MyMagic+ Efficiency Update


Original Poster
My family and I were selected to participate in a test of the MyMagic+ technology during our most recent stay at the Yacht Club. Feel free to move the thread if needed, however I am going to focus my post on the current state of the MyMagic+ testing rather than write a trip report, which is why I am posting this in the current events thread.

To begin, I have always been a supporter of Disney. I haven't agreed with everything upper management has done over the last few years, but those decisions have never jeopardized the fabric of a Walt Disney World vacation, which is spending time with family and friends. So I tend to have a positive outlook on most things.

That being said, how did the test go for us? If we could sum up our experience in one word: Failure

To give a brief overview of what we had noticed, it is apparent that Disney has thrown their front desk into the front lines of MyMagic+ with very little training or comprehension of the technology they are handling. Any issue that we encountered was facilitated by Cast Members who were looking at their computer screens as if they were written in Mandarin Chinese.

Now, we understood that we were engaging in a test, and we expected a few kinks and glitches in the system. However, we expected those glitches to be resolved with time. Here are some troubleshooting issues that the front desk, management, and even hyper care units, cannot solve.

-The system cannot distinguish between two family members of the same name. My father and I are distinguished by our middle initials, which we specifically designated in our reservation, and which the cast members neglected to put into the system. If one of us was in the park, the other could not enter. In fact, one cast member even told my father that he was already in the park, when he was standing right in front of him.

-Magic Band purchases were not able to function because the system could not link a pin code to our bands, thus inactivating our purchase option. Basically, there was no point to having a Magic Band. We used the old form of card swiping instead.

-MyDisneyExperience App could not link fastpass+ to our whole party because it thought that my father and I were the same person. This hindered us from being able to use the app throughout our entire stay, and being able to make fastpass+ reservations. We would have to go down to the front desk every morning and make our fastpasses for everyone but myself, for which they gave me the old paper fastpasses instead.

Whenever we approached the front desk, or management with our issues, their response was that these were "known" issues. If they are known issues, why are they not fixed? Only 4 resorts including the Yacht Club were participating in this test, and every cast member we talked to said that these issues were known throughout. And mostly every cast member reminded us (as if we need to be reminded) that we agreed to this test and that kinks could happen. Yes, we know that. But as a worldwide company and as the theme park "capital" of the world, why are you using excuses? Why don't you fix the issues instead of pinning the blame back on the guest. If it wasn't for the guest, there would be no Disney World.

That was probably the issue that irked us the most. Nobody could give us a straightforward answer to any problem. Everyone walks around in suits with titles, but nobody wants to take responsibility when something doesn't work. Those titles of manager, or assistant to the regional manager, or assistant to the traveling secretary, mean as little as the titles of the comedic characters I'm referencing. Because that's really what our experience with these bands was. A comedic act where nobody had a grasp on the technology and everyone was passing the buck because they were in over their heads.

Ya know, they better be able to fix these issues. We wasted our entire first day fiddling around at the front desk, only to have our bands not be open to purchases, our fastpass+ app not accessible, and not even being able to enter the park without prolonged technological assistance.

Disney better get their act together, and realize that MyMagic+ has a lot of issues. They better fix them. or else when this thing rolls out in 2014, then the comedy is really going to begin.
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Keep Moving Forward
Thanks for sharing. I can't believe they didn't take into account family members with the same name? An easy fix would seem to give one of you a different name for the tip once they figured out the issue.


Well-Known Member
I'm really sorry that happened. I can't believe they didnt just let you go back to the old system. That's alot if problems and you spent alot if $$$ for a ton of frustration!!! :arghh::devilish:

Fe Maiden

Well-Known Member
-The system cannot distinguish between two family members of the same name. My father and I are distinguished by our middle initials, which we specifically designated in our reservation, and which the cast members neglected to put into the system. If one of us was in the park, the other could not enter. In fact, one cast member even told my father that he was already in the park, when he was standing right in front of him.

LOL! I can only imagine what my father's (and every other dad over 50) reaction would have been when they told him he was already in the park. "Sorry, you can't go in, you're already there."

