My Disneyland Park

Figment fan

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The Haunted Mansion verbal tour

Here is my verbal tour for the Haunted Mansion. For layout of this article, like mharrington, I am using the Haunted Mansion book by Jason Surrel. So enjoy the ride:


The grounds have the tombstones as usual, as well as the pet cemetry. One hidden feature will be that some of the tombstones resemble chess pieces and contain chess-related epitaphs (e.g. "he failed to make his move"). Towards the end of the cemetry, there will be a headstone with a similar feature to Madame Leota's at Florida's. Expect this is for "Master Gracey".

The Foyer:

When you step into the house, there is a portrait over the fireplace. Instead of turning into a skeleton, he fades away as the Ghost Host explains how his life ended in misery. One of the passages opens up to reveal the Chamber (renamed version of the portrait chamber).

The Chamber:

Upon getting in, the portraits show Master Gracey, a beautiful bride in a gown, another handsome young man and a maid. As the ghost host begins his narration, the portraits begin to reveal their grim fates: Master Gracey's legs are old and withered, the bride is holding a long sycthe with a letter on the end, the other handsome young man is about to be shot by someone and one of the maid's dishes has a hand poking out of it. The ghost then says "The master took the easy way out. But of course, there's always my way!" before we see a skeelton hanging from the rafters with a rope around his neck, before the lightning flashes again to reveal this is Master Gracey. A secret door opens to allow guests into the corridor.

The Corridor of Sorrow:

Inside this corridor, there are some transforming portraits, but these effects are like California's, where the lightning flashes to reveal their fates. At the end of the corridor is a portrait of a bride and a man, which does not change, but instead the eyes follow the guests.

Load Area:

Here the load area is the entrance depicted in Paris and the film. Once guests get in their doom buggies, soon the fun begins.

The Libary:

Guests arrive in the libary, where the moving busts are. The ghost host begins to say "The Master is expecting your stay to be an extended one!". Just then, everything in the libary disappears, and a hidden passage appears in front of you which allows you to continue on.

The Endless Hallway:

When we are near the endless hallway, the maid stands in the bride's place, telling them that something is wrong about the house, to which the ghost replies "She is right!" as we see the endless hallway, where the candelabra floats. One by one, each of it's three lights goes out.

The Music/Conservatory room:

This scene is a mixture of the music room and conservatory. The hands appear out of the coffin as a figure in a long cloak laughs away, while playing the funeral music. We manage to follow a load of spiders to the Corridor of Broken Hopes and Doors.

The Corridor of Broken Hopes and Doors:

Each of the doors represent somebody's broken hopes and dreams. One door represents somebody trying to get in to save their loved one, another represents somebody taking out their anger on the door, and the breathing door represents death. As we approach the end of the corridor, the clock representing the devil is there, and as the clock strikes thirteen, we here the ghost host say "Broken dreams and hopes are what Madame Leota specializes... and you're invited to the awakening!".

The Seance Circle:

As we arrive in the Seance Circle, we see Madame Leota telling her incantations as she speaks of jealousy towards one of the bride's grooms. As she reaches her final incantation, she flies upwards and in a suprising green light, she disappears. Before we get into the grand party hall, we see the shadows in the room become ghosts, horiffically glowing their evil eyes.

The Grand Party Hall:

Here the Grand Party Hall is the wedding party, where everyone is having a great time. Out of the organ are screaming skulls that gradually turn into musical notes. On the balcony is the cloaked figure once again, disappearing and reappearing saying that he will have revenge on whoever married his bride! An evil laughter fills the room and suddenly the ghosts fade away, apart from the figure.

The Treasure Room:

We appear in the Attic, which is now the Treasure room, where the bride with the axe from the beginning is there, expect she does not have an axe. She instead holds rotted flowers, as her heart beats slowly come to a stop. The cloaked figure appears one last time, but shows he is none other than the other handsome man from the portrait chamber! The hatbox ghost is here at last, but he says "There is not much time left! The Master's hours are numbered!" as his head disappears from his body and reappears in the box and vice versa.

The Graveyard:

We arrive in the graveyard by "falling" through a window, although the doom buggies are still inside the ride building. Here the caretaker and his cowardly dog are there. As we go past them, everyone is having a party of a time, where the singing busts sing of a duel, besides their usual lyrics. Near the entrance to the crypt, the raven looks on as the handsome man appears in his usual clothes, holding a gun and is aiming it straight at the doom buggies! Luckily for us, Master Gracey appears as a skeleton with a white around him, and causes the hamdsome man to fade away at last, taking Madame Leota's green light with him, signalling their demises and last stop on our haunted tour.

The Crypt:

As we arrive at the crypt, we see those hitchhiking ghosts asking to be picked up. Here the first mirror is all of the hitchhiking ghosts together, the second is Master Gracey and his bride and the last is the dim shadow of the handsome man. We then get off at the unload area.

Little Leota:

On the way out of the Mansion, Little Leota stands their saying her usual "Hurry Back" as we leave. She also moves around a bit more. As we leave the building, the mausoleum reads all the people who died at the mansion.

