My Live FP+/MM+ Experience


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As of now - I have to rate both FP+ and MM+ as EXCELLENT.

MM+: I have to admit - it is very nice to not worry about carrying around my wallet (though I refuse to leave it behind). There is a certain amount of convenience that the MB controls my room key, charging, admission. Though, there is not much of a difference between the former KTTW card but I guess the band is a nice effect. I have tested the band for close to 24 hours (slept with it on, lol). I actually forgotten several times its on - if you wear a watch on a daily basis the band will be of no issue. I tested the band at the widest setting and it still remained on (i.e. EE). The charging process goes shocking fast - once you touch the mickey it registers, you enter your pin and your are off.

FP+: My first night I used FP+ for HS. At 5pm I was able to walk on TSMM with a total wait of 3 minutes. This was a first - I have never been able to ride TSMM after 11am, lol. It was nice just to walk up and get on. I also had planned to test my reservation for Fantasmic! but choose to do standby. At least last night: The standby line goes on the outer edge of of the theater (never walked that way or that far before to get to the seats) whereas FP+ goes the traditional way on the side of the restrooms.

Evening EMH at MK: The actual wait times was not long for any attraction. What was long was the CMs scanning each and every band prior to getting on certain rides. I waited for 15 mins to get on mermaid but once he scanned my MB - the actual ride was walk on.

Morning EMH at AK: This morning I went to AK at 8am and had FP+ reservations. I was able to complete the entire park (sans Neno) by 930am without my FP+ reservations that started at 10am. Through about 945am some attractions had 0 or 5 min waits. So I left and came back to Sports for a dip in the pool (yes the band is waterproof) and lunch. I changed my FP+ reservations from AK to Epcot for later today (Soarin at 3, Mission at 4, Malestrom at 5). I appreciate that I can be flexible to change my reservations from the internet or kiosk and not physically have to be in that park. Now I have a few hours to relax in this beautiful 80 degree weather - sorry guys :) before I head to Epcot. Then later on tonight I am heading to HS for Evening EMHs.

I am impressed thus far... we will see if my evaluation remains.

Some other observations -

*Free wifi in the room is excellent.
*Updated sports food court is SPECTACULAR! The offerings are much improved over the stadium food they used to offer. The create your own burger is a monster, and the pasta sizes are huge. Rapid fill is a joke (see other thread) - I really do not like waiting 3 minutes to refill my mug. But it is what it will be.
* I can confirm there are no comforters in sports (the beds are all white as mentioned in other threads). It was chilly last night but sams comforter I was still warm and comfy.

Back to the disney dream I go... :p


Well-Known Member
MM+: I have to admit - it is very nice to not worry about carrying around my wallet (though I refuse to leave it behind). There is a certain amount of convenience that the MB controls my room key, charging, admission.

I agree that the MB is a convenience. But just like the credit card commercial, regarding the ticket/AP card (park admission/FP+), KTTW card (room key/charging), and your own credit card (for charging when all else fails), "Don't leave home without it." You never know when you'll need those as backup. In my case, I lost my MB after only having it a day and a half.


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Good report. I will say that with the old FP system, I was able to get our family of 4 onto TSMM 2-3 times after 11am on every trip. But so far it sounds' okay.

Yea - I am conflicted on the old system vs new - I may end up calling it a draw. I am also taking into account that crowds are very low so pretty much waits are no more than 30 mins on most attractions. I think where the real reports matter will be during the next busy season when everyone is using FP+.
As of now - I have to rate both FP+ and MM+ as EXCELLENT.

Morning EMH at AK: This morning I went to AK at 8am and had FP+ reservations. I was able to complete the entire park (sans Neno) by 930am without my FP+ reservations that started at 10am. Through about 945am some attractions had 0 or 5 min waits. So I left and came back to Sports for a dip in the pool (yes the band is waterproof) and lunch. I changed my FP+ reservations from AK to Epcot for later today (Soarin at 3, Mission at 4, Malestrom at 5). I appreciate that I can be flexible to change my reservations from the internet or kiosk and not physically have to be in that park. Now I have a few hours to relax in this beautiful 80 degree weather - sorry guys :) before I head to Epcot. Then later on tonight I am heading to HS for Evening EMHs.

I am impressed thus far... we will see if my evaluation remains.

Anyone else notice that he claims to have gotten a fastpass+ for both Soarin and Maelstrom on the same day? Sorry buddy, but now I know your post is a sham. You have to only choose one from the top tier. That's the part that stinks about fastpass+.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else notice that he claims to have gotten a fastpass+ for both Soarin and Maelstrom on the same day? Sorry buddy, but now I know your post is a sham. You have to only choose one from the top tier. That's the part that stinks about fastpass+.

Did they change the tiers at EPCOT ?


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Anyone else notice that he claims to have gotten a fastpass+ for both Soarin and Maelstrom on the same day? Sorry buddy, but now I know your post is a sham. You have to only choose one from the top tier. That's the part that stinks about fastpass+.
Anyone else notice that he claims to have gotten a fastpass+ for both Soarin and Maelstrom on the same day? Sorry buddy, but now I know your post is a sham. You have to only choose one from the top tier. That's the part that stinks about fastpass+.

Actually that is a mistake on my part. And i suggest you step back and not call my report a sham. Jelousy will get you nowhere. Nor will you trying to call me a liar, you won't win against me. :) have a wonderful day.


Active Member
I would use my FP for Soarin. At least Test Track has stuff to look at most of the queue, then you have the design phase part. I would just arrive at the park at opening, go to Test Track First thing.... then use the FP + for Soarin.


