Most Favorite.... Least Favorite Ride....


Well-Known Member
This is too hard; there are so many attractions/shows! Plus, I've noticed that my rankings can change somewhat from trip to trip. For example, The Seas with Nemo ride, which I only did once a few years ago, moved up several spots in my rankings. It surprised the crap out of me how much I enjoyed it and thought it a decent dark ride. I did it again, same thought. What the hell? Who knew? :)

Anyhow, I'm going to cheat big time and give my top 10 ride type attractions, top 5 live shows/entertainment, and 5 least favorite, from my trip this past Dec./Jan.

Top 10 (In no particular order)
1. Space Mountain...still probably my fav on property
2. Star Tours...rode repeatedly, and with the ability to take in large crowds, no long wait
3. The Haunted Mansion and HM this attraction and very much enjoy the 'new' queue and see it as a plussing of a classic
4. Dinosaur...I wish all the effects were turned on, but I still enjoy the ride a lot
5. Kilimanjaro Safaris...I never tire of getting up close to that African wildlife. The zebras are great and I like being able to almost touch the white rhinos on some rides...that's a rush
6. Spaceship Earth and Post the ascent, don't mind the decent, and enjoy the post show
7. The Twlight Zone Tower of Terror...practically theme park perfection in terms of atmosphere, fun and repeatability
8. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh...old school dark ride feel with cool effects. Love it!
9. The Journey of the Little Mermaid...the queue is 2nd to none, as is Ariel's Grotto meet 'n greet, and I enjoyed the ride very much. It is a large, over the top musical romp, as opposed to a simple, classic, dark ride, but I felt that it executes that in an enjoyable manner.
10. Soarin'...the film could be cleaned up, but it's still exhilarating every time.

Top 5 Live Shows (In no particular order)
1. Fantasmic!...I never tire of it, and the past few times I've seen it, every effect I'd ever seen has been working, and it simply looked great!
2. Off Kilter...Perhaps it's because I'm from Atlantic Canada and love that music; not sure, but I love the show.
3. The World Showcase Players (U.K.)...always entertaining, and even a wee bit moreso with a cold Guiness in hand.
4. The Osborne Spectacle of Dancing Lights...spent a bit of time there Christmas night and New Year's Eve...looks and sounds better than ever!
5. Main Street Electrical Parade...I prefer Spectro, but this parade too looked stunning at night and I understand why many people who grew up with this as their nighttime parade, love it.
Bonus selection: The Fountain of Nations: Looked awesome 'dancing' to new music, with colorful lighting and the pretty 'new' railing. Wonderful!

My Bottom 5 Attractions (In no particular order)
1. Stitch's Great Escape
2. S.G.E.
3. The Great Escape of Stitch
4. Oh great! Stitch escaped.
5. A stitch of greatness has escaped us all

Seriously, it's the only attraction on property that I dislike and won't ever do again!


Well-Known Member
My favorite would have to be either It's A Small World or Soarin'. They're both so perfect for completely different reasons. IASW is magical. The song, the message- everything. Soarin' is probably #1 on 'things to do before you die' list. Why? The experience is something else!

My least favorite is Stitch. It lacks the magic and isn't engaging.


Well-Known Member
Favorite-Haunted Mansion and POTC
Least-Hall of Presidents
Least-Ellen's Energy Adventure
Favorite-Star Tours, TSMM, Muppets 3D
Least-Finally did the Backlot tour last trip, and it just felt like it could have done more.
Favorite-Kilimanjaro Safari
Least-kind of boring hanging out at the dig site.
I should probably mention I am not much of a thrill ride person.


Well-Known Member
Favorite at MK: The Haunted Mansion
Least favorite at MK: Stitch.

Favorite at Epcot: Soarin'. Previously it was Spaceship Earth 94-2007. Then they messed it up.
Least favorite at Epcot: Gran Fiesta Tour. I liked El Rio del Tiempo just needed a simple update.
But then they went overboard with the Three Caballeros being manic to keep young children entertained. You lost me there, Epcot. Was especially mortifying since the year it opened, two of the people in our group (my sister's friend and my cousin's boyfriend) are Mexican Americans. It's like "Ummm...I'm really sorry that they turned a ride about various aspects of your culture into Donald Duck's quest to get laid"

Favorite at MGM (DHS): Tower of Terror
Least favorite at MGM: Voyage of the Little Mermaid. It was boring fifteen years ago. Now it's just redundant, given that JOURNEY of the Little Mermaid is up and running at MK.

Favorite at Animal Kingdom: Expedition Everest. Yeah, I know...yeti won't be getting fixed anytime soon.
But I still love the ride.
Least favorite at Animal Kingdom: Kali River Rapids. Far. Too. Short.


Keep Moving Forward
Favorite MK - Haunted Manson
Least MK - Stitch

Favorite Epcot - Test Track (haven't been on the new though)
Least Epcot - ?

Favorite DHS - Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith
Least - Studio Tour (current version)

Favorite AK - Safari and Everest
Least - ?


Well-Known Member
Favorite at MK: Haunted Mansion
Least favorite at MK: Stitch's Great Escape

Favorite at Epcot: Spaceship Earth
Least favorite at Epcot: Maelstrom

Favorite at DHS: Tower of Terror
Least favorite at MGM: Great Movie Ride

Favorite at Animal Kingdom: Expedition Everest.
Least favorite at Animal Kingdom: Anything at Chester & Hester's

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