My Feelings On Seasonal Attractions



Original Poster
I've been reading alot of the threads on here in regards to seasonal attractions. In the past year, I have been to Disney World 3 times, and not one of those times, was the Wonders Of Life Pavillion open.

I know that certain people and CERTAINLY cast members defend Disney by saying that during non-peak times, certain attractions don't draw big enough crowds to warrant them being open.

Here's an idea. Let's pretend that Disney really can't afford to keep these attractions open during these times. Let's pretend they can't afford to pay 3 or 4 castmembers to work at the Carousel Of Progress during slow periods. Why not close down one or two of the countless gift shops for that time, and use the money being spent to pay those employees to pay employees to keep an attraction open.

Should a visitor in January be denied the same attractions that a visitor in July experiences? Are ticket prices any lower in January than they are in July?

I defend Disney to the core on just about everything. But all of us have been to Disney World. All of us know what we spend down there, and all of us know what others spend down there. This is not fair to certain visitors. Disney COULD keep these attractions open. Disney SHOULD keep these attractions open.

If the Boston Red Sox are in first place in May and all the home games are sold out - Great. If the Boston Red Sox are in 4th place in July, should the team not use all it's starters?

Bad analogy, yes. But does anyone understand where I'm coming from?


New Member
I totally understand what you're saying and agree with you. Maybe ticket prices should be lower in the off-season. However, I think of it like this: Should they keep the waterparks open during winter? No, because it's a waste of water and money and electricity because the attendance would be too low because, well, it's cold. That's the same thinking sort of thinking when it comes to WoL or CoP or whatever. It's cold and it would be waste. At the end of the day, Disney is a company, and if they can save money, they will.


Original Poster
No, no, I agree with that to an extent. The water parks being closed during winter months is totally different. The amount of money it costs to run an entire park and staff an entire park is one thing.

Staffing the Carousel Of Progress is something else. How many people operate that thing at one time - 2? Maybe 3?

Point being, does it cost any less for Disney to pay those 2 employees at the Carousel Of Progress than it does to pay the 2 employees working at one of the shops at the exit of a ride?

Granted, they want to keep the stores open to make some money, but that's where I think Disney needs to act like Walt would have wanted it. Walt was obviously a very smart and savvy businessman. Obviously, none of us know Walt, but I do believe if Walt knew that certain visitors left Disney World disappointed because they couldn't experience the Carousel Of Progress, just so Michael Eisner can save a few bucks, he would roll over in his grave.


New Member
I totally agree that CoP should always be open, but also, it takes alot more money to run an attraction than a gift shop. Cast members are one thing, but maintenace and electricity are another.


Original Poster
"Cast members are one thing, but maintenace and electricity are another."

Personally, I believe with the amount of money that I and all of us shell out to Disney, it wouldn't put them in dire straits to have the lights on at Carousel Of Progress everyday.


Well-Known Member
You are assuming that what management says is the reason for making CoP seasonal is, in fact, the true reason.

I am not convinced that attendance has anything to do with it. I think that they have made up their minds about what they are going to do and that with out a major guest outcry, CoP is doomed.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
nickcarraway said:
I totally understand what you're saying and agree with you. Maybe ticket prices should be lower in the off-season. However, I think of it like this: Should they keep the waterparks open during winter? No, because it's a waste of water and money and electricity because the attendance would be too low because, well, it's cold. That's the same thinking sort of thinking when it comes to WoL or CoP or whatever. It's cold and it would be waste. At the end of the day, Disney is a company, and if they can save money, they will.

No, the water parks are closed off season because its too cold to go swimming, so no need to keep them open. I think CoP WoL, ect should alwasy be kept open. Even if somone is visiting in January, they must get the full Disney experience.


Original Poster
imagineer boy said:
No, the water parks are closed off season because its too cold to go swimming, so no need to keep them open. I think CoP WoL, ect should alwasy be kept open. Even if somone is visiting in January, they must get the full Disney experience.

I agree 100%.

My point with the water parks was simply from a trying to understand the financial aspect of it.

I think you'll always have some people who would take advantage of a cold day in Florida to go to the water parks, just to have it to themselves. Can't say I blame them. But yes, on a whole, it would make no sense for Disney to keep them open during cold months (of course in Florida, cold is subjective.)


New Member
I think joviacdan understood my point, which isn't really my point. It's just how I think that Disney thinks when it comes to closing stuff down seasonal. It's never too cold to go swimming in Florida.

Uncomfortable? Yes. Fatal? Not really.

And I'm sure there are people who visit in December that go swimming in their resort pool or would venture over to Blizzard Beach if it were open. Should they be open for those few people who would go? Why should they get any less of the experience than someone visiting in July? It all comes down to money. If an attraction or pool or slide or whatever isn't close to reaching its expected capacity on a regular basis, it goes seasonal.

