New Epcot DVD Released


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, the pun for the name is not the only lame thing about him. If he were animated, I think I could have dealt better with him since he's the main host for the 30 minutes of the actual video. I'm getting ahead of myself, though. Here's my thoughts on it:

As far as an opening, you start out on the monorail with the Prof, hearing about how it rides on a single rail(thank you Captain Obvious). He starts talking to you about Spaceship Earth and you get some trivia facts about it's composition and construction, then you are shown some of the inside. This is where it switches from the Prof, to a separate narrator. You are given what I can only describe as a poor man's version of SSE. "With the invention of heiroglyphics and papyrus, word was able to be spread over greater distances. Then the Greeks came up with theater. The Renaissance brought renewed interest in science, poetry and literature, etc, etc. You are then shown Innoventions. Not much I can say about that just because, again, I think the Prof is just really annoying. Thankfully, after that and a little more lame commentary from the Prof, you are brought to the first three World Showcase countries shown on the DVD, Mexico. The one thing I think they did right here was to have a CM from each country actually tell you about the features of each pavillion. I would have hated to hear the Prof try to say "El Rio Del Tiempo." After Mexico, more lame comments followed by Norway, more lame comments as the Prof rides Maelstrom and then goes to China. When you are given info on the CircleVision show there, you get the narrator from SSE back. Now we go back to Future World and I really am starting to lose track of the exact order things go in, but there were a couple of slightly interesting, if somewhat poorly planned things that I noticed for two of the Future World pavillions information segments. The first was Universe of Energy. Typical lame intro, followed by showing some footage from inside. The footage shown is from the original Universe of Energy. This can be confirmed by the fact that in the scene with the serpentine dino with the large fangs that currently is seen in a fairly well lit area with Ellen trying to fend it off with a branch, on the video it is seen in a very dark area with no sign of the Ellen animatronic. If you're going to give information on an attraction to put on a video all about how things are at the park, you should present it accurately. The other one I had a problem with was for The Land. Lame intro outside the pavillion. Shot of the purple and blue streamers near the ceiling, followed by shot of the balloons(no longer there) and the nice fountain in the food court area(no longer there). If they wanted to make and release this DVD for the 50th celebration, they should have just waited until everything was completed because this will confuse the heck out of people that are visiting for the first time and picking up the DVD as a souvenir of their trip. Wonders of Life never gets a mention, being seasonal as it is. The rest of the World Showcase countries are shown 3 or 4 at a time with The American Adventure being last. Between World Showcase segments, the rest of Future World is gone over in a standard fashion. The last Future World thing talked about is LAL. Then they show some shots of SSE, one of which is a full moon over a pre-wand SSE which looks beautiful. The video closes out with Illuminations : ROE and then a farewell from the idiotic Professor.

Now a note about the bonus material. I have not looked at the majority of it. The reason for this is most of it can only be viewed by watching the main video again and "Press enter on your remote when the SSE symbol appears or this other symbol appears which will then show you historical info and video." There is also a track that has trivia about everything pop up on the screen. I'll get around to these later, but I couldn't deal with the Prof again so soon. Now, the two features I did watch were "Epcot: The Florida Project" and the one on "Audio-Animatronic Figures." Let me say, they could have made these so much better. The AA Figures one was Walt showing off three AA dinos that were made for the World's Fair, followed by talking about how amazing it is that Mickey and Donald were effectively the precursors in animation to the new AA figures, such as the T-Rex they built. It then cuts to a shot of the T-Rex on Universe of Energy and then that's it. Total time for that extra, a little over 2 minutes. The Florida Project one is almost worse in that it starts with Walt talking about Epcot and then saying how "over the next several minutes" that he would explain how it could work. I started thinking "this is cool, this is the stuff from the Tomorrowland DVD set." Then we get the narrator that we had during the regular video pretty much reading the things that Walt said while we see the footage that demonstrated everything that Walt explained. This is followed by Walt talking about where do we go from here? Then it shows a montage of the construction of EPCOT Center, some behind the scenes construction and AA work and even some concept art including a small bit for JII. That montage at the end was the only thing that saved that feature from being a disaster. It's not like using the footage of Walt explaining everything would have cost them more money. As it stands, I'm still willing to get the DVD for anyone that wants it, but I don't see myself popping this in for fun on a regular basis, especially when I live only 45 mintues from Epcot and go there in person to get my Epcot fix. Overall, I just have to say that I was disappointed in this DVD and if I have to rate it based on the main part of the video and what I have watched of the features, then at best I give it a 4 out of 10.


