Nervous! Booked a flight for the first time!


Well-Known Member
As others have mentioned just knowing the rules and being prepared going though security will help. I travel all the time and I love flying but the airline restrictions change often so go onto your airline website and make sure you know all of the restrictions.

Check the carry on and checked baggage restrictions so you are not surprised with additional charges at the airport. You should know exactly how many bags, what size and what weight you are permitted for free and make sure your bags are well within that range.

Also look at the carry on restrictions particularly liquids. Keep in mind things like lotion and toothpaste can be considered a "liquid" so they have to be under the designated amount and packed into your one ziplock bag permitted per person. Anything over the amount will be kept by exceptions.

If you are taking electronics make sure they are charged and remove them from your carry on and place them separately in the bin when your bag goes through the x-ray. You may be asked to power on the device and this will speed up time rather than trying to wrestle everything out of your bag.

Go to the airport plenty early, you can always bring some entertainment if you have to wait a while but you don't want to panic if you end up in security for an hour or more and your flight time is approaching.


MY #1 TIP FOR FAMILIES: Most airlines charge for seat selection. If you want to sit together pay for it! Many people pay for seat selection now and unless you do as well they cannot guarantee that you will be seated together. They will do their best but this is the only way to be sure. It will be much less headache than having the flight crew going through the cabin asking people to please give up their (paid for) seat to accomodate a family with children. It will be much easier for you and everyone to book your seats beforehand.

If anyone tells you not to worry - they always seat families together I can promise you they don't. On my last flight the best they could do for a family was a mom and infant in row five, her husband and 4 year old in row eleven and their 9 year old daughter alone in row eight. I also just had friends return from Disney who didn't pay for seat selection - Mom was seated with the 6 year old and the 11 year old was alone about three rows behind.
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Bowler Hat Girl

Well-Known Member
I know how you feel...last year was my first time flying since before 911, and I basically didn't sleep the night after I bought plane tickets. I asked all my friends detailed questions about what I could and couldn't take through security. I printed out airport maps for here and MCO so I'd feel more prepared. When we flew out of Chicago, I was still hyper from 6 months of wondering why I was doing this to myself. Then we were suddenly on the ground again (those 2+ hours went real fast!). They said, "Welcome to Orlando," and all was right with the world. It was so worth it to me to have a shorter travel time that I'm flying again in 42 days :)

I guess what I'm trying to say is don't panic, do your homework, and it may turn out to be a major change for your future trips. Have fun! :)
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Hot Lava

Well-Known Member
It's only a 2 hr 15 min flight.:) Thanks Britt!:D

What airport are you flying out of?

From your lips to God's ears. B/c delays happen a lot. You could be stuck in the terminal or worse, on the tarmac on the plane for extended periods. So you want to be ready in case that happens.

Also, if you plan to entertain your kids with any electronics, consider their temperament as to timing for using it. You cannot use any electronics the first and last 1/2 hour of flights. And sometimes it is extended at the discretion of the pilot.
When I fly, I don't use the Ipod or portable DVD for my son until after that initial "no electronics" period on the flight. If I gave it to him in the airport or before takeoff, and then tried to take it away, it would be a meltdown. Keeping him entertained in the airport will be easy; but I will only be using books/window until the ok for electronics after takeoff. But this all depends on your kids.

they take the 3 oz thing very seriously at MCO. I was behind a woman in line in security, and she was very upset with the TSA agent who threw out her very expensive mascara. It was over the allotment.
That woman couldn't fit a tiny mascara in her quart size bag? She must not have been too smart.

Anyway, you can have liquids and gels (hence the mascara issue) that are under 3 oz AND fit into a quart size bag. Get the "good" freezer bags for this, as you will need to take it out at security and put it in the bin with your jackets, shoes, computers, etc. So it will get a bit of abuse; therefore you don't want to use cheapo bags. And everyone gets a quart bag.

Regular gum (no liquid center) should be no problem. But if you are worried, you can always buy some on the other side.

Make sure everyone's pockets are empty before security! This hangs people up all the time.

If you want water - or any drink - you will need to buy it on the other side of security. Regardless of price gouging, I always buy a couple bottles of water on the other side of security. I like having water whenever I want it. And I no longer use the beverage cart service on the plane.
The stewards and stewardesses completely manhandle the cups. And they always pick it up by the top to hand it to you, from where you will be drinking. Who knows if they washed their hands. And even if they did, they probably last did in the plane. The water on a plane is not potable. So, all around yuck.

Speaking of which, I always travel with a bunch individually wrapped hand wipes (alcohol based). I use them to wipe my hands after the bathroom (which I try not to use on the plane anyway - the floor is usually a horror show), even if I washed my hands in there, b/c of the water issue. I also wipe down all the armrests and seat belts and especially the tray table.

Maybe it sounds paranoid, but I am trying really hard not to get sick, and airplanes are VERY germ ridden places! They basically get no cleanings (other than vacuum) between flights. I have become very sick after flights (particularly bad when we flew home from HI). Last thing I want with a trip to WDW is illness.

