You're right, it was crazy! As to the other comments about the smoking area, believe me we were not there by choice! We were just trapped on the ramp above it because people were literally EVERYWHERE and we couldn't move. It was at least a full five minutes after Wishes before anyone could move. All I have to say is EMH are my new best friends because it cleared up so nicely once the masses left. We were stuck on that ramp for at least 30 minutes because foot traffic was so bad! We finally got out of there right before the 10 o'clock Spectro started. We didn't want to get trapped for that too!
I was astounded at the number of kids there for EMH! Many of them were pretty awake, more than I was! But I bet many of them went back to resorts mid-afternoon and took a nap. We had planned to, but Ryland and his dad wanted to go on Test Track, so we forfeited that option. It had been a looong day. 7 hours at AK, 3 hours at Epcot, then 8 hours at MK, straight through. I was one tired puppy! And then I got a shower once I got back to the resort so I was up a looooong time. Almost 24 hours! Nevertheless it was tons of fun.
Tiggerific, how long did you stay at EMH? What resort were you in?