Fair? No. Fatal? Not really.


Original Poster
Exactly. And that's what I think is wrong. I don't believe ANY attractions not affected by extreme weather conditions as being unsafe should be closed down just because the crowds may not be "large".

And let's keep something in mind - What Disney considers an off day is VERY subjective. A slow day at the Magic Kingdom is a blockbuster day at any Six Flags.


You bring up some good points but in the end, it comes down to money and I dont think Disney will do much to re-open these attractions year round until they see that attendence is up all around and waurrants the opening.


Original Poster
Hochmania said:
You bring up some good points but in the end, it comes down to money and I dont think Disney will do much to re-open these attractions year round until they see that attendence is up all around and waurrants the opening.

You're absolutely right. I think we all know and realize that it's a money issue with Disney.

But the thing is, Disney already knows when the crowds will be heavy and when the crowds will be light. It's not as if they're waiting to see what next month brings. They already know.

That's why they have gotten into this pattern of doing minor rehabs during non-peak times. And that's fine. Like I said, rehabs are a necessity. I don't think anyone can argue that.

But as you said, it's a money issue, and it doesn't need to be. Hey, none of us can even begin to imagine what it costs to keep Disney World running, what with the electricity, employees, and let's face it - The place is awesome for a reason. They put ALOT of money and care into it.

However, at the same time, the reason they have the money to put into it is because of everyone reading this email. We are the ones that drop an average of $3,000 once or twice a year there. In January, shouldn't I have gotten to experience the same attractions that the guy down the street from me will get to experience in July?


Well-Known Member
Lauriebar said:
I am not convinced that attendance has anything to do with it. I think that they have made up their minds about what they are going to do and that with out a major guest outcry, CoP is doomed.

Do you think that some manager "has it out for the CoP" and will not rest until the ride is dead and buried?

There has to be a reason why TK and CoP are seasonal attractions. Whether it is for cost cutting, or for attendance reasons, or even for poor guest satisfaction on the rides, there has to be a significant reason why these two attractions, and not two other attractions, are seasonal.

I would think that if they really wanted to cut costs, they would make something like Tomorrowland Speedway or the Jungle Cruise seasonal, as they both seem to require larger amounts of CM's to operate.

Also, to someone else's point, gift shops make money, rides do not. If a gift shop became non-profitable in the off-season, I am sure it too would be shuttered.


Original Poster
"There has to be a reason why TK and CoP are seasonal attractions."

I don't think anyone is denying the reason for it. The point is, if you're going to close something, then close it. Don't be chincy and only keep it going for the busier times of the year. Obviously during slower periods, ANY attraction may have low attendance. In September I got on Splash Mountain about 10 times with no wait - Should they close that seasonally?

I understand gift shops make money. We all realize that. Again, not the point. At what point does Disney say "You know, it can't ALWAYS be about the money."


New Member
joviacdan said:
I understand gift shops make money. We all realize that. Again, not the point. At what point does Disney say "You know, it can't ALWAYS be about the money."

...when it doesn't cost a whole bunch.


Well-Known Member
joviacdan said:
"There has to be a reason why TK and CoP are seasonal attractions."

I don't think anyone is denying the reason for it. The point is, if you're going to close something, then close it. Don't be chincy and only keep it going for the busier times of the year. Obviously during slower periods, ANY attraction may have low attendance. In September I got on Splash Mountain about 10 times with no wait - Should they close that seasonally?

I understand gift shops make money. We all realize that. Again, not the point. At what point does Disney say "You know, it can't ALWAYS be about the money."

In the busier times, the rides are opened to increase capacity.....without the additional capacity, wait times on the other attractions would be much larger. As in the off-season, wait times on the e-tickets rarely go over 20 minutes, this is not such a problem.


Original Poster
Here's a better analogy:

I work for a company that delivers direct to our customers. We don't charge for shipping. Would it be fair for us to tell a customer in June that we are charging them for the delivery because business is slower than it is in December?


Well-Known Member
dreamteacher said:
I agree and understand maybe they should cut the prices a little during off season they are saving money during that time.

They are not "saving" money.....they are keeping themselves from losing money....there is a big difference.


Well-Known Member
joviacdan said:
Here's a better analogy:

I work for a company that delivers direct to our customers. We don't charge for shipping. Would it be fair for us to tell a customer in June that we are charging them for the delivery because business is slower than it is in December?


Of course, if you wanted to show value to your customers, you would charge for shipping, and then adjust off the charge for your customer, because they are special, and you appreciate them.

Also, you could then, based on you demand and your profit needs, adjust off the whole shipping charge, or just part of the charge, or whatever you wanted to do.

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