New disney update and others


New Member
Oh please. Disney is doing everything in their power to not spend money on game-changing attractions. There needs to be some realism injected into the heads of the parks. They are resting while everyone else is moving forward. An emergency meeting needs to be called and they need to cut the nonsense.

Universal is continuing to improve and build more... waterpark, golf course, spidey update, despicable me, HP2, kids zone, etc and this is all after the runaway success of WWoHP. Disney is doing upkeep... the FLE should have been completed years ago. It's subpar and totally necessary - nothing special. Avatar was a desperate, reactionary move which was not too well-received. Nothing else?

Disney definitely needs that WOW factor after nearly a decade of languishing and stagnating parks. This will be the first year I don't renew my AP. I love Disney as much as the next guy but I'm not going to stand there and pretend to enjoy Walt DVC World. Disney practically invented this business and always set the standard. Now it appears like they are playing a game of catch-up with as little effort as possible.

Something needs to change, and quick... otherwise...

Lol is that you 74...keep complaining about the DVC for no valid reason...good thing you are not renewing your AP that means one less hater to deal with.

Oh yeah they are playing catchup with a company that even with the brand new MEGA success Harry Potter addition it still has not surpased DAK in attendance...


Active Member
We actually scheduled our vacation on the hopes of the FLE being done when we go so I guess that means that we are going to see how wonderful it is going to be. I do agree that more rides would be nice but we will take what we can get. And although I notice some of the problems, my children (which is why we go (at least thats what I tell them:ROFLOL:)) do not notice the small things yet. They love it and are happy to go. Stop looking at things and enjoy yourself while you are there. Thats what its about. A break from reality.

disney fan 13

Well-Known Member
I AM SO SICK OF THE NEGATIVITY!!!!!!!!!. PEOPLE STOP! seriously. Disney is just trying to go in a different direction. If you think you can do it any better then go ahead be my guest.... TRY AND PLEASE EVERYONE OUT THERE, and let me know how that works out for you.

Lowering ride quality, lowering food quality, and overall amount of new instead of innovating ( look at epcot), the difference from me personally and the people who run the parks at this point is that i care for quality and for expansion. so now I can not run the parks ( i'm still in high school) but i know there are people out there who can

The next gen stuff I agree will not bring in guest anymore but Its what disney does best (DETAIL) and besides the harry potter world(which personally I think is toooo cramped) is the only spot in universal with detail and a good story or theme.....and they didnt even come up with it themselves. They had 7 books and movies to BASE it off of. So excuse me for being a bit harsh but lately its been so negative

video screens is more detailed then a paint brush hunt on TSI noted
Now the FLE is going to be spectacular. almost everyone can see its not just going to be landscaping. TOON TOWN was the biggest waste of space IDC how much you loved seeing mickeys or minnies house, its was one giant waste of an autograph space. They can put that somewhere else. DUMBO which is a very popular kids atttraction is getting an expansion to help with the flow of the line. BUT with adding new elements like carnival games so your not bored just waiting. the little mermaid ride and the coaster will be both awesome and the be our guest rest will be probably the best resteraunt in the whole park.

really?a rip off of a california dark ride and a kiddie coaster themed like a dark ride is not innovative. will people like it? yes. toontown could have been done better. but the fact that the only place to meet mickey is on main street is sort of sad... yes dumbo is getting another one:eek: yup that is disney response to potter... also can you back up your reasoning on why both those rides will be ''awesome'' cause they may be fun but far from ''awesome''. as for BATB good luck getting a reservation.

Last but Not least AVATRLAND has every bit to do with animals as the beastly kingdom. Both lands have mythical or made up creatures that never sorry but Im having trouble seeing what the problem is with adding this to animal kingdom:lookaroun....REAL, EXTINCT, IMAGINARY!...what the park should be about....and with EVEREST in the dumps IM HAPPY ABOUT THIS. atleast its something. AND DISNEY IS THE ONE WHO WILL MAKE IT COME TO LIFE. Call me crazy but the visuals in avatar are incredible, and I can see disney doing a lot with it.

um 7 years out. second imaginary should not be based on a movie for example, if you consider avatar to be on target for AK then endor belongs here to... so you are happy about park ride upkeep being in the dumps, noted.

