On Sunday, the Nat Geo Channel aired a special research program that tested DNA material of any fragments World-wide claimed to be of belonging to a Big Foot (Sash-quash) or Yeti. The samples collected in North America, disappointingly, were all from black bears or coyotes; however, multiple samples collected from the Himalayas tested to be 100% a subspecies of polar bear that was thought to have gone extinct 60,000 years ago!
Now that we know the truth behind the Yeti, will Disney update EE with a display at the exit or something with information on this subspecies of polar bear that we can now safely conclude has been misidentified as Yeti over the centuries?
Now that we know the truth behind the Yeti, will Disney update EE with a display at the exit or something with information on this subspecies of polar bear that we can now safely conclude has been misidentified as Yeti over the centuries?
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