Need Serious Shoe Help!


Well-Known Member
Hi all!

I am looking for a comfortable shoe option to support my feet and back with the amount of walking at the parks that's not sneakers.

Okay so I know this topic has been discussed before. In fact I posted a thread a few years ago about it because I struggle with this so much.
We're going to WDW for our honeymoon this coming Fall and I desperately want to be able to wear skirts and dresses to stay cool. But sneakers and dresses don't mix. Plus their hot.

My problem is that I have some feet and back concerns. My feet become sore very easily and as a result of improper shoes and then my back hurts as well. It's happened a million times to me at WDW while wearing sandals. I don't want this to happen again on any trip, especially our honeymoon but I'd like to wear a type of shoe other than sneakers.

What options have you guys found comfortable that support my back and feet that are not sneakers? Something tried and true that always works for you? And no crocs please! Crocs hurt my feet walking in them with not even close to the amount of walking at Disney so those are out.

Thank you!!! Your input is greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
I switched between black Crocs and Brown with tan Suede trim crocs. I know that they are not the best fashion statement to make but I was the only one that did not have back, leg, knee and foot problems after our long days there over our 2 week trip in Dec. I used to make fun of the shoes but now can't be found working in the garage on the cement floor without a pair on. On long days go for comfort not class.
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Well-Known Member
I would suggest that you check with a good old-fashion shoe store if you have one near. If you do they can measure and fit you and if you give them your concerns of fashion & other concerns with your back, ect. they can probably make some recommendations. We are lucky here and have a "real" shoe store that has been in business for over 40 years that actually can fit a person's feet. Just my .02.
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