So heed my "paranoia" or disregard - your choice. Here are the hand wipes I like the best: hand wipes

or these:

I haven't bought any in several years b/c I bought a ton a few years back (all forced you to pay shipping back then, so I tried to maximize that). I haven't had any issues with dried-out ones. Also re: the Purell wipes. Make sure you get the "good" ones. You will see it in the reviews. They have a cheaper version that is little squares of wax paper (Chick-fil-a gives these types out). They are awful. What you want are the ones now described as "cottony soft". Bigger and more effective. Back in 2007/8 they were going to convert to only the waxy ones. You will see this complaint in a lot of reviews. They got so much negative feedback, they kept a version of the "nice" ones. Purell even sent me a letter about it and a free sample of both versions. :)
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Well-Known Member
I fly all the time. Don't let these posts scare you. Getting through security is no big deal. You will have to take off your shoes, and laptops need to be pulled out of the bag and put in a separate bin. All other electronics can stay in your bag. You can take any kind of food/gum/candy you want, opened or unopened. The only thing to remember is no liquids or gels over 3 oz. Any liquids or gels 3 oz and under need to be put in a clear 1 quart ziploc bag (1 bag per person). They make exceptions for medically required liquids or breast milk/formula. I just flew 2.5 hours from my house to FL with an 8 month old baby on my own. It was no problem at all, even with a stroller and a diaper bag full of filled bottles.
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Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! I booked our flights today through WDW Travel. I added onto our reservation. It was easy over the phone! It'll be our boys' first flight!:) We haven't flown since 1997 ( pre 911).:eek: I am excited, but a bit scared. I have only flown that 1 other time ( honeymoon to Hawaii). Any advice?
WAY TO GO BETH!!!!!!!! You will do fine :) Trust me, plane travel is alot safer than crossing the street, and how many times a day do you do that, right?? Since 9/11, its safer now to fly than it ever was! Not just from a security stand point, but regulations they put on planes now. My son's first flight was when he was much younger, and I told him think of a plane as a bus with wings :) Take along lots of light reading material (I get all the rag magazines before takeoff) Ipad, or phone (in airplane mode of course) Play games, read, listen to music! Look out the window, ask your boys to look for shapes in the clouds. It really is alot safer to fly than most think. Think about it.... the length of time it takes to do your laundry each week, is how long it takes to arrive at MCO!!! (So by the spin cycle, you'll be over Georgia!!!!!)
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Well-Known Member
You can bring gum or any snacks threw security in your carry on, just no liquids. You can buy drinks after you go threw security and take them on the plane with you. I love to fly! I travel a lot. Relax and enjoy the flight!
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Calvin Coolidge

Well-Known Member
Thanks you guys!:D
I am flying out of BWI ( Baltimore, Md.):)

First of all, good job choosing BWI. It's not the nicest airport, but it should be less frustrating than Dulles.

Second, most of the advice you're getting is pretty sound. If you're worried about going through security, my advice for getting through the process quickly is to think about security when you're getting dressed in the morning. You'll be well-served by wear shoes that you can take off easily (there's usually plenty of room to sit down on a bench and tie shoelaces afterwards, but if you take a long time to take the shoes OFF it can get a bit stressful). Also, you'll have to take off your coat/jacket/sweater/sweatshirt, so you might want to consider something with a zipper or cardigan-front that you can take off more easily than a pullover (and you'll want a sweater or jacket of some sort, remember that planes get colder than the temperature on the ground).

If you're bringing a laptop computer with you, you might want to pack it in your carry-on in such a way that you can take it out of your bag quickly at security, as it'll go through in a separate tray from everything else.

While you should try to do these things quickly in consideration of your fellow passengers, the most important advice is to RELAX, and remember you're headed towards a lot of fun!
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Well-Known Member
Grab a pair of earphones from the flight attendant, to get flight TV if available on your plane. Kept my son busy, and on our jet it displayed flight map showing distance flown and distance to Orlando. Set up an Ipod with their favorite tunes to listen to. Pick up a cheap souvenir at the jetport gift shop to commemorate the trip. Most airlines have pilot stickers to hand out to young kids, (like the WDW give away stickers). Get help at assistance once you land to direct you to DME... there is no longer Disney CM's at the gates welcoming you and directing you, BUT its easy to find your way. Airport is easily set up.
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Well-Known Member
I love love love flying! Granted, security can be a bit of a pain in MCO, but I'm patient.

Am I the only one that loves looking at Skymall? It totally gets me through the flight between takeoff and being able to turn my tablet on haha. I tend to get a bit of motion sickness if I read on planes or in the car, but I'm okay looking at pictures. I like listening to podcasts or an audiobook and use the window as visual entertainment.

I know the route in MCO from the Southwest terminal to DME like the back of my hand now, but on our first trip, we had to follow some people from our flight who had Mickey on their luggage. We had NO idea where we were going. I would definitely ask for directions when you land.

I haven't been in about a year so I don't know if they've changed the setup at all, but the security line at MCO is pretty brutal. They didn't have proper merging points, so people are all cutting in line, trying to get ahead, so the line seems to take forever. Once I actually get to the security portion, I've never had a problem and actually found the TSA agents there to be happier than at some other airports. But the line there was always terrible. Maybe I'm just spoiled by my tiny home airport.
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