This is what happens when you rely too much on technology. Sadly this same CM drove into a lake on their way home and drowned because their GPS told them too.


Well-Known Member
If the same name issue is a known problem, why did they invite groups with that issue to join? And why did they then not just find a way around it just as some previous posters suggested???? :banghead::hungover:

Perhaps they believed they had a fix for it and were "TESTING" it. This is the purpose of having tests. While I feel for the OP, this was a test and they could have walked away from the test at any time. Those testing are given Keys to the Kingdom Cards just like everyother guess staying on property (whether they are involved in the test or not and just like they were a year ago when MyMagic+ had not existed yet).

I am not a Disney apologist, but a realist. I appreciate the OP's report of his events and issues. I also note that he too said he expected bugs and glitches. This is why they test. I know he reported his issues to CM's and I am sure when he gets his feedback survey (which is part of this testing process) that he will once again reiterate his experiences.

At the end of the day, being a part of the test is kind of a "bonus" at this point as it's use for FastPass+ tickets is in addition to getting the standard FastPass options that all park guest currently have. This is why so many want to be a part of the test (check the other threads on the topic).

My family is participating starting next week in the test. I can tell you right now that if I experience issues that disrupt my vacation and cause agrivation, you can bet the MagicBands will be sitting in our suitcases and we will go on with our vacation as usual.

Without the MagicBands it will be the same vacation we are use to and the one we expected when we booked it last year. If we use the MagicBands (and they work properly for FastPass+) then we will have the same vacation we are use to and the one we expected when we booked it last year with the addition of pre-booked FastPasses for 3 (4 at MK) of the most popular rides (and all without having to run all over the place to get them). That is the "BONUS."

I could care less about swiping my MagicBand to pay for things. I'll have my Keys to the World Card and also the Credit Card connected to my reservation in my wallet as always. Same for getting into the park.

Do not take this as an attack on any poster here and I appreciate the feedback from all on the test. I am certainly interested in everyone's experience. This post is just my opinion abnd how I see this whole test.

Last but not least, as I posted on another thread yesterday, I think that what is spot on is that the test has shown so far that testing, testing, and more testing will be needed of the system.


Well-Known Member
The issue, in my opinion, is not the glitches. Yes, the glitches are bad, and affect trips.

The issue is the cast clearly has no idea how to deal with any of this.

That is sad and a very good point. I feel for them and the highest level of service is what people love and expect from WDW. I have noticed that over the last 5 years are so that the level of service and professionalism has gone down some. This is not to suggest that all CM's fit that bill. In fact I would say that MOST CM's are amazing. I would just say that I feel that in the last 5 years we have come across more CM's that just don't seem to represent the "magical" nature as CM's have in the past. Further I would say that I have experienced more issues of CM's not being able to answer questions or help (even when they really want to and are trying hard). Of course this may be the source of why some of them are not feeling so "magical." I also think that some of it may be the nature of WDW becoming bigger and bigger, as well as the competing parks. This all leads to competing job markets. It use to seem that a lot of CM's were local residents (whether they were native to Cental Florida or not) and they were very invested in WDW as it was "their" community and "their" economic investiment. Now there are more and more short term employees and the "investment" just doesn't always seem there.

Ok, now that I derailed from the thread and said that back on topic. (Though someone may wish to start a thread on that topic on it's own.) I don't want to see this thread go on and on for pages of off topic issues as I believe as the OP said that it is good to have a thread on the current testing and peoples experiences without the diatribes on a myriad of other issues.


Well-Known Member
Those testing are given Keys to the Kingdom Cards just like everyother guess staying on property (whether they are involved in the test or not and just like they were a year ago when MyMagic+ had not existed yet).

At the end of the day, being a part of the test is kind of a "bonus" at this point as it's use for FastPass+ tickets is in addition to getting the standard FastPass options that all park guest currently have.

I didn't realize that you still get your regular cards and can do regular fastpass as part of the test, now I want to participate even more!

Sorry to hear about OP troubles though.


Active Member
Thanks for the insights - i'll use them wisely when we're there testing next week.

