Most ROMANTIC resturant in the World?


New Member
My older brother is planning to PROPSE :) to his long-term girlfriend on our trip in Febuary. He's thinking of taking her out to a romantic resturant and then to the Yatch club were he'd propose to her there.

He asked me what I thought the most romantic resturant is. I told him I had no clue. I really don't go to resturants that are romantic, seeing as they make sadder that I am still single. Grr...

So I thought I'd ask you!

What do YOU figure the most romantic resturant is?


Well-Known Member
If your brother wanted to propose at the Yacht Club, what about the Yachtsman Steakhouse?? I went there for dinner and thought it was amazing. I am not sure about romantic as I was there with two of my girlfriends at the time but it is a great restaurant, very classy & elegant. Any thoughts? Belle
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My wife & I both Just Love the San Angel Inn in Mexico, but, we go there for a nice cool afternoon lunch, not a romantic dinner. Sure, it's dark riverside atmosphere is nice, but I can't tell you the times I've been flashed blinded by boat riders taking pix of the diners. That'll kill ANY romantic mood that's been achieved!

We'll be celebrating our 24th wedding anniversary this April and we'll be doing it in our favorite romantic spot in "The World". A windowside table in the Chefs de Paris. It's a little boistrous @ times, but it's an ambience that's unsurpassed and a great way to watch the Illuminations fireworks.

We usually interact with the mime outside doing his street show, giving away some of his "punchlines" since we usually sit through @ least 2 and sometimes 3 of his acts.

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New Member
wannabeBelle said:
If your brother wanted to propose at the Yacht Club, what about the Yachtsman Steakhouse?? I went there for dinner and thought it was amazing. I am not sure about romantic as I was there with two of my girlfriends at the time but it is a great restaurant, very classy & elegant. Any thoughts? Belle
My husband and I ate at The Yachtmans Steakhouse the night he proposed to me. He proposed under the lighthouse at Y & B. It was so romantic! They have nice little park benches and not many people are out there late at night (it was 11pm for us). (sniff, sniff) Now are just an old married couple (2 years :lol: ) What wonderful memories!
Shelley :wave:
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New Member
The benefit of proposing at Victoria & Albert's is that the restaurant is set up for special occasions. When a couple walks in, strangly enough, the host already knows you by name, you are seated at a table that has personalized menus. Your names are on them etched in gold,which you keep, and at the end of the very extravagant meal, the lady is handed a rose. Now imagine being proposed to over the dessert course, right before the rose comes! That would be special:animwink:

Some other suggestions are romantic but are flawed for this occasion. For instance, San Angel is a beautiful atmosphere're looking at the water with volcanos, and a boat ride full of people..a constant reminder that you're in a theme park. Plus if you're going to propose over dinner, would you really want tacos to be on your plate?
Bistro De Paris is also a very nice restaurant, if you like French food. That menu is "adventuresome". I eat anything and I found some things there that were good and others that were:hurl: . But that wasn't my concern with this place...Here the waitstaff is always sort of aloof to the customers and that can make some people uncomfortable. This is the only restaurant that, IMO, is between casual and fancy although they treat it like a very upper end type of place. So here the comfort level and the menu could be a problem for a "perfect" proposal. Some of the hotel restaurants are nice but tend to get crowded and noisy. Yahctsmon is a great restaurant but there is alot of distraction there and I would imagine that this particular meal should really be a special moment with the central focus as the couple instead of everything else.

With all of this taken into consideration, at V&A's the staff will pamper the couple and make them feel very comfortable, the atmosphere has dim lighting, a harp plays in the background, the noise is kept to a minimum, the food is perfect! The only problem there is if she says no:lookaroun , but in this place, no one can resist:D
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New Member
wannabeBelle said:
If your brother wanted to propose at the Yacht Club, what about the Yachtsman Steakhouse?? I went there for dinner and thought it was amazing. I am not sure about romantic as I was there with two of my girlfriends at the time but it is a great restaurant, very classy & elegant. Any thoughts? Belle

Nothing says romance like giant, raw, slabs of meat hanging in the entrance corridor...
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Well-Known Member
imagineer99 said:
Nothing says romance like giant, raw, slabs of meat hanging in the entrance corridor...
LOL That was pretty funny. Actually it took me a while to notice the meat locker there in the entrance. But then again as I said I was there with friends, not romantic interests so maybe that part didnt bother me. I really liked the dessert display though. That one caught my attention right away!!! Belle
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Active Member
The California Grill, although very nice and you can see wishes from there if you time it right. It is incredibly noisy, so I wouldn't recommend it. Also there tend to be lots of families there. Narcoisse at the GF is very noisy and lots of families too. I have not been to V&A's, but everyone I have ever spoken to that has, loved it. If you can get passed the thought of walking by the raw meat, the Yachtsman Steak house is very nice, the food excellent, and not noisy. I've been to the Flying Fish and the food is excellent, but again this place is noisy.

While V&A's would be perfect if it's in your price range, I agree that Bistro would be great because you can stroll over to the Yacht Club hotel from the back gateway. This way, the mood wouldn't be interrupted by transportation and run the risk of some sourpuss person annoying you and ruining you're night.
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