New Member
I would say I have to agree with Number 6 when I watched the main feature last night. Since Epcot is my favorite park, I did watch it with more scrutiny than the other videos. Thankfully, the company puts a disclaimer on the front of the video stating that it should be seen as a point-in-time view of the park and should not be a reflection (of earth? no) of current features staying there forever.

Dreamfinder would have been a good fit for a tour guide.

I guess the DVD is good for someone who wants to take back a souvenir, someone who doesn't get to go the parks as often as they would like to commit all the details to memory.

Interesting that the disclaimer indicates a point-in-time view of the park but in the opening aerial view, you can see the Horizons pavilion, and there isn't a Wonders of Life pavilion. The latter is okay since the pavilion doesn't even get a nod (I had to go on Body Wars yesterday since who knows when I can go on it again).

What I found most interesting is that the DVD did jump around a lot -- a few FW pavilions/attractions and then a few WS countries. A literature/documentaries/TV shows I have seen talk about FW first and then WS.

For what it is, it's a pretty good document.


Active Member
pinkrose said:
I bought the AK one for my son while I was down there last week. It's really good. My son loves it. AK is his favorite park. I saw the Epcot one, but didn't get it. I do want it, but we bought so much this time that I decided I'd buy it next trip. I'd really like to have the MK one as well. I didn't see it though.

The MK one is great! By the way, the Safari Guide/Host in the Animal Kingdom DVD is also a WWTBAM host. We saw him a couple of weeks ago. He was excellent! However, I can't remember his name. :veryconfu :confused:


Well-Known Member
I have a video from about 1992 called "A Day at Epcot Centre" I tell you it is fantastic, it has everything as it should be, with world of motion and horizons and the original journey to imgination, before it was crap.

I also have "a day in the Magic Kingdom" which has 20,000 legues on!!!


Active Member
Thanks for the review, Number 6!

barnum42 said:
Thanks for the review Number 6. I get the feeling I may be leaving this one on the shelf.

I think I'm with ya on that barnum. Doesn't really make me think I should buy it.:) :cool:
Thank you, Number 6. I was really looking forward to this DVD, and now I have no interest in it whatsoever. More lame Disney garbage. What a disappointment!


Well-Known Member
Glad I could help. The thing is, the AA feature looked like it was going to continue with more and then just stopped suddenly.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
cornnibblitz said:
Thank you, Number 6. I was really looking forward to this DVD, and now I have no interest in it whatsoever. More lame Disney garbage. What a disappointment!
Same here...

I hereby proclaim "Project TOCPE," my half-hour long tour of Epcot. Coming winter 2005.


New Member
Sounds like the latest "in the park" videos have a new theme - lame and annoying. Really unfortunate, especially when we're trying to get our at-home Disney fixes.

Maybe if we get the DVDs, we will have to settle for watching them on "mute" to avoid the irritating faux-hosts. :hurl:


Well-Known Member
it makes me sad to hear that these park DVDs are not living up to their expectations. its a shame that material intended to promote WDW isn't catching on with fans.

this coincides with my anger towards the changing of the resort TV.....but thats a whole other thread all together :drevil:


Well-Known Member
Dude, I'd rather have had Kryssa as my host on this DVD. At least I would have had something nice to look at during the times they weren't showing the inside of the attractions. Plus, she's less annoying than Sy N Tific... by FAR!!!


New Member
disney dvds

i live in england but visit the parks nearly every year for the past 12 years.
i have been wondering if you guys who go freaquently know where i can order dvds past and present of the parks.
we dont get much stuff over here so your help would be most appreciated.


New Member
i have the WDW dvd you can buy at the resorts and also the MK dvd. i like both of them, but is it just me, or does the narration bother any of you? when they show inside the attractions and what not, they don't have the actual ride audio and replace it with fake voices that just almost annoy me. it takes away from the WDW feel and i wish they wouldn't do that. i'm going to get the EPCOT dvd regardless, but i wish they would do things differently.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Number_6 said:
Dude, I'd rather have had Kryssa as my host on this DVD. At least I would have had something nice to look at during the times they weren't showing the inside of the attractions. Plus, she's less annoying than Sy N Tific... by FAR!!!
Worse than Kryssa?


NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:


Well-Known Member
Hey, I find her less annoying because I kinda like her. She's definitely cute and at least she looks more normal jumping up and down clapping her hands and acting silly than the Prof does.

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