And that ends the tour of the Haunted Mansion. See the next post for the story behind the mansion. Comments welcome.

Figment fan

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If the story behind my version of the Haunted Mansion seems confusing, here's the whole story:

Master Gracey was a young man who had loved the good life. His rival, the handsome Lionel Von Doobringor, was jealous of Gracey's lifestyle. After losing the Mansion itself to Gracey, Doobringor disappeared for a few years, until he found love in the beautiful Emily Petrason. However, she could not put up with his costant abuse of her, and she left him to join Gracey. When they annouced marriage together, Doobringor vowed revenge.

Looking for a partner to help him destroy Gracey, he discovered the talented Madame Leota, a spellcaster who wanted to harness the power of the dark. Before the wedding day, they killed off several people in the mansion. To break Gracey's heart, Lionel took a gun and killed Emily with it. Spreading the attic with bodies, and had a sycthe clutched in her hand, he and Leota made it seem that Emily had killed herself out of depression. When Master Gracey discovered Emily, he hung himself out of sadness.

Now with him out of the way, Madame Leota and Doobringor began to fill the mansion with ghosts, in order to further their own interests. When the maid Innos Centt discovered this, Leota had her killed by having her eat a poisioned severed hand. This awoke Gracey from the dead, and after discovering Doobringor's plot, he set out to set everything the way it should be.

Comments welcome.


Well-Known Member
Here is my verbal tour for the Haunted Mansion. For layout of this article, like mharrington, I am using the Haunted Mansion book by Jason Surrel.

Your mansion looks quite good. But what I meant by layout was, in which land will your mansion be located? That was my question. Other than that, beautiful! Keep 'em comin'! Here's what I think you should do next:

  • Electrical Parade
  • Big Thunder Mountain

Figment fan

New Member
Original Poster
Your mansion looks quite good. But what I meant by layout was, in which land will your mansion be located? That was my question. Other than that, beautiful! Keep 'em comin'! Here's what I think you should do next:
  • Electrical Parade
  • Big Thunder Mountain
Okay, first off, thanks for the comment. In the case of which land will the Mansion will be located in, read this quote:

Originally, I was going to put the Haunted Mansion (or Haunted Manor, as it was originally called) in Frontierland. However, after you said that all Haunted Mansions are in a different land, I decided to go with Main Street U.S.A..

For what I'll do a verbal tour on next is unknown, but I'll do the nighttime parades (The Electrical Parade and SpectroMagic!) first and then continue on with the rides.

Figment fan

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The Coach and Horses Adventure walkthrough

Anyway, here is a walkthrough for my original attraction, the Coach and Horses Adventure. I'm not doing the night-time parades at the moment since I don't have any references to use from. On with the walkthrough:


You arrive at your vehicle, an old five-seater western coach. Upon getting in the coach moves forward and stops at a barricaded door.

The Deputy: Howdy, there! While in your coach, keep your hands, arms, feet and legs inside the ride vehicle at all times. Don't eat, drink, smoke, or use that flashy-machine. Hope you have a nice time in our town!

After this has finished the barricaded door opens, and you head towards the town, where everyone is enjoying themselves. There is the Sheriff enjoying his food, and our heroe, the shy cowboy, James McGorfinn. He hangs on the coach parked near the sheriff's office.

James McGorfinn: One day, I'll be true heroe. I'm sure of it!

Viewing from the sidelines is the villian, Mr. McMean and his sidekick, Horrendous Henry.

Mr. McMean: Say, let's get the gold and get out of there, and let's kidnap the little lady too!

Horrendous Henry: Yeah, ah agree with ya, Mr. McBean!

Mr. McMean: Mr. McMean, you fool!

The coachs move into the salloon, where a group of chorus dancers dance away. There are three, and the second is Lidia Lovely, our herione. James McGorfinn looks at her in awe.

James McGorffin: Woah, St. Macarel's Dairy!

As we leave the salloon, we see Mr. McMean holding the gold from the sheriff's office. Lidia Lovely is being held by Horrendous Henry.

Lidia Lovely: Let me go! You'll be sorry about this! I say!

Mr. McMean: Don't worry! You'll be let go soon! Isn't that right, Horrendous Henry?

Horrendous Henry: Uh, yeah, Mr. McBean!

Mr. McMean: It's Mr. McMean, you poppycock!

We move past them, and see James McGorfinn talking to the Sheriff.

The Sheriff: Mr. McMean has got away with the gold, and Lidia Lovely too!

James McGorfinn: Don't worry, sheriff! I'll get them back!

We then leave the sheriff's office and now we are on the desert racing towards Mr. McMean's hideout in the adandoned gold mine. Next to us is James McGorfinn on his horse, the valiant Gold-Mine.

James McGorfinn: We're nearly there!

We then arrive in the gold-mine where Mr. McMean and Horrendous Henry are facing James McGorfinn, while Lidia Lovely is being lowered onto a track.

Mr. McMean: Ah, the valiant heroe! It's James McGorfinn! Make sure he doesn't leave here with his skin intact!

James McGorfinn: You're not getting away this time, Mr. McMean!

We appear inside a train track. Lidia Lovely can faintly be seen on the track.

