Connor002 said:
I don't care if you do not like me.
I do not care if you curse me, despise my existence, poke fun at me, insult me, or judge me, but do not insult Luke or any others here.
That is the last thing I plan on saying to you.
Good bye.
I've already expressed that I don't have a problem with YOU... just your way of posting at times... I'll get over it, there are more important things in life...
And look, Imagineer boy, I got no problem with ya, I don't know... but don't tell me to get a life... cuz Luke has been desperately trying to make me and Michael look inferior and like idiots, for simply expressing our views...
And my last thing... Connor, who OTHER than Luke did I insult? I'm getting sick and tired of being told I've been insulting everyone... and I only insulted Luke because... he absolutely ATTACKED me and my integrity as a human being...
and Luke... you have a HUGE surprise coming your way in two years if you're gonna make a joke like "maybe you were drunk

" to a college kid... and for the 435454350439th time, I'm not saying that's okay, cuz it's not... I respect GREATLY those that chose not to... but if you think you can make fun of a college kid for drinking... you honestly have no idea what is coming your way, and that can be scary... cuz I've seen that destroy people... its a real nice thing when those that drink are the minority... UNFORTUNATELY... in college those that don't drink are a heavy minority.. please, honestly Luke, I don't wanna fight no more or anything, I DON'T want you to hate me, and for me to hate you... I don't know you... but seriously... just don't let yourself get caught off guard, that doesn't mean drink, it means OPEN YOUR EYES... and I am honestly saying this in the same tone I would say it to a younger brother or a younger friend that I didn't wanna see get in trouble when they go to school... You can think I'm an awful person all you want... but I'm not...
oh and please don't say I was acting like a "god" I don't like the word tossed around loosely, and you even said so yourself... don't make fun of people or dislike people you don't know... you don't know me, and that's not something I think is funny even if you were my best friend saying that to someone I didn't like who did act like a "god." Especially when I never made one comment like I was above anyone... cuz I don't think that way, at all...
I should probably take a few day vacation from here though... adios