Just a few words on the whole "Testing" thing and how some issues should be expected. While this is in "Testing" and guests should react accordingly, Disney is being very persistent in trying to get people to test, knowing darn well that many CMs are ill-trained and the there are a number of bugs. They sent me an email, a letter, AND called me to get me to test. (I was going to test anyhow, i just hadn't linked my tickets yet.) Anyhow, the CM on the phone was very persuasive in laying out all the benefits of the test and ignoring all the potential issues. All that was said was that it was in testing, there wasn't a caveat that testing could result in loss of time (and mind) during your vacation. They painted it through rose-colored glasses that this was a huge benefit, and it would only, in so many words, bring ease and joy to my vacation.

Similar to the OP, I knew what i was getting into without her telling me b/c i've read up on it and know how bad Disney technology can be. However, i feel bad for a first time guest or someone not in the know who thinks they are getting this great opportunity but aren't informed of the potential issues. They should clearly state that while in testing there may be software issues resulting in a significant loss of valuable vacation time.
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Well-Known Member
The issue, in my opinion, is not the glitches. Yes, the glitches are bad, and affect trips.

The issue is the cast clearly has no idea how to deal with any of this.

It would help if the CMs knew more about the system than most of the general press releases have told everyone. We've seen first hand on this site how out of control the message on this system has gotten in terms of how Disney has been able to control it, and giving the Cast any more information straight up wouldn't help control the message any more. The Cast are being told details very narrow to their specific role, and anything else a CM knows beyond the public fluff and role-specific info, they only know because they've done digging on their own, know people, or keep their ear to the ground. My friends have all been frustrated with the lack of information being put in front of them and the resulting lack of being able to help guests because of it.


Well-Known Member
The issue, in my opinion, is not the glitches. Yes, the glitches are bad, and affect trips.

The issue is the cast clearly has no idea how to deal with any of this.
That is sad and a very good point. I feel for them and the highest level of service is what people love and expect from WDW. I have noticed that over the last 5 years are so that the level of service and professionalism has gone down some. This is not to suggest that all CM's fit that bill. In fact I would say that MOST CM's are amazing. I would just say that I feel that in the last 5 years we have come across more CM's that just don't seem to represent the "magical" nature as CM's have in the past. Further I would say that I have experienced more issues of CM's not being able to answer questions or help (even when they really want to and are trying hard). Of course this may be the source of why some of them are not feeling so "magical." I also think that some of it may be the nature of WDW becoming bigger and bigger, as well as the competing parks. This all leads to competing job markets. It use to seem that a lot of CM's were local residents (whether they were native to Cental Florida or not) and they were very invested in WDW as it was "their" community and "their" economic investiment. Now there are more and more short term employees and the "investment" just doesn't always seem there.

Ok, now that I derailed from the thread and said that back on topic. (Though someone may wish to start a thread on that topic on it's own.) I don't want to see this thread go on and on for pages of off topic issues as I believe as the OP said that it is good to have a thread on the current testing and peoples experiences without the diatribes on a myriad of other issues.

Exactly. And this shouldn't be overlooked. I don't take issue with tests and glitches, and yes, CMs should be able to say "good thing we're still in beta!" But it's laughable that one would say "you can't enter, we already have you in the park!" I mean, if I'm standing right in front of you, I'm obviously not in the park! And they should never say "well you agreed to be part of the test..." That sort of response is unacceptable and bad customer service as it's putting the illness back on your paying customer who is agreeing to help you out by field testing your new system. If a system glitch is causing THAT big of an issue with a Beta Test group, and it can't be rectified that first day, end the test for that group. Issue new admission tickets, don't continue to have the client deal with the issue over the remainder of their vacation because the developers who scoped the system took the requirements too literally and didn't put in a middle initial field!

to the OP: @spacemt354, I would follow up your experience with a letter to Guest Relations...not because the testing had bugs, but because of the lack of ownership and responsibility by the front line cast.


Well-Known Member
It would help if the CMs knew more about the system than most of the general press releases have told everyone. We've seen first hand on this site how out of control the message on this system has gotten in terms of how Disney has been able to control it, and giving the Cast any more information straight up wouldn't help control the message any more. The Cast are being told details very narrow to their specific role, and anything else a CM knows beyond the public fluff and role-specific info, they only know because they've done digging on their own, know people, or keep their ear to the ground. My friends have all been frustrated with the lack of information being put in front of them and the resulting lack of being able to help guests because of it.

