most embarassing moment at disney?


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Hey all,

what are your most embarrasing moments at disney?

here is one of mine:

i was on my first trip to walt disney world..i was walking under the epcot ball (spaceship earth) and it had been raining, my shoes had no grippies left and i felt flat on my back


I have never been too embarised..... there was this one time way back..... the first time I went to the World.... 1980.....Yes there was a WDW back then.... I forgot where my car was parked.... had to wait until the lot almost cleared out..... didn't much matter after we found the car....the keys were locked inside.... still didn't much matter.... I left the lights on and the battery was dead....didn't much matter..... after getting started by the helpful man with the jumpers we didn't get out of the parking lot before we ran out of gas.... other than that.... It was a great experience.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Mine occoured one evening at Mouse Gears at EPCOT. As you probably know, there are different places throughout the store where there are speekers that spout out Disney character voices. Well, I passed a door that said "Dressing Room" that had this high-pitched cartoon-like voice comming out of it. I couldn't tell what the voice was saying so I leaned over to listen more almost puttin my ear against what I thought was a hidden speeker in the door. Well, imagine my suprise when I hear the start to turn! I ran away as fast as I could before the door opened. I can only imagine what everyone in the store thought about me evesdropping on other guests in the dressing rooms. :eek:


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Original Poster
C- that is very very very amusing (except when it is actually happening)

M- that would have been a very funny site to see-and sounds like something i would do

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
This past November I was there for my B-day so of course I went and got the appropriate button at City Hall at MK. Me and my dad went and played all around the park and got the Happy B-day's all day then as we were leaving the CM that stamped my hand started screaming at the top of her lungs:
"It's this Girls Birthday!!"people turned and stared,"What's your name?"
"How old are you?!"
"14", I replied( side note: I'm a very pale red head so when I start to get embarrassed I get really red)
"This girls 14!! Let's all sing Happy Birthday to her!" and she and a few other people that were standing and watching and a few of the CM's started singing happy birthday.
Then she started yelling to one of the other CM's that I was really red(but I do remember I had a grin from ear to ear). Finally she let us go through, but she made it so much fun while it lasted!:lol:
The next day(my REAL B-day) me Star Tours car sang me Happy B-day! I will never forget that trip!:lol:


My father, older brother, nephew and I were in line waiting for Space Mountain, and my brother and I started talking to this family from Africa because a coworker of my brother's is from the same country. All of a sudden there was this horrible odor in the air, and my Dad was shaking like a paint mixer. It's pretty obvious what he had done. It was really embarrasing, but pretty funny all at the same time.


New Member
Oh this is a great thread!

Back when I was around 8 years old (I can't remember exactly how old I was) I was in the Honey I Shrunk the Kids movie set adventure at the Disney Studios. Well it was an extremely crowded day, and it was hard to get around without someone accidentally shoving you into a wall. I heard my mom shouting my name, which meant it was time to go.

I was trying to get around everybody and I was practically stuck in a mob of kids inside the ant tunnels. In the meantime, my mother went to a CM and reported me missing. The CM alerted security and they were all over the park looking for me.

The CM asked my mom what I was wearing and they had a CM stand at both the entrance and exit surveying kids that might have my description. Well finally I got out of there and my mom started screaming at me left and right with people staring at us! I was so embarresed and she claimed I was hiding on her!!!:rolleyes:

Epcot is my fav

Active Member
Ummm at the Contemporary..near the bus stop...there are high bars that hold up the my cousin and i were jumping to see if we could touch them all....they got higher as they go towards the was wet out and we were running and both jumped.....we both slipped on the way down on the wet pavement and crashed into each other on the hurt a lot and all the bus stop people were looking at us


Well-Known Member
None to embarassing for me. I did watch somebody throw up outside of Big Thunder, and just seconds later somebody else came walking down and slipped and fell in it. Since it wasnt me I found it hyseterical. And yes, he was Ok, he laughed about it eventually.


