Most Underrated Ride at the MK


New Member
I do enjoy some People Mover action, but I have to give my props to Tom Sawyer's Island. There are some awesome places there. Love sitting around and playing checkers, bouncing on the barrel bridge, etc. But the best place there is Aunt Polly's. Get some snack food, sit by the water, get a whole panoramic view of Frontierland. It's amazing!


Active Member
Monorail has to be my favorite... we used to stop by Disney just to ride it.. even if we wern't going into the park


Active Member

Brooke said:
I would probably say TTA as well...I know it's basically just a ride that is about the other rides in Tomorrowland but I still like it. It's one of those nice things that you can do even when the rest of the park is super busy.

I do not agree with your description about TTA. I belive that the TTA was a showcase for the technonogy of the "People Mover" not the other rides in Tomorrowland. As far as the other rides go ... the TTA need somewere to go.




New Member
TTA is underrated but I think they could make it better...I personally think the most underrated attraction is the Timekeeper, I know most of you hate it but it really does add to tommorrowland I think they should replace it only if they can come up with a better idea (not the little green men) :hurl:


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Original Poster
psuchad said:
You should really search before posting a thread. This was discussed in January and about a year ago.

Maybe you should practice what you preach. You tell me to search a thread before posting, when you don't even do it. What's the word I'm looking for.........ah yeah.....hypocritical, yeah...that's it. Don't take it out on me because I told you to search next time if a thread was already used. I'm not here to pick a fight because I'm not like that. I was just trying to help you out. You took it the wrong way. No one is out to get you, people just try to help other people.
As much as I love TTA and COP, i'm gonna have to break things up a little and say snow white's scary adventures. It's simple but fun, like many great disney attractions are. I rode it in aug for the first time in years and was delightfully suprized.

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