New countries at Epcot?!

rael ramone

Well-Known Member
If TDO had an unlimited budget, was much more ambitious, and it was possible to have a much wider range of lands represented without having retaliations by others that don't appreciate those cultures or their form of government for whatever reason (and pretending that there's much more useable land there than there really is):

There are so many places of archetechural interest, historical interest, natural interest, cultural interest, and culinary interest all over the world. Some that are very expensive to visit. Others that aren't safe to visit.

Many South American countries have variations among it's nations due to the presence of different original peoples from those lands, the degree of integration with those peoples, as well as the immigrants to those lands blending as well. While Animal Kingdom & AKL lodge seems (to me at least) to lean to East Africa (due to the names used) and the Southern African countries (due to that's where the cast members seem to come from - half from South Africa - the others from Zimbabwe, Botswanna, and Namibia), both Ethiopia & Senegal are known for their cuisines. A lot of world history happened in the lands now occupied by Iran, Iraq, and Israel. Asia has so many lands that have great buildings, history, and food.

And even the existing lands could have a much wider footprint to have a more inclusive glimpse into all the country has to offer. China springs right to mind. I'm sure citizens of Scotland would appreciate a more distinct presence than just be part of the UK.


Active Member
I know I will get criticized for saying this but I would subtract American Adventure. Most Americans already know what is in the show from history class and it's kind of boring, the pavilion is like an old 1950s museum and very bare and I notice the cast members acted stuck up and did not make me or my family feel very welcome. Its not just the woman who abruptly told us "finish the drinks outside the building" it was the whole feel of the place. They must have the same people working there for years to get that way. Other pavilions the CMs were much friendlier. Maybe American Adventure can be turned into a Russian pavilion?

Question for Disney cast members: Are people rotated and every so often to other attractions or can request to be "cross trained"? It seems to me to always be at the same attraction year after year would be like putting the same part of a car on for so long - you have a hard time doing anything else if you don't change.


Well-Known Member
Spain, Greece, and Egypt are always my top 3. Russia would be awesome too.

When I deliberate countries from time to time, I always consider culture, history, food, shop potential. These would be great. Ride potential too, but the odds are never good in WS for that end of the spectrum.

Now, as said above before, the likelihood due to the current events….blue skying it. Forget WDW's end. No countries any time soon, I fear.

I'm not greedy. One major turning point in DHS or a new country in WS, would make me a very happy person. LOL! I'd be appreciative for a long time.

What I am never sure of, and flip flop, is that some countries, continents, etc. I would even be happy if they could be or be more incorporated into AK. Like to exist period or to highlight what they have now. There is an African and Asian influence in AK, but not as cohesive as straightforward countries like in Epcot's WS.

If they had tweaked Beastly Kingdom or added, I would have loved to see Greece, Egypt, somehow represented there too. Old and new culture.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Disney's now got us excited when they add a restaurant to World Showcase. Boy, have we been trained to expect less!

Yup. We've been thrown quite a few bones in the past few years, haven't we. I still debate whether it was necessary for some, or they could have improved upon the existing restaurants, if necessary, when you see some people's dining reviews for some of the places.

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