So im sorry If I come off snappy but its not the end of the world. Change is bound to happen. We just have to stay positive and look forward to the future!
-Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow!:sohappy:

ok then and it is not the end of the world... there is something called disneyland california, and universal studios which will satisfy my theme park needs just fine. ( disneyland trip next year and another UNI trip later this month. i will most likely visit WDW once this year instead of 2-3 and the time spent on disney land will be cut significantly


Active Member
"I do agree that more rides would be nice but we will take what we can get."

Thats why we are getting what we are getting, because as a whole we are allowing it. Quit going for a couple of years, and see what they come up with. If attendance took a 5-10% hit and especially merchandise took a 10% then TDO would have new management and probably a ton of stuff in the pipeline. How do you think that California Adventure got the money... Some one like John Lassater walked in there and said "Um... Yeah, we need to change this". If it wasnt for that CA would still be a crap park feeding off of the DL 2-park pass crowd.


Active Member
yep... DL certainly felt better than going to MK last year. the only attractions that are comparable that i enjoyed more in MK was splash, SM queue and the castle. its funny because i entered DL thinking i was going to go to the inferior park. I'm excited for the FLE especially for the new dumbo queue and snow white coaster. the swaying seats seem really interesting and i haven't seen it before on a coaster. i'm glad they are able to make rides thrilling enough for adults, yet kids can still get on them.

i sort of got off topic. while i'm excited for FLE, i can't help but be more excited for the WWoHP expansion and UNI getting a HP section of their own. IoA did that area up so well, and the ride is one of my all time favorites (from a non-potter fan at that). by the time WDW hits its 50 year, i think something revolutionary or amazing will have to happen. i don't even know what. but universal resort are doing some amazing things over there. i like uni, i love disney, but i hope something draws enough attn to make TDO do something great and let their pockets go loose.

my writing has gotten horrible lol


Well-Known Member
ok then and it is not the end of the world... there is something called disneyland california, and universal studios which will satisfy my theme park needs just fine. ( disneyland trip next year and another UNI trip later this month. i will most likely visit WDW once this year instead of 2-3 and the time spent on disney land will be cut significantly

OK....I was Not attacking you in any way. What you dont realize is that Main Street is a perfectly reasonable spot to see mickey and ALLLL the other characters. They do not need a huge space where attractions(also known as the things that your complaining we dont get enough of) could go. Yes little mermaid and dumbo may not be the next E-Ticket attraction BUT there is not much thrill you can put into fantasyland.

WE all want expanison but sometimes its better not to have things all at once. Waiting for something is part of the fun!!!. Many people have become so greedy with I want this and I want that. That is not what disney is about and never what It will be about. TURST ME I KNOW. I want to become an imagineer in the worst way.

Other then that its NOT A RIP OFF OF A RIDE IN CALIFORNIA!!! they were both brought up around the same time and will be identical almost to eachother. California came first because they didnt have a WHOLE LAND to finish besides it.

WHY DO WE HAVE TO COMPETE WITH POTTER ALL THE TIME. I PERSONALLY did not have that great of a time in the potter world. the detail in the actual ride was SLOPPY. the dementors looked like sheets on a stick and the womping willow looked like a rock.(spiders didnt even move).....ok so you liike crappy rides with no detail(noted!)

DUMBO IS NOT a response to potter. AVATAR is what I going to be great and It saddens me that NO ONE or barely anyone even has faith in DISNEY that they will make it and incredible experience. and endor doesnt fit because it belongs in disney could out avatar there too but Its better then nothing.

