News New Changes Coming to the Disney Look 2021

Stevie Amsterdam

Well-Known Member
Rumor has it these are the new pins that they will be selling. TRIGGER WARNING!



Active Member
I will be selling DVC and will vacation elsewhere. So, yes, I will stop going to Woke Dystopian World.
And before the obligatory "why are you here if you hate Disney" trope, I have owned DVC for 25 years, honeymooned at WDW, vacationed as a family here and watched my family grow. I have had many friends buy into DVC and the WDW experience after vacationing with us. I always sold WDW to them on Disney's commitment to detail. I was amazed by what the imaginers could accomplish and their willingness to see it all the way through even when it was not easy. I was never a big fan on the cartoons or movies. They are good for what they are but it did not hold my interest. WDW did.

We have seen them abandoned the commitment to detail in recent years. An easy example is the monstrosity in Epcots World Showcase Lagoon. Reduced show for sake of the dollar and ease of setup. We see it in the shared napkins and cups across Disney Parks, we see it in the reduced theming at the new resorts, we see it reduced and shared CM outfits. The decline is only happening faster.

I loved WDW and have many fond memories there. It makes me sad to see them decline in the areas that made them successful. Will my dollars going elsewhere hurt their bottom line? Nope. There a millions of people that will continue to go and enjoy it. It just won't be me as I know whet they once were. I still get to have an opinion even if it unpopular.


Well-Known Member
I'm not terribly in favor of this change, but I understand why they felt they needed to do it. Our culture has changed and the pool of potential CMs available for work reflect a different appearance than what I grew up with. So, in order for Disney to be able to hire suitable individuals, they had to make this change.

I'm old school, former military, where there used to be a uniform standard there too. Recruiters and Drill sergeants weren't allowed to have visible tattoos, women had to wear their hair a certain way and minimal jewelry was allowed, all in an effort to present a "standard" look. While I was in the military, I saw individuals get written up, charged and even terminated from the service because they violated the published appearance guidelines. This was the standard that I and many others accepted, because we wanted to be there. I believe people should be allowed to do what they want, dress how they want, and even mark their bodies in ways they want, but I don't agree that it belongs in the workplace. I also believe that if you or I disagree with the standards a company has on appearance, we are free to go work somewhere else.

Employers hire people to do a specific job, and as such, I believe they can dictate certain standards of appearance they deem acceptable for their workplace and how they want to appear for their customers. Times have changed and these new looks are becoming more acceptable, but in my opinion they're not a good look. These changes won't likely change my outward attitude or visiting frequency of the parks, but I believe it does take away from what was a nice clean standard look that Disney once held. I don't say this to offend anyone with ink, wild nail colors or other accessories, but in my opinion, it's a step backward and diminishes the once esteemed Disney standard.


Well-Known Member
I will be selling DVC and will vacation elsewhere. So, yes, I will stop going to Woke Dystopian World.


I disagree. In my opinion standards have definitely fallen. You are welcome to your opinion as well.

Maybe by your standards yes, but the whole point of this change is that standards are a moving target and each generation may have a new set of standards which are more appropriate to follow. It is far more important now for people to feel welcomed and included at work, than it is to tell them what finger nail polish to wear or what hair styles are appropriate. What may have been considered important before, just isn't any longer. At some point it was a standard that roles be gender locked, and that standard fell a LONG time ago. This isn't any different.

I get that there is a little sting to the realization that what you held as an important standard just isn't anymore to people, but what options do you have in this case, other than walking away or accepting it?


Well-Known Member
I get that there is a little sting to the realization that what you held as an important standard just isn't anymore to people, but what options do you have in this case, other than walking away or accepting it?
You’re trying to make me sound like an old church lady that just can’t accept that times are changing.

The reason these standards are so important to me is because Disney themselves taught me how important it is to the show! So blame my Disney instructor for indoctrinating me so well.

I DO think that the relaxation of the dress code is worse than visible tattoos. Of course in the case of Main Street operations, if the dress code hadn’t been relaxed the tattoos wouldn’t be visible.

"El Gran Magnifico"

Can I borrow five dollars
Premium Member
Wait 'til everyone finds out Phase 2 of the policy is mandatory Disney tattoos for CM's. Gives Disney free advertising for life. That marketing machine is humming.


Well-Known Member
The question is, Where do you draw the line? Just curious. Yes, I went to the extreme. So, backing up from the extreme, how much self expression is allowed? Seems better to me to keep the self expression in the "real" world and let Disney be our escape world. We know the costumes in the various lands and attractions are not true representations. They are fancified versions that allow us to be immersed in that particular venue.
Instead of "self expression", can we use the term "pieces of flair"?


Well-Known Member
You’re trying to make me sound like an old church lady that just can’t accept that times are changing.

The reason these standards are so important to me is because Disney themselves taught me how important it is to the show! So blame my Disney instructor for indoctrinating me so well.

Oh definitely. Disney has admitted this is a big change within their internal culture and I am sure it's going to take a lot of adjustment for some, but it should still be worth it in the end. Even under the old Four Keys though, Show always came behind Safety and Courtesy and they always made the allowance that for some things that were more important, show would take a backseat.

I DO think that the relaxation of the dress code is worse than visible tattoos. Of course in the case of Main Street operations, if the dress code hadn’t been relaxed the tattoos wouldn’t be visible.

I'm going to guess that you are referring to swapping out long pants/trousers for shorts and short sleeve shirts? Some of those came about for safety reasons, and some of them were just plain cast comfort issues. If you want to look at it from a purely business perspective, it's harder to justify the dollars brought in by the "good show" of having Cast Members only wear long trousers, versus the dollars spent on Worker's Comp claims when cast are suffering from heat related illnesses. Better to be safe than sorry.

Bill in Atlanta

Well-Known Member
Would anyone support a CM presenting themselves naked? I suspect the answer to be, no. How about thongs, bikinis, or shorts and muscle shirts? So, then the question is, Where do you draw the line and who gets to draw it? That is the point. CMs are to present themselves in character with the land or setting they work in.

This whole “inclusive” buzzword has totally jumped the shark. Standards and norms aren’t changing; they’re being removed entirely.

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