Oh, trust me, I was not blaming the cast. I've been told how little Disney has given them on the subject.


Original Poster
to the OP: @spacemt354, I would follow up your experience with a letter to Guest Relations...not because the testing had bugs, but because of the lack of ownership and responsibility by the front line cast.

Oh absolutely. I can't really blame the cast members if upper management does not train them properly for this testing. I had even spoken to two cast members individually at the front desk. One of which, it was her first time on the job, and was just thrown into the tsunami of confusion known as MyMagic+. That's so pathetic for Disney to do that. She's like a punching bag at the front desk because she has to listen to all the complaints of testing guests regarding the technology. The other cast member, said that they were not properly trained for these troubleshooting problems with the system, and only the hyper tech workers had a better understanding of it. They said the cast members were learning on the fly.

This is what we pay top dollar for? It's embarrassing for WDW to do this to their guests. I don't blame the cast members. I even feel bad for some of them, because they are overwhelmed and have no idea what they are doing because the people who implemented this technology have no idea what they are doing. And believe me, a letter is being written to Guest Relations as we speak.


Original Poster
Can we move this - I'm tired of reading this in the news section. There's enough anti-MM+ threads active.

I had placed it here because I thought it was news and current events regarding MyMagic+. And frankly, Disney has covered their faults with pixie dust and legacy long enough. They have had their chances. The only way things will get better is if enough guests oppose this ridiculously overblown and complicated system.

I'm sorry if you feel this is anti-MM+, but from experience, I can't find anything good about this system. And the word should be able to be out there.


Well-Known Member
Although I'm sure it was maddening, I am also sure that this isn't the first time in your life that having the same name as dad has been an issue. My dad and brother share a name, so I know about screw-ups with drug stores, banks, etc. It can suck.

I appreciate hearing about the tracking band progress (and lack of), but I admit that when I read all the complaints (yours and others') that I'm thinking, "Well, if you weren't willing to put up with headaches, why did you agree to be part of a test?" The whole point of testing things is to find out what problems come up. The are always problems in test phases. Everyone knows that. It could not have been a surprise to you guys. Could it? (Maybe it could. Maybe you all went in not understanding?)


Original Poster
Thanks for the insights - i'll use them wisely when we're there testing next week.

Just a few words on the whole "Testing" thing and how some issues should be expected. While this is in "Testing" and guests should react accordingly, Disney is being very persistent in trying to get people to test, knowing darn well that many CMs are ill-trained and the there are a number of bugs. They sent me an email, a letter, AND called me to get me to test. (I was going to test anyhow, i just hadn't linked my tickets yet.) Anyhow, the CM on the phone was very persuasive in laying out all the benefits of the test and ignoring all the potential issues. All that was said was that it was in testing, there wasn't a caveat that testing could result in loss of time (and mind) during your vacation. They painted it through rose-colored glasses that this was a huge benefit, and it would only, i so many words, bring ease and joy to my vacation.

Similar to the OP, I knew what i was getting into without her telling me b/c i've read up on it and know how bad Disney technology can be. However, i feel bad for a first time guest or someone not in the know who thinks they are getting this great opportunity but aren't informed of the potential issues. They should clearly state that while in testing there may be software issues resulting in a significant loss of valuable vacation time.

I completely agree with the bold. We had been sent email and letters as well, both of which presented MyMagic+ with bullet points of all the ways our vacation would be simplified and enhanced with fastpasses, bands, etc.

It is not fair to the agreeing guests that they don't know the cast members are not trained prior to your test, and are instead learning on the fly. It's not fair that there are known issues that cannot be fixed because nobody is trained and nobody wants to take responsibility for the failure.

I wish you good luck with your test. Hopefully yours goes smoothly. And maybe I didn't make this clear earlier, but going into my vacation, I was hoping for the best. I knew there may be some hiccups, but not a giant disaster. If they don't fix these bugs by 2014, it's not going to be good.

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