New Mission Space Info


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
1) as mentioned before, the wall has been moved
2) more cast members in area to answer questions
3) 75 - 80% complete
4) now sponsored by HP instead of Compaq
5) cast member previews over months ago
6) post-show space-game confirmed


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Walked up to wall CM said,

"Welcome to Mission: Space, hosted by HP. Do you have any questions I could answer?"

I asked what it was going to be, he said

"Something completely different from anywhere else. It is not going to be a free fall or a centrifuge. Every single rumor site is completely wrong and not even close."


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by juan

"Something completely different from anywhere else. It is not going to be a free fall or a centrifuge. Every single rumor site is completely wrong and not even close."

Kinda of a direct attack? I doubt that they would say something like that unless you say that "I head it was some free fall tower".

But it's cool that they have CM's at the wall to answer questions, just like at TT when it was testing.


Well-Known Member
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I said absolutely nothing to hint at a guess of what it was.
He said it out of the clear blue


New Member
Originally posted by juan
I said absolutely nothing to hint at a guess of what it was.
He said it out of the clear blue

That leads me to believe he checks out this site or something similar and that's what he's seen.


This is a line that's being fed to the CM from higher up and he doesn't really know that much about it.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I answered his statement with
"Well, I already know what it will be like because I have an inside source [not this site, but a cm who is good friend of our family] and I am under a confidentiality agreement with Disney."


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by turkey leg boy
That leads me to believe he checks out this site or something similar and that's what he's seen.


This is a line that's being fed to the CM from higher up and he doesn't really know that much about it.

But, it is already known that the ride system will be based on a centrifuge...


Premium Member
Originally posted by juan
1) as mentioned before, the wall has been moved
2) more cast members in area to answer questions
3) 75 - 80% complete
4) now sponsored by HP instead of Compaq
5) cast member previews over months ago
6) post-show space-game confirmed

Ok some of this is right ;)

1. Yes the wall has been removed.

2. Yes there may well be some CMs in the area to answer questions.

3. % complete depends how you define "complete" ;)

4. Since HP merged with Compaq, and is rebranding former Compaqs products as HP, this would be expected.

5. CMs have previewed the post show, not the ride. A select few at WDI have ridden prototypes of the ride system.

6. Yes there is a post show, full description here

Just didnt want anyone to get the wrong idea ;)


Premium Member
Originally posted by juan
Walked up to wall CM said,

It is not going to be a free fall or a centrifuge. Every single rumor site is completely wrong and not even close."

This is one of 2 things..

1. the CM has no idea what the ride is


2. the CM is having a little fun with you. ;)

I favor the last option.

We know 100% without doubt that the ride is a centrifuge based attraction.


Well-Known Member
I have been to mission space thursday and today. I have not seen CM's anywhere around. I did see an orange county sheriff there thursday night, he was behind the wall.


Well-Known Member
Well, what do you mean 'complete' Steve? How complete is it?

Could you tell us how much of the:

-Gift Shop

are done?


New Member
Top Disney Imagineers did a piece in the latest Wired magazine, in which they tell what the ride will be like. It includes lying flat on your back as your shuttle leaves the atmosphere, the feeling of weightlessness, and pushing buttons and performing tasks to try and make it to Mars.

I typed up the text and sent it to WDWMAGIC for them to post. It should be on the site soon.


Premium Member
Originally posted by DojoGrant

I typed up the text and sent it to WDWMAGIC for them to post. It
should be on the site soon.

Thanks for sending it along :), on the main site I have combined the details there with some other new info that I have obtained.

Here is the direct text from Wired Magazine.

"The door busts open, and suddenly we're facing a building that looks like an airport terminal designed by Salvador Dali. Luminescent orbs hover in front of the entrance, and the roofline swerves and curls sleekly. This is Planetary Plaza, the entryway to Mission: Space, a $150 million attraction scheduled to open next summer. Inside, the pieces are still coming together. Blueprints, work lights, and hydraulic lifts are scattered around; a crew is setting up the raining that winds through the queue area. A massive "gravity wheel" - it looks like a prop from 2001: A Space Odyssey - is affixed to one wall.

It's the year 2036, Zalk explains, and we're standing in the
International Space Training Center. 'Mission: Space assumes that, by this point, space isn't just for scientists and astronauts,' he admits. 'It's for kids, families - everbody.'

For the $50 ark admission price, Mission: Space intends to deliver the same sensation of space travel for which Dennis Tito shelled out $20 million. Visitors will board four-person simulator. They'll be flat on their backs for liftoff and will feel the intense g-forsces of a spacecraft straining to escape Earth's atmosphere. They'll enjoy a brief moment of what will seem like weightlessness, all while trying to push buttons and perform tasks to keep their craft on course for Mars.

It's a classic Imagineering project - a big-budget ride, built around a new generation of simulator technology, coupled with an engaging, anything-is-possible story: You and your family have the right stuff for interplanetary travel."

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