Most treasured Disney Souvenir?


Well-Known Member memories of walks around Coronado Springs in the early mornings talking and connecting with DD while mama bear got herself put together for the day back at the room are the most treasured things I have ever taken away from our Disney vacations. You cannot get these days back again so I hold on to them more than any other treasured trinket.


Well-Known Member
The picture of my dad and then DD2 trying on different hats. She is giggling her head off. It would be the last time they see each other. He died 9 months later.

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
I have 3

From our 2015 cruise to Norway on the Magic


From our last SWW :(

And in a custom frame near our door



New Member
Purely the memories for me-
*Long-winded post ahead, beware*

We went down on our first (and only!) Trip in the mid 90's, and it was a Make-a-Wish trip to boot.

Since my brother (wish recipient) couldn't really take a flight down, They Rented an RV for us to all pile into. The trip down was an experience in itself. Plenty of scenery to take in along the way, wondering if we were about to fall off/down the mountains as we crossed in the big behemoth :eek: and a few nights of sleeping in McD's Parking Lots.

For those who don't know, usually the Wish-kids and families stay offsite at a place called "Give Kids the World Village" It was pretty new back then, a pale comparison of what it is now, but there was plenty to do on-site; walking trail in the back, a rail caboose turned ice cream parlor, a big swimming pool with a gentle slope for chairs. (the back of our house/condo was right next to said pool, always a plus!)
The place also had a dining hall that still exists (Character meet n greet breakfast, anyone?) They also had a second meet n greet location in a building they call "The Castle of Miracles" which from the outside looks like a big toadstool next to a castle (Under the toadstool is a handicap-accessible carousel)

I looked them up recently, and it's pretty surprising to see how much its grown since then.

Anywho, how about the actual parks?
Day 1 was MK. Didn't get to experience everything due to your everyday torrential downpour, but there were a few memorable notes:
First Time in a 360 degree theater-The Timekeeper
Getting Inspired/bit by the metaphorical Disney Bug-CoP
Falling backwards out of the window in HM
Running around in aforementioned downpour trying to find my brother and his nurse, who had been hiding under the castle the whole time
Taking in that very same view of a near-empty park from the castle-tunnel during THE GREAT FLOOD (and the home alone-esque mad dash to the monorail afterwards :eek:! )

Not much to say for MGM aside from GMR and the Muppets (Remember this was pre ToT)
We actually passed up epcot in its entirety--It really wasn't advertised well then.

I still kick myself for not going, but on the flipside we did get VIP treatment at USF; got to sit in the center aisle of T2 where the actor runs across during the show. Had my picture taken next to the Time Train when it was still on the track, even did the Nick Studios backstage tour--that alone made the day, since we all grew up on the stuff.

The trip back home wasn't nearly as eventful, of course.
We did stop in at the World's Largest Carpet Emporium--I mean, Graceland though! ;)

Destiny Romayne

New Member
My most treasured Disney Item is from the early 2000s. We bought this Mikey Mouse fan that was the shape of Mickey's head ( wasn't a spray fan ) when I was about 5 years old. I've always had it and always treasured it.


Well-Known Member
We have a small collection of about 5-6 Mickey & Minnie bride and groom figurines we have picked up through the years.

My wife bought me a Mickey watch I had my eye on for several years at WoD the year I made goal with Weight Watchers.


Well-Known Member
I have, and treasure, all my guide maps from 1986 on. I love to look at them and chart how the parks have changed. I didn't have a camera with me on a few quick trips in the early '90's so they are all I have from those trips other than great memories. With everything going digital, I hope they never do away with them. I also have all my tickets which are fun to look back at. Magic Bands aren't quite the same.

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