New Member
I've had tons that I had to erase from my memory.. but here's one I still remember:

I was at the Alien Encounter ride and there was a handicapped employee at the gate... He tried talking to me, I forget what he said, and I replied kinda monotonely. Then he had to say "So you're one of those "like whatever" girls, huh?" and he went on and on. Then my mom had to tell him that I was skipping school to be here to which he went over to the microphone and said "Everyone say hi to [my name here], who's skipping school just to be here with us!" ... I was very mad at him.


Active Member
Me and my family were in a rush to go to Epcot one morning and I put my shorts on and I remember that the waist was a little too wide. So since we were in a hurry I forgot to grab my belt. So we got there and I was lookin up at Spaceship Earth and my shorts came right down and my boxers were exposed. It happened quick and I pulled them back up fast. o well, I guess we all have to have these moments.:lol:


New Member
Two things....

When I was about 10 I sleepwalked out of our trailer at Fort Wilderness, I'm not sure how long I was out there, but I woke up at some point and was outside still and couldn't remember what trailer # we were in and was knocking on bunches of them and waking complete strangers up thinking maybe this is the right one. Eventually I did find the right one. Oops!

A few years before that I was playing/running outside of Horizions and tripped over a sign post. Landed smack on both knees, my hands, and hit my head. They brought me over to the first aid station by the Odyssey and my knees were so swollen that the nurse taped ice packs on them to help keep the swelling down. I couldn't walk like that so they got a wheelchair and I ended up being carted out of the park in it!



Active Member
It's not embarassing anymore but it used to be. I am legally blind in my right eye. When my son was little I always had him wald on my left side so I knew where he was. Whenever we're shopping, walking or anything I end up talking to complete strangers totally by accident. My group just seems to drift away and there I am, talking to some kid I thought was my neice or my son. It usually happens when they are on my right side. When I do find my group, I yell at them about leaving me and they laugh cause "it's sooooo funny!"


Well-Known Member
During my college program, I had a guest ask me if she could see the Illuminations 'ball' from the american gardens theater one time. I said yeah, and added the reply that she would be able to see two later on during the performance...SE & the illuminations. Well as soon as I said that I freaked out. I quickly tried to cover my tracks but it was too late. Everyone started giggling at what i said and I was quite embarassed! :lol: :eek:

Epcot is my fav

Active Member
a lady once asked me were the Mexico Pavillion was and we were standing right in front of the was so funny...embarassing for the lady though


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by EpcoTim
None to embarassing for me. I did watch somebody throw up outside of Big Thunder, and just seconds later somebody else came walking down and slipped and fell in it. Since it wasnt me I found it hyseterical. And yes, he was Ok, he laughed about it eventually.

Okay...that actually made me laugh out loud!!!:lol:

not really that embarassing but i was 11 and very shy and i was sitting near the front on jungle cruise and the guy driving the boat picked on me the WHOLE ride ...and it was my birthday that day to top it off ...the one that embarassed me the most was he said " now roseann if you look to your left for a moment ...."and behing shy i hid my face to the right so he said "no roseann your other left "and then the boat load of people laughed ... i was embarresed that i fell into that so i looked to the left "and here we have absolutely nothing...." grrrr ... a well it wasn't that embarrassing ...


Well-Known Member
Not quite as embarrassing as unfortunate, I was about four or five years old and we were eating a large family meal at Victoria and Alberts.
A tooth of mine had been loose for some time and just as I started to eat dinner, it came out but was still dangling (you know how they do!) I spent all of dinner letting my filet mignon get cold and going to the bathroom about ten times.

Not cool, dude!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by EpcoTim
None to embarassing for me. I did watch somebody throw up outside of Big Thunder, and just seconds later somebody else came walking down and slipped and fell in it. Since it wasnt me I found it hyseterical. And yes, he was Ok, he laughed about it eventually.

ohh gross dude. id be looking for people to kill


Well-Known Member
Embarrassing for my friend: She was carrying a churro through Frontierland- nuff said!

Yep, a seagull did not just dive-bomb her, it grazed/landed on her head, knocked the churro from her hands, grabbed the whole gosh !@#$ thing off the ground and took off into the wild blue yonder!

I was ed but at the same time couldn't help but crack up that she had just been attacked by a frickin' seagull!

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