Disney Guest Communications are the people to e-mail. Be as specific as possible with the information you give to them when giving your story. If you know any of the CMs names that you talked to or the time that you were speaking with them, experiencing that attraction, that will help ensuring that the information gets passed to the correct people. I apologize that you had such a bad experience and not coming from a parks background I don't really have answers for you on the correct use of the GAC card. That being said, it does sound like some poor CM training on the GAC cards. The specifics of the letter you send to Guest Communications will help ensure that those CMs get the proper training without, likely, getting them in trouble.
Thanks very much for that, it's very helpfull.
Unfortunately it's difficult to pin down exactly where the problem was. There are several different types of GAC cards, and every location has their own policies and procedures for them, as the infrastructure at say Jungle Cruise is very different than that of say Dinosaur. What MAY have happened at LMA was that the area was designed for wheelchairs, not just anyone with a GAC (Honestly I don't know it's just speculation). And when the other Cast Member saw it was empty anyway, offered you the seat out of politeness (which is probably what the first CM should have done, and was just being overly cautious, again, I don't know, just speculating.)
The best thing to do is exactly what the card instructs, just speak to the first cast member encountered. Hope that helps!
Yes that was a strange one that day. On the front 2 rows there were already a few people sat there who weren't in wheelchairs with a huge number of empty seats. Not to worry as I was given one of those seats by a second cast member anyway and as you say maybe they're told to deter people who don't use wheelchairs from sitting there.
It sounds you really tried not to "need" the card. It is a bummer that when you presented it, you did not have better results. I admire the fact that you enjoyed your trip and only felt compelled to present it a couple of times. You could have caused a scene, or really have been negative in your post. I tip my hat to you my friend! Hope all is well for you.
That's very nice of you to say and is much appreciated my friend. It's not Disney's fault that I have dystonia and it's not their responsibility to do stuff for me in my mind. Therefore anything they do is a bonus and as such I would never cause a scene because something they're doing to try to help didn't seem to be running quite as smoothly as you might expect it to.
The issue with fastpasses an GAC is it is written on the back (maybe the bottoms not sure dot have one in front of me) that if fastpasses are available you must use that option given to you.
Also it is written on every GAC card that it is not a skip the line card. I'll look for a picture or get one at work tomorrow to show you. They should have done a better job of explaining them and giving CMs the tools needed to actually enforce the GAC rules but since we are powerless we typically cave under pressure.
Thanks for replying and I still have the 'GAC' and here is what it actually says on the front
Guest Assistance Card
This card will alert our Cast Members to provide the assistance you have requested where applicable. It is NOT intended to provide immediate access.
Please present this card to the greeter or first host or hostess you come in contact with at each attraction
It has stamped underneath that
It also has hand written on it my name, number in party, who it was issued by and valid dates. On the reverse side it says
This card is valid for use at attraction locations in the MAGIC KINGDOM Park, Epcot, Disney's HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS, and Disney's ANIMAL KINGDOM Theme Park only.
Additional waits may be incurred at certain attractions due to the need for a special vehicle or other operational concerns.
Some attractions have alternate entrances for guests with disabilities. These are intended to offer guests using wheelchairs or with service animals a more convenient entrance to the attraction. Alternate entrances are not intended to provide immediate access. Guests with disabilities and up to five members of their party may enter through these entrances. For operational considerations, additional party members are required to use the standard queue.
At attractions offering Disney's FASTPASS services, Guests should obtain a Disney's FASTPASS return ticket.
Reading that it states 'These are intended to offer guests using wheelchairs or with service animals a more convenient entrance to the attraction. As I wasn't using a wheelchair nor had a service animal then the cast member may have been right telling me I had to use the regular queue at the HM regardless of the size of the queue. However it was the lady at Guest Relations who persauded me to take the GAC knowing I had no wheelchair or service animal (I had Mrs M with me but will refrain from any cheap jokes) and stamped it with 'GUESTS CAN USE ALTERNATE ATTRACTION ENTRANCES WHERE AVAILABLE'. In fact I only went into Guest Relations to enquire about a GAC for Fantasmic after being told the previous year that I needed one? Anyway it's no big deal and I had a fantastic time but kind of find it confusing as to exactly how to use the GAC and being told different things off diferent cast members. I'll shut up now as I'm becoming conscious that I sound like a moaning person thinking that the world owes him something because he has dystonia which really isn't my intention. Thanks for everyones help and I'll maybe try contacting Disney just to clarify things.