The main focus here is that anything you compare thats similar with UNiversal and Disney. MOST LIKELY...disney will be better. for example. Jurassic Park vs. Dinosaur (dinosaur wins because of the scary and thrilling aspect as well as ride system and animatronics-amazing). tower of terro vs. dr. dooms fear fall(tower of question). Mickeys Philharmagic vs. shrek 4d.....Mickeys philharmagic wihtout a doubt. AND IF YOU THINK really shouldnt even be on this site and go on some universal chat site because its a little ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
I think this gave me a headache.. Why are you yelling? If you are pleased with the direction things have been going at WDW, no one is trying to spoil the magic for you...honest.

I didnt say they were. ALL IM saying is to stop being so negative about the place you love. DONT GO if you arent having fun and all your thinking about is what you want it to look like. DONT get me wrong I always envision my own ideas there but LET the imagineers do there job. thats all. AND I WASNT YELLING I clearly stated that.


Well-Known Member
I don't think this is a very good argument...the majority of the Fantasyland expansion is based on environments from the movies as well (Belle's village, Beast's castle, Prince Eric's castle, etc.), as will Avatarland if it comes to fruition.

I don't mean this as an attack; I agree that there has been lots of negativity around here as well, but I think that some of it is deserved.

I agree with you ON this. I just think Universal relies toooo much on stories already told over disney creating a new story or thrill. beauty and the beast and the little mermaid were disney movies so there rights on using them is ok with me. thats all Im saying. But your right not the best argument.:)

disney fan 13

Well-Known Member
OK....I was Not attacking you in any way. What you dont realize is that Main Street is a perfectly reasonable spot to see mickey and ALLLL the other characters. They do not need a huge space where attractions(also known as the things that your complaining we dont get enough of) could go. Yes little mermaid and dumbo may not be the next E-Ticket attraction BUT there is not much thrill you can put into fantasyland.

WE all want expanison but sometimes its better not to have things all at once. Waiting for something is part of the fun!!!. Many people have become so greedy with I want this and I want that. That is not what disney is about and never what It will be about. TURST ME I KNOW. I want to become an imagineer in the worst way.

Other then that its NOT A RIP OFF OF A RIDE IN CALIFORNIA!!! they were both brought up around the same time and will be identical almost to eachother. California came first because they didnt have a WHOLE LAND to finish besides it.

WHY DO WE HAVE TO COMPETE WITH POTTER ALL THE TIME. I PERSONALLY did not have that great of a time in the potter world. the detail in the actual ride was SLOPPY. the dementors looked like sheets on a stick and the womping willow looked like a rock.(spiders didnt even move).....ok so you liike crappy rides with no detail(noted!)

DUMBO IS NOT a response to potter. AVATAR is what I going to be great and It saddens me that NO ONE or barely anyone even has faith in DISNEY that they will make it and incredible experience. and endor doesnt fit because it belongs in disney could out avatar there too but Its better then nothing.

The main focus here is that anything you compare thats similar with UNiversal and Disney. MOST LIKELY...disney will be better. for example. Jurassic Park vs. Dinosaur (dinosaur wins because of the scary and thrilling aspect as well as ride system and animatronics-amazing). tower of terro vs. dr. dooms fear fall(tower of question). Mickeys Philharmagic vs. shrek 4d.....Mickeys philharmagic wihtout a doubt. AND IF YOU THINK really shouldnt even be on this site and go on some universal chat site because its a little ridiculous.

I would respect your posts more if you did not use caps... But anyway I could care less about M&G cause I am not into that, but I know people do enjoy it so I am sort of talking for the masses.

The dumbo thing was a joke. and maybe they should respond to potter because it will come back to bite them in the rear

Also endor still has as much right to be there as avatar cause ya know it's imaginary...

And as for me not being a Disney fan, if I was not a Disney fan I would not care about the decline Disney has taken or I would not be heading to California to see its older brother. Or I would not even spend time here. But this most Likely falls on deaf ears since anyone who enjoys another theme park as well is a traitor...

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
WHY DO WE HAVE TO COMPETE WITH POTTER ALL THE TIME. I PERSONALLY did not have that great of a time in the potter world. the detail in the actual ride was SLOPPY. the dementors looked like sheets on a stick and the womping willow looked like a rock.(spiders didnt even move).....ok so you liike crappy rides with no detail(noted!)

