New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024


Well-Known Member
For a company that is known to help many with disabilities depending on how they truly go forward with this. They may eliminate people from actually being able to go. I have a trip booked in June and if myself or my mom is denied the trip would be cancelled. Im curious how many other people would be in that same boat


Premium Member
If I were Disney, I would have taken the chance and gone the way of requiring documentation. ADA law isn’t very well-settled, and line accommodations haven’t been tested in court. The Six Flags case was just recently filed.

Disney’s business model is all about people standing in lines waiting for things. Even if almost all DAS users were qualified under the ADA, Disney would have a good case that the strain on its system adversely affected other guests to the point of being untenable.

But it looks like they want to avoid the problematic documentation route and limit the people who qualify for DAS. At this point, I think all we can do is wait to see how well the system works.
Depending on court outcomes I wouldn’t be surprised if Disney went that direction eventually.


Premium Member
I’m interested to see what other accommodations they implement. The “what if’s” are useless to go over until we know more.

Weird that all the information wasn’t released at one time. Who on the forum is the next to go that normally qualifies for DAS? We have questions 😂😂


Well-Known Member
I guess we don't know at this point...but wouldn't a reasonable accommodation be to give you a wheel chair while in line?
Assuming Disney is using the CDC definition of developmental disability, there's no question such a diagnosis qualifies because it is absolutely classified as a developmental disability. Do I think they will? I can only hope so because I fall under the same category although my case is rather mild.

Tha Realest

Well-Known Member
For a company that is known to help many with disabilities depending on how they truly go forward with this. They may eliminate people from actually being able to go. I have a trip booked in June and if myself or my mom is denied the trip would be cancelled. Im curious how many other people would be in that same boat
Maybe they’ve baked this into their calculus.

You know, how they brag that for every guest that doesn’t come there’s five more to replace them?

Maybe they’re nudging this more to benefit the family from Denver that will pay for G+ instead of making things easier for more frequent DAS guests.


Premium Member
Maybe they’ve baked this into their calculus.

You know, how they brag that for every guest that doesn’t come there’s five more to replace them?

Maybe they’re nudging this more to benefit the family from Denver that will pay for G+ instead of making things easier for more frequent DAS guests.

Or maybe they’re trying to find the thing that works the best for the most amount of people 🤷‍♀️

Nobody can please everybody, especially Disney.


Well-Known Member
Maybe they’ve baked this into their calculus.

You know, how they brag that for every guest that doesn’t come there’s five more to replace them?

Maybe they’re nudging this more to benefit the family from Denver that will pay for G+ instead of making things easier for more frequent DAS guests.
I still purchase Genie+ and do Buy ILL as well. Im curious what number of DAS do the same & how that will play into determining if someone is allowed to keep using DAS? Im sure they have this data readily available


Well-Known Member
Or maybe they’re trying to find the thing that works the best for the most amount of people 🤷‍♀️

Nobody can please everybody, especially Disney.
Of course its impossible but yet again Disney is still trying to fit the same amount of guests into parks that simply do NOT have the capacity to hold the crowds they have… if people think lines will miraculously be reduced i have a bridge for sale… and if DAS users that were abusing or denied the system all Disney will do is increase the amount of Genie+ sales they allocate imo


Well-Known Member
I know they said that DAS no longer will be allowed to be granted at City Hall but as we all know there are a ton of guests who do not research or simply may not know the policy has changed and simply shows up like they have for years. Will they be denied ?

Angel Ariel

Well-Known Member
Of course its impossible but yet again Disney is still trying to fit the same amount of guests into parks that simply do NOT have the capacity to hold the crowds they have… if people think lines will miraculously be reduced i have a bridge for sale… and if DAS users that were abusing or denied the system all Disney will do is increase the amount of Genie+ sales they allocate imo
Capacity isn't the only issue though, as Disneyland has this issue as well and Disneyland and California adventure both have a lot more capacity in each park than most of the wdw parks do.


Well-Known Member
I know they said that DAS no longer will be allowed to be granted at City Hall but as we all know there are a ton of guests who do not research or simply may not know the policy has changed and simply shows up like they have for years. Will they be denied ?
I am curious about this also. I just found out one of my wife's friend at work and his family is taking advantage of it saying they get anxiety waiting in line. I guess they have been doing it for a while. It came up when we planned to meet at MK this weekend and my family rope drops and his doesn't because of DAS. And no they don't have anxiety issues and take full advantage of it. I was not happy when I heard about it but didn't say anything.


Well-Known Member
I guess we don't know at this point...but wouldn't a reasonable accommodation be to give you a wheel chair while in line?
Exactly this. It is important to note that providing someone a "reasonable accommodation" within the perimeters of the law does not mean that you need to meet their preferred or requested accommodation. There's no requirement for this whatsoever. Providing accommodations is meant to provide said person the same experience as other individuals, not a preferred experience or advantage. That means, providing them the opportunity to wait in line the same as others is the accommodation.
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Well-Known Member
I am curious about this also. I just found out one of my wife's friend at work and his family is taking advantage of it saying they get anxiety waiting in line. I guess they have been doing it for a while. It came up when we planned to meet at MK this weekend and my family rope drops and his doesn't because of DAS. And no they don't have anxiety issues and take full advantage of it. I was not happy when I heard about it but didn't say anything.
And these are the people that necessitated the change.
There is not one person in a Disney park that is not experiencing anxiety. 😂


Premium Member
I know they said that DAS no longer will be allowed to be granted at City Hall but as we all know there are a ton of guests who do not research or simply may not know the policy has changed and simply shows up like they have for years. Will they be denied ?

I’m not sure reasonable accommodations specifies when they’re made, but logically they’d have to have some way of accommodating disabled guests who show up day of, right? Or maybe they can legally say hey we offered the accommodations, too bad you didn’t sign up for them?

Chip Chipperson

Well-Known Member
I can see their answer being if you have mobility issues and waiting in long lines isn't an option we have Genie+ for you.
They also offer wheel hair and ECV rentals if standing/walking is an issue. If someone without any other issues besides mobility is able to access a line in their wheelchair/ECV then they have no more of a need to skip a line than any other guest. And older rides with queues that are not wheelchair accessible have procedures in place for accommodating those impacted guests.

Chip Chipperson

Well-Known Member
Something I haven't seen but may have missed is the current pre-booking 2 rides with DAS. Does this new setup eliminate that? It seems like an excessive accommodation to me, so I'm wondering if Disney realized that they don't need to offer it (and that offering it encourages abuse by those who don't actually need DAS).


Well-Known Member
I know they said that DAS no longer will be allowed to be granted at City Hall .. Will they be denied ?

Day-of requests will still be accommodated. They will need to use the website/video chat to request assistance rather than going to City Hall.

This is the one sticking point that would potentially make the Universal/Six Flags system illegal. I'm glad Disney didn't try to change this.

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