Lidia Lovely: Please, get me out of here!

We then see a light from the distance, and heading towards is a train (similar to the effect in Mr. Toad's Wild Ride). Luckily, we leave just in time, and we now appear outside the gold-mine, where Mr. McMean and Horrendous Henry are tied up.

Mr. McMean: Horrendous Henry, this is all your fault!

Horrendous Henry: Uh, sorry Mr. McBean!

Also there, is the sheriff, but we see Lidia Lovely kissing James McGorfinn on the cheek.

Lidia Lovely: My hero!

James McGorfinn: Ah, I knew I'd make a good heroe some day!

We leave the gold-mine, and we arrive back in the load area.


Comments welcome.

Figment fan

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Original Poster
Sorry for the long break, but since nobody was replying I didn't post in this thread. However, I'm now breaking my own rule. Never mind.

Soon, I'm changing my version of Fantasmic!. Anbody wants to help me with ideas they can do so.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the long break, but since nobody was replying I didn't post in this thread. However, I'm now breaking my own rule. Never mind.

Soon, I'm changing my version of Fantasmic!. Anbody wants to help me with ideas they can do so.

Well, maybe you could somehow combine all three of your proposed versions together. Or maybe you could pick your most favorite scenes from both the CA and FL versions and use them.

BTW, what rule was it that you're breaking, anyway?

Figment fan

New Member
Original Poster
This is my new version of Fantasmic!. It's based on the original ride, and has some of my own ideas as well.

Here we get the usual opening of Mickey conducting the Fantasmic! theme song.
The stuff with the plants from Florida and California is here.
Lion King/Tarzan/Jungle Book scene
The Jungle scene I described in my 3rd draft of Fantasmic! is here, leading into -
Pink Elephants
The same Pink Elephants scene I described in my 3rd draft is here.
Alice in Wonderland Puppets
The Alice in Wonderland Puppets scene I described in 3rd draft is here.
The usual Monstro stuff is here, and the Sorcerer's Apprentice flood, leading into the next scene.
Pirates of the Caribbean
Here, we get something similar to the Peter Pan scene in California. Only here, it is Pirates of the Caribbean. The Black Pearl comes around the lake with Jack, Will, Barbossa and Elizabeth on tow. Will and Elizabeth beat up the pirates, while Jack takes on Barbossa. Jack becomes a skeleton, but throws the coins to Will Turner who breaks the curse. Will and Elizabeth are reunited, leading to the love montage.
Love Montage
Here the love montage is the same I described in my 3rd Fantasmic! draft. This leads into the next scene.
Evil Queen & Friends
We get the usual Evil Queen stuff, before transforming into the Witch. She then summons to help her (in this order): Ursula, Yzma, Jafar, Oogie Boogie and the MCP, who sends Mickey to the Light-Cycle grid!
The Light-Cycle Race
Mickey races through the Light-Cycle race on stage, with the MCP being a puppet. Mickey is near the MCP when he is whisked away by a puff of purple smoke.
Yzma's Attack
Yzma then reveals herself to Mickey and orders her transformed henchmen to destroy the mouse. Luckily, Mickey escapes and turns Yzma into a kitten before suddenly getting washed into the middle of the sea.
Sea and Lava Bites
Ursula steals the trident and transforms into a 20-foot puppet as she originally was. Blasting Mickey, but repeatedly missing, she then resorts to summoning a giant wave of lava to destroy him, but Mickey is rescued by the Magic Carpet, and is sent through the Cave of Wonders, chased by Jafar, leading to a similar scene to Florida's.
A Game of Chance
Mickey then finds himself cornered by Oogie Boogie, who is a giant puppet on the island stage. Mickey and Oogie face off in a musical battle of cards before Oogie laughs and summons Hades.
Hades, Doris & Chernabog
The same Hades and Chernabog stuff from Florida and my 3rd draft is here. Just before we see Chernabog, however, Hades summons Doris to attack Mickey, leading him into a dangerous nightmare featuring his friends in nightmarish states, with Minnie saying Franny's line from the movie. Then, this leads into the Chernabog stuff.
Mickey VS. Maleficent
Mickey is faced by Maleficent, who transforms into the dragon to destroy him once and for all. All the villains taunt him in the order they first appeared in, before Mickey then tells Maleficent "You may think so you're so powerful, but this is my dream!"
Villains Destroyed
The villains are destroyed in this order: Chernabog, Doris, Hades, MCP, Oogie Boogie, Jafar, Yzma, Ursula, the Queen and finally Maleficent.
The usual Fantasmic! ending is here, with Mickey asking the audience "Some Imagination, huh?" before ending the show.

What do you think of this version?


Well-Known Member
Putting my two cents in for a Fantasmic addition, based on Meet the Robinsons, thus why I'm putting the spoiler protection on.
I think Doris(Bowler Hat Guy's hat and the movie's real villain) would be a great addition to the villains ranks.
I can easily see a modified version of the Doris future sequence(complete with possessed versions of Mickey's friends and Minnie getting Franny's line from the scene in the movie) going right before the encounter with Maleficent. Totally one of the worse possible nightmares Mickey could have.

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