DUMBO IS NOT a response to potter. AVATAR is what I going to be great and It saddens me that NO ONE or barely anyone even has faith in DISNEY that they will make it and incredible experience. and endor doesnt fit because it belongs in disney could out avatar there too but Its better then nothing.

The main focus here is that anything you compare thats similar with UNiversal and Disney. MOST LIKELY...disney will be better. for example. Jurassic Park vs. Dinosaur (dinosaur wins because of the scary and thrilling aspect as well as ride system and animatronics-amazing). tower of terro vs. dr. dooms fear fall(tower of question). Mickeys Philharmagic vs. shrek 4d.....Mickeys philharmagic wihtout a doubt. AND IF YOU THINK really shouldnt even be on this site and go on some universal chat site because its a little ridiculous.

Man, this part of your post lost me... You have your opinion, and other people have theirs... So you want this site to be all pixie dust??? People can pick out and talk about Disney's shortcomings... If you don't like it, go start your own site, allow absolutely no negative talk about Disney, and be happy... Otherwise, you are going to have to deal with people talking about Disney's decline in certain areas...

And you think Potter is a crappy ride with no detail??? Then stick to sitting in Stitch Great Escape and view the amazing detail in that hunk of junk...

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I agree with you ON this. I just think Universal relies toooo much on stories already told over disney creating a new story or thrill. beauty and the beast and the little mermaid were disney movies so there rights on using them is ok with me. thats all Im saying. But your right not the best argument.:)

Give me one ride/show/attraction Disney has created in the last 10 years that hasn't been based on a story not already told???? All the new stuff Disney has put out in WDW has been stories already told...

I see nothing wrong with that as long as the rides are fun and enjoyable...


New Member
OK....I was Not attacking you in any way. What you dont realize is that Main Street is a perfectly reasonable spot to see mickey and ALLLL the other characters. They do not need a huge space where attractions(also known as the things that your complaining we dont get enough of) could go. Yes little mermaid and dumbo may not be the next E-Ticket attraction BUT there is not much thrill you can put into fantasyland.

WE all want expanison but sometimes its better not to have things all at once. Waiting for something is part of the fun!!!. Many people have become so greedy with I want this and I want that. That is not what disney is about and never what It will be about. TURST ME I KNOW. I want to become an imagineer in the worst way.

Other then that its NOT A RIP OFF OF A RIDE IN CALIFORNIA!!! they were both brought up around the same time and will be identical almost to eachother. California came first because they didnt have a WHOLE LAND to finish besides it.

WHY DO WE HAVE TO COMPETE WITH POTTER ALL THE TIME. I PERSONALLY did not have that great of a time in the potter world. the detail in the actual ride was SLOPPY. the dementors looked like sheets on a stick and the womping willow looked like a rock.(spiders didnt even move).....ok so you liike crappy rides with no detail(noted!)

DUMBO IS NOT a response to potter. AVATAR is what I going to be great and It saddens me that NO ONE or barely anyone even has faith in DISNEY that they will make it and incredible experience. and endor doesnt fit because it belongs in disney could out avatar there too but Its better then nothing.

The main focus here is that anything you compare thats similar with UNiversal and Disney. MOST LIKELY...disney will be better. for example. Jurassic Park vs. Dinosaur (dinosaur wins because of the scary and thrilling aspect as well as ride system and animatronics-amazing). tower of terro vs. dr. dooms fear fall(tower of question). Mickeys Philharmagic vs. shrek 4d.....Mickeys philharmagic wihtout a doubt. AND IF YOU THINK really shouldnt even be on this site and go on some universal chat site because its a little ridiculous.

Jurassic Park is completely different from Dinosaur....


Well-Known Member
I would respect your posts more if you did not use caps... But anyway I could care less about M&G cause I am not into that, but I know people do enjoy it so I am sort of talking for the masses.

