New March 19th Video Post Part 2: CINDERELLABRATION Full Video + Bonus!


well Im on the "bit bored" team - although seeing it on video is always different from being there in person.

Did think it was a lovely production and was well done - but just seemed keyed to one group - i.e. the young girls who want to be princesses.

Now I think thats not a bad thing as my two neices love being princesses but boys just cant stand princesses and want a bit more action :p

Also really couldnt see the point of the raising platform at the end - just to go up - hold - and come down!

But on the whole - a nice show

Thanks for the wicked video again


New Member
stitchcastle said:
I still think they should extend the show just a little bit (if it's a good show people won't mind standing too long, look at the california fantasmic!) and make it just once a day (preferrably nighttime with all the lovley effects on the castle) to make it feel more "special" I can understand the cutbacks in characters and such but it would be greatly appreciated if they can have Cinderella enter with the carriage like in Tokyo's and introduce the guests first before she arrives...not to mention the royal fab five. (I'de request the stepsisters and tremaine for a bit of slapstick but that would be pushing it) and why can you have human Beast but no human Ariel? (sorry, deranged Ariel fan here) and the Tokyo finale where she rides in the carriage with the prince would make for a good final interraction with the audience (the meet and greet at the end of CSC is what makes it more appealing)

I agree with ariel being there...she should have definitely have been there...hell though the completist in me would have wanted pocahontas and mulan to be there also(it would be nice if they were different from TDL's Cindy show, and have more "princess'".


New Member
Thanks for posting the video - Cinderellabration AKA Camping in the Kingdom :lol:

I know a web video won't do a show true justice, but I have to admit to being a little disappointed, it looks a bit like a lite version of the Tokyo show. Maybe I will feel different when I get to see it live.

I'm surprised to hear the Duke was spoken live, somehow the actions did not quite match the speech, so I thought he was pre-recorded.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the video! Kinda sad how there wasn't any real applause as the actors were bowing...oh well. Overall, the show leaves something to be desired...


Hey Ryland, thanks for posting the video. It was great seeing the show from that perspective. I was looking for you that day but never saw ya. Now I know why, lol, you were way in the back :lol: . Anyways thanks again. I loved it. Next time come out to the 6:35pm show. That way it will be dark, and you can catch all the great lighting effects and such that are in the show. The show is great but even better at night. Thanks again.


New Member
wbboy29 - have you hung up your stilts for good, or will you be changing between shows when you miss the air conditioning? :lol:


Domboy said:
Also really couldnt see the point of the raising platform at the end - just to go up - hold - and come down!

To answer your question about the point in having the platform go up then down, etc. I know its hard to see in the video since it's from far away. During that portion of the show the Fairy Godmother is at the base of the platform, waving her wand around, and magically raising the platform high into the sky so that all of the kingdom can see their new Princess Cinderella (plus if you can see Cinderella's face during that part as the platorm starts to rise she has a look of surprise and shock on her face, then she looks toward the Godmother as if to say thank you), then the Fairy Godmother waves her wand again in the air and magically makes fireworks launch out of the castle, in celebration of this glorious event. Like I said I know its hard to see in the video, but I hope that explains a little more about why that section is happening. :wave:


barnum42 said:
wbboy29 - have you hung up your stilts for good, or will you be changing between shows when you miss the air conditioning? :lol:

:lol: No, I'll be going back and forth as they need me. :lol:


New Member
wbboy29 said:
:lol: No, I'll be going back and forth as they need me. :lol:
OK - here's the challenge. "Forget" to take the stilts off for a performance of Cinderellabration.

Go on.

Just Once.

You know you want to :drevil:


New Member
re:new march 19 video update post part 2

Thank you soooooo much for doing this. It really cheers me up since I won't get to go to WDW to see this. (Nursing school is eating my $$$$$ quickly :lookaroun )Sadly,I am having a hard time getting this to play. Usually with windows media , I can right click the file , click "save target as" , download it to my computer and it plays just fine. However, when I right click the image and click " save target as" , I can only save the actual image, not the video. Is there a way I can save this to my computer and then play it? or is there any other format such as quick time that I could play this in?

thanks for everything you are doing for us!


New Member
barnum42 said:
OK - here's the challenge. "Forget" to take the stilts off for a performance of Cinderellabration.

Go on.

Just Once.

You know you want to :drevil:
Okay, I give up, what are the stilts for? Is he in FOTLK? If so, that rocks. :sohappy: If not, WHAT ARE THEY FOR??? I know, I'm nosey.


New Member
Kwit35 said:
Okay, I give up, what are the stilts for? Is he in FOTLK? If so, that rocks. :sohappy: If not, WHAT ARE THEY FOR??? I know, I'm nosey.
He is also one of the stilt performers in Festival of the Lion King, and the Animal Kingdom Parade.

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