MVMCP...opinion please?

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
Nice experience, but my main draw was the exclusivity.

They have started selling too many tickets and it's actually kind of crowded. The benefit you get from the special parade, cookies, hot cocoa, and fireworks are not super "worth it" but it's still a fun event.

It's not expensive and if you're on the fence, I'd just do it.


Barbara Eden+? Bring it!!
Premium Member
In December we went twice during our trip on weekdays. After catching one parade many of the rides had virtually no wait, or very minimal at most. It was almost like adding an additional day to the trip when you looked what what we rode. It can make for a long day though.


Well-Known Member
My 2 cents. We usually go during Halloween, but went the first week of December 2011 mainly because a cast member at the MNSSHP suggested that we visit at Christmastime and attend MVMCP. I'm glad we took her advice. We really enjoyed the party especially being on Main Street and seeing my daughter's face light up when it started snowing. MNSSHP is much better in my opinion due to the parade, trick or treating and Hallowishes, but the Christmas decorations, hot chocolate and cookies are pretty awesome too. I say you should go! It's worth the extra money to do it once.

Maelstrom Troll

Well-Known Member
We have been to the Halloween party 3 times and the Christmas party once. We prefer the Halloween party, but the Christmas party is quite good. We choose to sleep, swim, and shop on our party nights and not pay an admission and the party tix. Incidentally, we will also be there the first week of December!


Well-Known Member
We always go to WDW in November and last year we went to MVMCP for the first time. We went to the very first party on Nov 8th. It was absolutely the highlight of our whole trip! We weren't sure what to expect with crowds and other things, but it was not too crowded. The parade and fireworks were my favorite part. Drinking that awesome hot cocoa during all just capped it off! We had such a great time. The snow on Main Street was amazing. I loved it so much, I bought tickets for this year also for Nov 16th. I am really big on Christmas so this is right up my alley!

I really don't think there was anything I didn't like. Nothing is coming to mind.


Well-Known Member
We've done MNSSHP many times but have chosen to do MCMCP only once. It was fun, but not worth the added expense IMO. Also if you're at WDW between Christmas and New Years, you'll see just about the same everything. Try it once and make your own decision, but I doubt you'll go back again.


Well-Known Member
We do the Halloween party every year. We did do the Christmas twice. It was good but nothing compared to the Halloween party.

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