Well-Known Member
I would use my FP for Soarin. At least Test Track has stuff to look at most of the queue, then you have the design phase part. I would just arrive at the park at opening, go to Test Track First thing.... then use the FP + for Soarin.

Me too except for the day the kiddos and I did EPCOT I used my tier 1 pick for Soaring every time. In November the FP line took 8-12 minutes and standby was always over 60 minutes.
The day I had the kiddos I used our tier 1 pick for the TT ride.
Honestly I never used the paper FP's my entire visit in November...I did follow the spirit of MM+ to the best of my ability.
FP+ was great for ride selection during time periods you were planning on visiting a particular park. It was limiting for park hopping and if we weren't hitting the parks early. Had my daughter not had the ability to get paper FP's on those days she would have felt cheated.
So with no more legacy FP busy busy times at the parks like summer are going to be challenging.
Morning EMH at AK: This morning I went to AK at 8am and had FP+ reservations. I was able to complete the entire park (sans Neno) by 930am without my FP+ reservations that started at 10am. Through about 945am some attractions had 0 or 5 min waits. So I left and came back to Sports for a dip in the pool (yes the band is waterproof) and lunch. I changed my FP+ reservations from AK to Epcot for later today (Soarin at 3, Mission at 4, Malestrom at 5). I appreciate that I can be flexible to change my reservations from the internet or kiosk and not physically have to be in that park. Now I have a few hours to relax in this beautiful 80 degree weather - sorry guys :) before I head to Epcot. Then later on tonight I am heading to HS for Evening EMHs.

Really... You did all of AK in 90 minutes (BTW, it is Nemo, not Neno), headed to the resort to change, swim, eat lunch, then changed back into your clothes, headed to Epcot and somehow did 2 Tier 1 rides (even though Disney only allows 1 Tier 1 ride) and you still had time in your day to enjoy HS in the evening???

Just curious, did you use Disney Transportation, or did you teleport.


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Original Poster
Really... You did all of AK in 90 minutes (BTW, it is Nemo, not Neno), headed to the resort to change, swim, eat lunch, then changed back into your clothes, headed to Epcot and somehow did 2 Tier 1 rides (even though Disney only allows 1 Tier 1 ride) and you still had time in your day to enjoy HS in the evening???

Just curious, did you use Disney Transportation, or dideverything waqs walk you teleport.
ever heard of auto correct? Exactly! And I i did all of ak with emhs and everything was walk on. I am solo and know how to navigate extremely well so do not question my plans. I was in ak by 8am and out by 1030am. Then had lunch, swim, change my fpplus to Epcot. And yes I went to hs last night for evening emhs and did all the attractions including fantasmic by closing. And if you care I went and had a large pizza from the food court And a drink from the bar.

And if you want to question further, I did all of Epcot today, swim again, and guess what? I am now at the magic kingdom about to watch wishes then im going to ohana for dinner in ahour. Any more questions? :)

Now I will teleport myself on main street. Thank you and have a wonderful day.

Ps, ever heard of auto correct? Lol


Well-Known Member
This morning I went to AK at 8am and had FP+ reservations. I was able to complete the entire park (sans Neno)by 930 am. without my FP+ reservations that started at 10am. Though about 945am some attractions had 0 or 5 min waits. So I left
Perhaps you should have phrased it as completed what I wanted in the park (sans nemo/FOTLK) by 930 am you wouldn't have gotten flack. Adding the actual ride/show times with a 2-3 minute wait at each and 15 minutes each to do Rafikis/Pangani/Maharajah, it come to almost three hours. And that's not including walking time between attractions. Sorry, you could not have completed the entire park in under two hours.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
ever heard of auto correct? Exactly! And I i did all of ak with emhs and everything was walk on. I am solo and know how to navigate extremely well so do not question my plans. I was in ak by 8am and out by 1030am. Then had lunch, swim, change my fpplus to Epcot. And yes I went to hs last night for evening emhs and did all the attractions including fantasmic by closing. And if you care I went and had a large pizza from the food court And a drink from the bar.

And if you want to question further, I did all of Epcot today, swim again, and guess what? I am not at the magic kingdom about to watch wishes then im going to Obama for dinner in ahour. Any more questions? :)

Now I will teleport myself on main street. Thank you and have a wonderful day.

Ps, ever heard of auto correct? Lol
Perhaps you should have phrased it as completed what I wanted in the park (sans nemo/FOTLK) by 930 am you wouldn't have gotten flack. Adding the actual ride/show times with a 2-3 minute wait at each and 15 minutes each to do Rafikis/Pangani/Maharajah, it come to almost three hours. And that's not including walking time between attractions. Sorry, you could not have completed the entire park in under two hours.

Boo hoo! This is so like 2 days ago lol. And if I do a trip report again, I will report in the format i wish. I do not mind flack, because i know how to read people if i am provoked. But i will not do that here in such a joyous magical space. have a magical evening :)


Well-Known Member
As much as I do not like soarin, I would FP that over test track. the test track FP line merges way too early on in the que and you end up waiting an eternity to ride just like the star by guests! I was shocked when we went on the new version for the first time and waited over a half hour in the FP line! We ride twice on a slow day and both times we had to wait that long...we ride once with FP+ and the second time was with a ride swap pass...


Well-Known Member
As much as I do not like soarin, I would FP that over test track. the test track FP line merges way too early on in the que and you end up waiting an eternity to ride just like the star by guests! I was shocked when we went on the new version for the first time and waited over a half hour in the FP line! We ride twice on a slow day and both times we had to wait that long...we ride once with FP+ and the second time was with a ride swap pass...

I've heard others say similar things about the TT merge point. I plan to follow your advice with our Epcot FP+s in May!

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