Hi there! You may have seen me around, but this will be my first pre-trip report. I am beyond thrilled that it will be my DISNEYMOON!! Before I get started, let me properly introduce myself.
This is me, Heather, on my last trip to WDW back in 2012. (Far too long ago!)
I took that trip with my mom and niece after going through a year long divorce. But life has changed so much in the last 5 years. Just around the time that I took that trip, I began dating someone. That someone just so happened to be a guy that I had met 13 years prior when I started working at the local Piggly Wiggly while in college. It was my first day on the cash register and he was a stock boy/bag boy. He asked me on a date that very day, BUT I had a boyfriend (who I ended up marrying) so I declined and he went on to get married years later as well. Fast forward to 2012 and we reconnected through Facebook. Come to find out he had went through a divorce at the same time as me and so we started hanging out. As much as I tried to not get "serious" it was only a matter of time before he swept me off of my feet.
My Prince Charming, Josh.
Now BOTH of us had tried for many years to have children with our ex-spouses and BOTH of us were told by the medical professionals that it was us that had an "issue" that prevented us from ever having any children. So imagine our surprise when a year later.....
Our miracle arrived!
Cameron is 3 now!
Oh wait, that's Catboy! Here is Cameron!
Our family
So like I said, a lot has happened in the last 5 years. We both decided that we didn't want to rush into marriage, having been through what we had. We got engaged 2 years ago and we've finally decided that now is the right time. On April 22, 2017, we will finally become husband and wife in a very small ceremony underneath the oak trees at my aunt's house.
Now, we have went back and forth on where we wanted to honeymoon or if we should even take one at all. Would it be just the two of us, or would we go somewhere with our son? At the end of the day, we decided we'd take a honeymoon, just the two of us. With so much happening over the last 5 years and so early on in our relationship, we have never been on a long vacation together. And let's face it...Mommy and Daddy need a break! But the where was still up for debate. Of course, my first choice was Disney. I've been many times, but he's never been. His argument was that he wanted his first time at Disney to be with his son. My argument was that he needed to experience it first as an adult without a child because when we bring our son it will be a very different trip. Finally he agreed because he knew it would make me happy!
Mommy and Daddy are going to Disney! (Shhhh...we aren't telling Cam where we are going.)
I hope I did not bore you with our lengthy backstory. I've been super nervous about the planning process. My only wish is that Josh will have a great time and love Disney at least half as much as I do! (He does love Disney movies, so that's a bonus.)
Next: Trip details!!!!
This is me, Heather, on my last trip to WDW back in 2012. (Far too long ago!)
I took that trip with my mom and niece after going through a year long divorce. But life has changed so much in the last 5 years. Just around the time that I took that trip, I began dating someone. That someone just so happened to be a guy that I had met 13 years prior when I started working at the local Piggly Wiggly while in college. It was my first day on the cash register and he was a stock boy/bag boy. He asked me on a date that very day, BUT I had a boyfriend (who I ended up marrying) so I declined and he went on to get married years later as well. Fast forward to 2012 and we reconnected through Facebook. Come to find out he had went through a divorce at the same time as me and so we started hanging out. As much as I tried to not get "serious" it was only a matter of time before he swept me off of my feet.
My Prince Charming, Josh.
Now BOTH of us had tried for many years to have children with our ex-spouses and BOTH of us were told by the medical professionals that it was us that had an "issue" that prevented us from ever having any children. So imagine our surprise when a year later.....
Our miracle arrived!
Cameron is 3 now!
Oh wait, that's Catboy! Here is Cameron!
Our family
So like I said, a lot has happened in the last 5 years. We both decided that we didn't want to rush into marriage, having been through what we had. We got engaged 2 years ago and we've finally decided that now is the right time. On April 22, 2017, we will finally become husband and wife in a very small ceremony underneath the oak trees at my aunt's house.
Now, we have went back and forth on where we wanted to honeymoon or if we should even take one at all. Would it be just the two of us, or would we go somewhere with our son? At the end of the day, we decided we'd take a honeymoon, just the two of us. With so much happening over the last 5 years and so early on in our relationship, we have never been on a long vacation together. And let's face it...Mommy and Daddy need a break! But the where was still up for debate. Of course, my first choice was Disney. I've been many times, but he's never been. His argument was that he wanted his first time at Disney to be with his son. My argument was that he needed to experience it first as an adult without a child because when we bring our son it will be a very different trip. Finally he agreed because he knew it would make me happy!
Mommy and Daddy are going to Disney! (Shhhh...we aren't telling Cam where we are going.)
I hope I did not bore you with our lengthy backstory. I've been super nervous about the planning process. My only wish is that Josh will have a great time and love Disney at least half as much as I do! (He does love Disney movies, so that's a bonus.)
Next: Trip details!!!!
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