The dumbo thing was a joke. and maybe they should respond to potter because it will come back to bite them in the rear

Also endor still has as much right to be there as avatar cause ya know it's imaginary...

And as for me not being a Disney fan, if I was not a Disney fan I would not care about the decline Disney has taken or I would not be heading to California to see its older brother. Or I would not even spend time here. But this most Likely falls on deaf ears since anyone who enjoys another theme park as well is a traitor...

I can agree with you on some things and Im sorry my caps annoy you but Im trying to get certain points apart. Endor doesnt have major amounts of new creatures though as where pandora.....does. thats all Im saying. But I respect you so IM not trying to fight. thanks for your opinions. We both Love disney and I want them to succeed as well.:)


Well-Known Member
Man, this part of your post lost me... You have your opinion, and other people have theirs... So you want this site to be all pixie dust??? People can pick out and talk about Disney's shortcomings... If you don't like it, go start your own site, allow absolutely no negative talk about Disney, and be happy... Otherwise, you are going to have to deal with people talking about Disney's decline in certain areas...

And you think Potter is a crappy ride with no detail??? Then stick to sitting in Stitch Great Escape and view the amazing detail in that hunk of junk...

IM NOT SAYING WE CANT!....IM saying all we have been doing lately is that! WE can never be happy. I dont want my own site and its my opinion. you dont have to reply. I never said alll disney rides are good. I hate the stitch ride because it was a complete failure makeover of alien encounter(disney own story). thats all Im saying.


Well-Known Member
Give me one ride/show/attraction Disney has created in the last 10 years that hasn't been based on a story not already told???? All the new stuff Disney has put out in WDW has been stories already told...

I see nothing wrong with that as long as the rides are fun and enjoyable...

ummm...expedition everest. And its disneys movies so they can do whatever they want with it. but its not just a recap of the complete movie unless its a dark ride like "snow white scary adventure". harry potter is more of warner bros which isnt technically a universal movie and thats what they use to there advantage. IM just saying that they added one new attraction and kept two existing attractions and everyone thinks universal is some god. Call me crazy but its not that impressive. Im just defending disney because I like disney better. Im not trying to make you upset in anyway.


Active Member
Why are some people saying they are going to Disneyland acting like they are sticking it WDW? It all goes in the same disney wallet, lol

Far too much negativity. But that doesn't surprise me on here anymore. We go to WDW every year and haven't had a bad trip yet. Why? Because it's a Vacation. Eventually we will make it out to DL, but we are in no real rush.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
IM NOT SAYING WE CANT!....IM saying all we have been doing lately is that! WE can never be happy. I dont want my own site and its my opinion. you dont have to reply. I never said alll disney rides are good. I hate the stitch ride because it was a complete failure makeover of alien encounter(disney own story). thats all Im saying.

Well, in a way you are right... Seems like the Disney online community of fans cannot be happy... As I said before, Disney online fans are their own worst enemy...

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
ummm...expedition everest. And its disneys movies so they can do whatever they want with it. but its not just a recap of the complete movie unless its a dark ride like "snow white scary adventure". harry potter is more of warner bros which isnt technically a universal movie and thats what they use to there advantage. IM just saying that they added one new attraction and kept two existing attractions and everyone thinks universal is some god. Call me crazy but its not that impressive. Im just defending disney because I like disney better. Im not trying to make you upset in anyway.

No one is saying Universal is god... People are saying Universal upped the game... People want to see Disney be the best it can be, and in reality, we haven't seen the best of Disney in a long time... Everest is a story that has been told for years and years... The story of the yeti... been around forever... So, they took a story that has been around for ever and put it in an attraction.. Really isn't original.. Not like Disney made up the yeti... It is based in folklore which is centuries old...

Wizarding World is very impressive.. Very detailed... You can like Disney, but you put down Universal in a blind allegiance to Disney... You can like Disney more, no one says you can't... But you try to say Universal fails in theme and detail and that is really untrue...

Agh, these debates always go in circles...

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