Sure wish it would have helped this past Saturday night. Did anyone else experience this?
We arrived at the MK around 11:00PM from SSR. This is was going on:
(1) We waited what seemed like an abnormally long time to turn off of World Way (or whatever the name of the road is that runs by the Contemporary) into the bus depot at MK. I notice both an ambulance and a fire truck.
(2) When circling the bus depot to our particular bay (which also took longer than normal - we were in a bus traffic jam), we noticed the line at one of the stops to snake all the way to the boat launch FOR THE GRAND FLORIDIAN (yikes!)
(3) When we finally stopped and got off our bus, I noticed that long line was for buses to the TTC. I've never seen BUSES at the MK bus depot going to the TTC. My first thought was that the ferries weren't running (horrors!), but it wasn't windy or rainy. And the ferries were running.
(4) It was a SEA of people from the bus depot to bag check. And by sea, I mean a mass of people not moving. Normally, it's a not too congested walk from the bus depot to the boat launches to bag check, etc. Not through this wall of people.
(5) We wanted to ride the boat back to our resort (staying at WL Villas). Wasn't going to happen. Couldn't get past the boat launch for the ferries. Half of the bag check area was being used to get people OUT OF THE PARK (left side); the other half was being used to get people INTO THE PARK. Like I said, this was 11:00 PM this past Saturday (Wishes for some reason was at 9:00 PM that night).
I've visited during busy times - 4th of July, Thanksgiving, 3 day holiday weekends, 24 hour event, everything but Hell Week. I'VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS. People trying to get into the park (EMH from 1-3 AM) as we were trying to get to our boat to WL were saying they'd been trying to get into the MK for over 30 minutes. We never did get to the boat - the CM told us to turn around and take the bus to our resort (long story - we wanted to get to DTD from DHS and I had the brilliant idea that since SSR is the closest to DTD, let's take bus from DHS to SSR then hop on bus from SSR to DHS. Long story short - no bus to DTD after 40 minutes, so we just decided to go back to our resort. So bus from SSR to MK and boat to WL sounded like a good idea at the that they've constructed all the parking garages, can Disney just charge people to park at DTD [oops, sorry Disney Springs] and start running buses from DTD to the parks again? Please?).
I checked the next day to see if there'd been some type of emergency at MK that required a mass evacuation of the park, but didn't see anything (guest beaten to death with own selfie stick on POTC by people in seat behind for using strobe flash on ride) or sparks from the Wishes fireworks set the top of 7DMT on fire again, but nothing.
Anybody have any idea what was happening that night? Was it Grad Bash? My solo bus driver wouldn't tell me when I asked. He rambled on about religious conferences and such....