handful of fathers pushing their children to do everything even though they are sleepy because he wants to make sure he gets his money's worth. I'm sorry if your 4 year old is tired take him/her to take a nap or end the day early. It boiled my blood the last trip to see a family have their toddler out at 3am for extra magic hours. Poor baby couldn't stay away and they kept forcing him to wake back up.


Active Member
Sounds awful! :(

At least that pathetic excuse for a mother got her just desserts. It's a crying shame when such horrible crimes as child abuse occur anywhere in the world, especially at WDW.

That Ms. Lewis should be ashamed of herself! :mad:


Well-Known Member
Yet another reason for me to *love* my hometown. Our crime is so effective, we're apparently offering tutoring. I truly wish I could come on this board and say this story surprises me. Mind you, I realize child abuse happens everywhere, but still, it's very sad a story like this about a parent from New Orleans doesn't even surprise me in the least.


:eek: A one year old walking improperly? Poor, sweet baby. Did she honestly think NO ONE especially at Disney, would see her commit such a violent act? :mad:


Active Member
That poor child! I really wonder about people who think that kind of behavior is acceptable. What goes through their minds?


Well-Known Member
OMG, that poor baby! There has got to be a special place in Hell for people that behave like that. It makes me incredibly angry. I am so glad that I wasn't in the park that day because I am pretty sure that I would have gotten off my ECV and grabbed that baby up and taken off at full rabbit speed, while my partner kicked that sorry piece of trash's hind parts. There is no excuse for EVER hitting a child like that. I hope the kid gets removed from his/her mother's care by DCF and that he/she gets to have a better childhood from this point forward.

It's not like I didn't grow in this kind of crap, but oddly enough, it seems to blow my mind when I hear that it still happens.
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