New Mug rumor (?)

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Active Member
Just gunna say that u guys are mean
I simply just said something that
was a money saving tip and u guys
are nothing but cruel. It a wonder that
I actually decided to join..... Before
wile I wasn't a member everyone
seemed so nice. Now u all who are
mocking ur fellow members have shown
me nothing but cruelty and leaves me to
think ur just jerks =[

...... I understood one facepalm but
that's it others dot need to gang up....
I havnt been here long.....thanks for the welcome
and kindness
Wait do you have 2 user names?


Well-Known Member
sorry guys sometimes my T key dosnt work, i typed it fast and u really gotta
push it down... sorry.

im justt saying u guys are really mean to people. the forums NEVER used to be this way

i admit it was a good tip

^ no i dont have 2 usernames, hahah i dont even know how to. and i dont come here that much anymore so why would i need 2? hahah


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
sorry guys sometimes my T key dosnt work, i typed it fast and u really gotta
push it down... sorry.

im justt saying u guys are really mean to people. the forums NEVER used to be this way

i admit it was a good tip

And just how are we being mean?


Well-Known Member
guys obviously the person is new, u need to give them some slack, and not just keep ttthowing jokes at them. its just not polite.


Active Member
sorry guys sometimes my T key dosnt work, i typed it fast and u really gotta
push it down... sorry.

im justt saying u guys are really mean to people. the forums NEVER used to be this way

i admit it was a good tip

^ no i dont have 2 usernames, hahah i dont even know how to. and i dont come here that much anymore so why would i need 2? hahah
Ok I understand the whole keyboard issue, but you said you gave the tip which is what confused me and then I went back and you'd never posted before in this thread. We weren't trying to be mean, but you have to understand when you bring up a way in which to try and screw over the mouse, it's gonna cause some serious emotions! And as far as having the two usernames, I was asking because like I said earlier you said that you posted the tip which made me think perhaps you were one of the other posters.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
guys obviously the person is new, u need to give them some slack, and not just keep ttthowing jokes at them. its just not polite.

Well, considering we didn't insult either the OP or the thread, but instead are just making jokes over a bucket, I'd say perhaps relax a little....


Well-Known Member
xtina isn't new, and if it's not xtina you're referring to than please enumerate.

i was talking about the "GAGA" one. and yeahhh i totally just read over the post and im totally face plaming hahaha it totally sounds like i have 2 names LMAO hahah now IM the one embarrassed

^ but u were picking on a new user and it not all that nice. just saying
ok its over im just gunna stop


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
i was talking about the "GAGA" one. and yeahhh i totally just read over the post and im totally face plaming hahaha it totally sounds like i have 2 names LMAO hahah now IM the one embarrassed

^ but u were picking on a new user and it not all that nice. just saying
ok its over im just gunna stop

Really? How? We were making some jokes over a bucket, nothing more, nothing less. And of the OP is sooooo insulted they can let me know themselves.


Well-Known Member
Just gunna say that u guys are mean
I simply just said something that
was a money saving tip and u guys
are nothing but cruel. It a wonder that
I actually decided to join..... Before
wile I wasn't a member everyone
seemed so nice. Now u all who are
mocking ur fellow members have shown
me nothing but cruelty and leaves me to
think ur just jerks =[

...... I understood one facepalm but
that's it others dot need to gang up....
I havnt been here long.....thanks for the welcome
and kindness
Don't take it to heart, this discussion seems to come up in every single resort mug thread. This thread is no different than all the others.


New Member
Just gunna say that u guys are mean
I simply just said something that
was a money saving tip and u guys
are nothing but cruel. It a wonder that
I actually decided to join..... Before
wile I wasn't a member everyone
seemed so nice. Now u all who are
mocking ur fellow members have shown
me nothing but cruelty and leaves me to
think ur just jerks =[

...... I understood one facepalm but
that's it others dot need to gang up....
I havnt been here long.....thanks for the welcome
and kindness

Its says you joined in 2006.....:confused::zipit::lookaroun

Anyway some people can be mean on here..just ignore it.(Not taking sides people) Its just best to get on with it ;):animwink:;)


Well-Known Member
i did join wayyyy back then, i said already that post i made was really confusing and my keys kinda stick so it made my post look odd and confusing.
and i agree some people can be mean. but i guess that just comes with the whole forum thing


New Member
i did join wayyyy back then, i said already that post i made was really confusing and my keys kinda stick so it made my post look odd and confusing.
and i agree some people can be mean. but i guess that just comes with the whole forum thing

Yeah. :rolleyes: Ahh well. :) I just give em a kooky reply without getting banned. haha! :)

Most people are lovely! :ROFLOL::):):)
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