Never been to Tom Sawyer Island...


TSI is a great place to "get LOST" from family and friends that do not know MK like we do! I love it, it is so relaxing to sit in a rocking chair and people watch. If you have time to kill or do not want to be found head to TSI!!:D


Buried20KLeague said:
How sure are we about some of this stuff, though? I'm thinking a lot of the things you hear about the island are urban legends. Like for example, the key thing, or this paint brush thing... I've also heard that there's an underground tunnel that goes somewhere from the island to the mainland (presumeably to get people off the island if something were wrong with the water or boats).


We're sure(atleast I am) that the paintbrush thing is true, I've found one before, I brought it to a CM and got a fastpass for Splash Mountain. And the tunnel thing is also true(I'm not sure but it might be part of the utilidors), but when my mom was 10 or 11(MK just opened) she hit her head in the fort and got a cut so they took her underground and left her in a room for alittle while but all she wanted to do is get back to her parents and somehow found a way out.


New Member
CommandoDisney said:
yes, its true, i have never been to TSI. after 20 years and 8+ trips, i have never been out there. my parents never took when when i was little, because they didnt like the idea of having to wait in line to take a raft to a playground when to get back ull have to wait again. i almost forget about it when im there! ive never been on the big riverboat either. ive done everything else in the MK, though. should i bother? is there anything that you guys have never seemed to do?

I went for the first time ever this month and I don't even know how many times I've been to WDW.

I thought the caves were kinda cool...came up with some funny pictures in them. :lol:


Well-Known Member
RnRJoe6114 said:
We're sure(atleast I am) that the paintbrush thing is true, I've found one before, I brought it to a CM and got a fastpass for Splash Mountain. And the tunnel thing is also true(I'm not sure but it might be part of the utilidors), but when my mom was 10 or 11(MK just opened) she hit her head in the fort and got a cut so they took her underground and left her in a room for alittle while but all she wanted to do is get back to her parents and somehow found a way out.

Is there somewhere on the island that talks about these paint brushes? And are they re-hidden during the day by cast members once they're found and returned? I'd love to tell my little girls about this on our next trip and have them look for them, but I could just see the CM looking at them with a weird look and saying "Uh. What should I do with that?"... Or I could see them looking for something that's not even out there because it had already been found for the day and not re-hidden... :confused:


Well-Known Member
I've never done that. I've also never ridden the train around. I'm thinking my next trip will have to require that I do that.


New Member
Buried20KLeague said:
What I like about the island are the unique views and perspectives you get of the park... Think about it, how many times have you walked through frontierland and looked across to the island... Probably TONS... But how many times have you stood on the island and looked across to frontierland?

You can do the same thing over by the Haunted Mansion, too... Get a great view of it from right across the river... Same with BTMRR.

This is my favorite part about the island, too! The caves are neat, too - although very dark!! The kids seem to love the island because they can run off some energy. It does gets quite hot, though, and Aunt Polly's (or whatever it's called) never seems to be open when I need a cold drink.

Go on a cooler day, you'll enjoy it more.


Well-Known Member
Haven't been there since I was ten years old. Too quiet for me to want to spend time just hanging out there, and no attraction there to get me to visit for anything else.



New Member
MissM said:
No bridge. There's a ferry that takes you over.

And there is but it only does drinks now. From what I gather, back in the day, they offered great sandwiches, but not anymore. It's rarely open as a drink stand. You can see the building when you're near HM - it's the one with the patio across the river. Oh and it's called Aunt Polly's.

Here's a nice photo walkthrough:


no no i mean the big suspension bridge that connects the 2 islands together.
look at the pics you refered to.unless of course you were pulling my leg in which case i am gullable.:eek:
with regards to the restaurant,sounds cool even if it only sells seems like a nice relaxing place to stop for a breather.


Original Poster
this makes me feel better! i know ill go someday, probably when i have kids or something. but for now i dont feel the need to go hang out at wahts basically an awesome playground, when i can be going on awesome rides like POTC and Splash Mountain!


This is why I love this site. I too have never been to TSI, at either WDW or DL. But now that I know you can find something I may just have to bring the kids over on our next trip. Does anyone know if they are somewhat obvious or are they REALLY hidden? Just so I know how good I need to look.:animwink: However we do ride the Liberty Belle everytime. We like the nice break it gives you. Hopefully everything goes well with its refurb. so it is running when we go next.


New Member
i only started going the past few years, but it's a whole lot of fun. going to the magic kingdom is an escape in itself, but when you step on that island you feel even more emersed into another world.
and yes!, the paintbrush thing is true. when the island first opens at around 10:00am, the CM on the raft tells everyone that there are paintbrushes hidden throughout the island. as soon as everyone gets off the raft it's like a big scavenger hunt. when you turn it in every member in your group gets a anytime-use fastpass to Splash Mountain or BTMR. we found like three of them, but they told us only one counts, so we left the rest. it's a great way to start the day off.
TSI is totally worth paying a visit to, but just to warn you, the caves are sooo


New Member
I can just see the people now... Jumping off the first boat, running around like crazy, fighting over the paintbrushes!! :sohappy:


Active Member
We went to TSI at Disneyland on the rafts in either 2000 or 95. It was a nice visit and maybe we'll take our daughters and 2 nephews this time. I bet they'll really love it. As for the paddlewheel, always mean to, but never have done it, maybe this year too, along with the space rockets. However, I almost can't believe the posting that had never been on the Railroad. We often take a partial ride, if not a full ride. The wilderness scenes are a little old fashioned, but you get a nice view of BTMRR. I just wish DW would do an updated panorama like at DL!


Buried20KLeague said:
Is there somewhere on the island that talks about these paint brushes? And are they re-hidden during the day by cast members once they're found and returned? I'd love to tell my little girls about this on our next trip and have them look for them, but I could just see the CM looking at them with a weird look and saying "Uh. What should I do with that?"... Or I could see them looking for something that's not even out there because it had already been found for the day and not re-hidden... :confused:

I don't think the paintbrushes are like something you would know about by going to the island, you have to find out about them on a site like . I'm not sure but I don't think they are rehidden, theres 2 or 3 that are hidden before the park opens and once they're found thats it for the day. So you may want to make that a first thing to do for the day. I wouldn't stay out there too long just to look for them, because for all you know they could've already been found for the day and you would just be waisting the morning away. So just enjoy the island and have fun, and if you come accross a paintbrush(whitewashing-brush:)) you know what to do.


Well-Known Member
I think I've been to Tom Sawyer Island once in my lifetime, but when I was very young (maybe 2 or 3 years old? Who knows...). I've been to WDW 70+ times (I'm a local), and I have yet to visit that place again... Maybe I will this weekend... :eek:


New Member
I was pleasantly surprised a few years ago to find Mickey Mouse playing on the island. I have a picture of him with my kids, right in front of the fence that Huck and Tom painted. :)


Well-Known Member
the actual thruth is ...

that I have been going to WDW since it opened in 1971.. and I, I, I truely have never, Ever, NOT EVEN ONCE, been to Tom Sawyers island.. Have not even come close.. and I have never ridden the paddle boat either.. NEVER.. or have ridden the carosel either..

But I have and still miss 20,000 leagues under the sea.


New Member
TSI is featured in one of the Disney sing along videos. My DS complained that he had never been there. We were going to go on our April trip, but on our MK day, we got the flu. What a dissapointment. We'll make sure we hit it the next time (but when will that be?).

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