A lot of that footage is taken from a movie made of www.visitnorway.com, and they have tried to have Disney use their movie instead, but Disney insists on using 20 million dollars on it, and is expecting Norway to pay 5 millions. That's why nothing is happening at the moment. Personally I think visitnorway's movie is a lot better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpf8MfQm8rY
EDIT: if any of you have google translate, here's the most recent Norwegian article on it: http://www.tv2.no/nyheter/utenriks/slik-ser-norge-ut-for-millioner-av-amerikanere-3499529.html The movie from the Norwegian pavillion is in the article as well, if someone here hasn't seen it.
I just read the article (I understand Norwegian) and just wanted to point out that it talks about 20 million Norwegian Kroner and that's about 3.5 million US Dollar.