New Mission Space Info


New Member
Originally posted by wdwmagic

2. the CM is having a little fun with you. ;)

I favor the last option.

We know 100% without doubt that the ride is a centrifuge based attraction.

I agree with Steve.... the CM is having fun with you... imagine how many times people asks them about M:S! I would have said the same... :animwink:
i dont know about all of you but this mission space thing si getting undr my skin. I really want to know what is inside that building, besides air. Dang this ride must be the best kept secret of all time. Is there anyone that could hook up a secret camera so we can see what is going inside. also juan can you give us the answer about agreeing with that CM


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I can't say too much on whether agreeing or not

I can say one thing:
The ride utilizes a turntable, best described as a small flying-saucer
Remember the alien's spaceship from MIB, the one he shoved into the back of the exterminator van
It looks just like it


New Member
In the update it states that you will have over the sholder restraints. Do you know what its like to have OTSR on and try to move? Well its pritty darn hard, not to mention you need to complete a message. I'm wondering why Disney is making the ride with OTSR and how they will compansate to the limited amont of movment one can make in these harnesses.


Well-Known Member
After reading all the new info on Mission: Space, I have two major concerns and one of them is probably shared by our non-English speaking members:

1) If the Guests have an important part on the outcome of the attraction, shouldn't Disney be investing more on that proposed handset translator? From personal experience, an attraction can be awesome, the best one EVER, but if it relies on speech and people can't understand it, they WON'T come back. And you all know there isn't only English speaking Guests around WDW.

2) I wonder how much time we'll have to coordinate the mission. Since the pods only hold 4 people, if they try to "speed it up" it's gonna take a Guest some 4 or 5 tries beore he experiences the attraction's "real ending".


New Member
Heres the physics of weightlessness, there are only two ways to artificially produce weightlessness, first is to asend at a high volosity and quickly decend at the same rate using aircraft or second by spinning around an axis in a centerfuge, you do experience breif weightlessness when riding a rollercoaster but since we know it's not a rollercoaster the centerfuge is the only logical conclusion


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Mickeyman819
very ture jmarc63 but for all that we know there might be a giant hole inside that building. I doubt that is the case but it could be
I don't see how a giant hole would produce weightlessness so much as it would provide a working example of gravity. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here e-mailed Entertainment Technology Corporation (you can - their address is available), the supposed creator of the MS ride system, and asked for their patents which could be plugged into the US patent office and returned with a detailed description of the system?... Just a thought...

Big Pooh

New Member
I can't wait for M:S to open, but I'm getting kinda worried. The MadHatter Tea Cups make me :eek: :hurl: :eek: REALLY bad. No coaster of any sort has ever bothered me, and simulators don't bother me either. If weightlessness is achieved by spinning, I don't know if I can take it without :eek: :hurl: :eek: afterward, or even worse, For me, the question is whether Disney is going for weightlessness, or SIMULATED weightlessness. With OTSR, I'm not sure what good it will do to achieve 0 gravity, unless the restraints are removed at some point during the ride, which I don't see happening. Anyone have any ideas?

Cheers :wave:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Big Pooh
I can't wait for M:S to open, but I'm getting kinda worried. The MadHatter Tea Cups make me :eek: :hurl: :eek: REALLY bad. No coaster of any sort has ever bothered me, and simulators don't bother me either. If weightlessness is achieved by spinning, I don't know if I can take it without :eek: :hurl: :eek: afterward, or even worse, For me, the question is whether Disney is going for weightlessness, or SIMULATED weightlessness. With OTSR, I'm not sure what good it will do to achieve 0 gravity, unless the restraints are removed at some point during the ride, which I don't see happening. Anyone have any ideas?

Cheers :wave:

You know, I was thinking the same thing... Virtual Space Mountain makes me kinda sick, I wonder what effect M:S is gonna have on me. :hurl: :hurl: :hurl:

Scar Junior

Active Member
I wasn't EXTREMELY impressed by Virtual Space Mountain, it was okay. The worst thing was the CMs working. They were all WDWCP students who found out I was interested and (no loner treated me and my friends like guests) just b*tched and moaned about how bad their pay was. That really takes the fun out of the ride- and so I explained to my friends how horrible of employees they were. How the CP isn't about how much money you get- but those CMs couldn't understand that.

Anyway, I think that VSM is a pretty good attraction for a Disney Quest type enviornment, but not for an actual ride. I will be happy if Disney makes it much different and better (which I'm sure they'll do). Who knows, if you're on a centerfuge and have this type of ride going- it could be pretty sweet.


Originally posted by jmarc63
Heres the physics of weightlessness, there are only two ways to artificially produce weightlessness, first is to asend at a high volosity and quickly decend at the same rate using aircraft or second by spinning around an axis in a centerfuge, you do experience breif weightlessness when riding a rollercoaster but since we know it's not a rollercoaster the centerfuge is the only logical conclusion

jmarc, I agree with what you say, but I have to point out one little detail about your physics explanation. In the first method (the aircraft scenario) you don't actually need to ascend at a high velocity, nor do you need to descend at that same rate. All that is required is that you descend at the acceleration rate of gravity. Sorry, but I just felt the need to set that straight. Like I said, other than that I completely agree.


New Member
Originally posted by SamatBCV
jmarc, I agree with what you say, but I have to point out one little detail about your physics explanation. In the first method (the aircraft scenario) you don't actually need to ascend at a high velocity, nor do you need to descend at that same rate. All that is required is that you descend at the acceleration rate of gravity. Sorry, but I just felt the need to set that straight. Like I said, other than that I completely agree.

I guess I can see that. Since I have never accually had the experience myself. What I know is based on watching the making of Apollo 13 and other science programs dealing with this subject. I had that impression that a high volosity was necessary for sustained weightlessness, after a recent experience with aircraft turbulence I can see where the high volocity would not be needed .


New Member
I wasn't EXTREMELY impressed by Virtual Space Mountain, it was okay. The worst thing was the CMs working. They were all WDWCP students who found out I was interested and (no loner treated me and my friends like guests) just b*tched and moaned about how bad their pay was. That really takes the fun out of the ride- and so I explained to my friends how horrible of employees they were. How the CP isn't about how much money you get- but those CMs couldn't understand that.
I know! When I was staying at the Grand Floridian, I rode the monorail every night at 10:15 (I know, I love monorails!). Well, the CM working at the Grand Floridian station, Joe was his name, he was very helpful because I want to work on the monorails one day. He told me that he works there because of the fun, the magic, not the pay.

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