New Member
from what ive read its being based around an obscure thought Walt Disney had about what would happen if Mickey committed suicide(if this is in fact true,Walt is one twisted individual,LOVE IT!!)he doesn't fully die and is somehow kept alive,and whats left living is "forgotten" and run by Oswald the Rabbit and Phantom Blot,Mickey tries to return everything back to normal.

I can't even imagine Walt ever thinking such a thing. If he did, he wouldn't make it public.
Though I've read pretty much all the bios on Walt, heard the stories of him "wearing the bear suit", and I have heard the rumors dozens of times, Mickey was part of his idea to "accentuate the positive." Walt said that thinking of Mickey made his cheer up, not depressed.
Playing the KH series, sometimes I think the envelope has been approached but never truly crossed. BY envelope, I mean the treatment of Disney icons and themes in their own element, which is in the embrace of an innocence and the beauty of its own idealism.
From what I see of the concept art of this game, it's quite frightening. I'm all for Disney being edgy, but to cast Mickey in Hell or Mickey committing suicide? That's going way far away from family entertainment, IMO.
I'm liking the concept of making the game focus on "forgotten Disney characters, rides and cartoons." How often do people on this board ask for a "Retroland" park of discontinued rides? That idea will probably never happen, but this might be a cool use of the concept.
Sure, but I can't imagine a sinister version of "If You Had Wings"